Do-it-yourself butterfly from tapes: step-by-step instructions, interesting ideas and recommendations

There are many ways and workshops to create a variety of jewelry from ribbons. Most often, such lessons contain information on making lush flowers, but many are also interested in other options, for example, a butterfly from ribbons. With your own hands it can be done quickly and without any problems. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the basic elements, as well as the techniques for their implementation. Step-by-step instructions will come to help beginners, where all stages of work are explained.

Popular jewelry: do-it- yourself satin ribbon butterflies

This element can become the decor of hair clips, headbands , elastic bands, bracelets and even ringlets. Cute creatures made of bright ribbons will cheer you up and will remind you of sunny days all year round.

DIY ribbon butterfly

Do-it-yourself ribbon butterfly is made in different variations. But when it is made using the kanzashi technique, they always use the same principle - this is folding petals from round or rectangular pieces of ribbons.

Kansashi's Simple Butterfly

Thinking about how to make a butterfly from a ribbon with your own hands, for a start, you should pay more attention to step-by-step instructions. The best choice will be a simple butterfly for beginners, and after that you can move on to more complex jewelry.

For work, prepare tweezers, scissors, light threads, a needle, a cigarette lighter, transparent glue and two-color tapes (3 and 6 cm wide). In addition, rhinestones, beads, beads and rondels are useful.

Making Butterfly Upper Wings

A butterfly made of ribbons with your own hands can be done quickly and without any problems, but for this you need to strictly adhere to the instructions. To make the upper wings, a piece of 10 cm long is cut from a wide ribbon. A piece is folded in half length, and then its edges are in the form of an airplane. To make it convenient to work with the part, the junction of the edges must be grabbed with a needle. For a more solid fixture of the design and for decor at the joint near the spout, you need to glue a rhinestone.

The corners of the part must be folded and fixed with tweezers. The excess edge is cut with scissors, with their help the bottom edge is also leveled. To make the upper wings the same, it is better to make two parts in parallel, applying them to each other and comparing the sizes. At the bottom, the edges are seared separately, and on the side - together, so that the details are in the form of a boat.

Now you need to make round inserts from a tape of a different color. The petal should turn out with three folds. After this, you should make a small sharp petal, which is inserted between the folds of the round, previously lubricating the lower part with transparent glue.

DIY satin ribbon butterfly

Making the lower wings of a kanzashi butterfly

To create the lower parts, you need to take a piece of a wide ribbon 6 by 6 cm. It is folded in half and form a single circular petal. From a narrower ribbon, a smaller petal is created and glued inside a large part. In the same way, a second wing should be made.

Combining parts in one design

All kanzashi jewelry items are sewn with a needle. The upper wings must be pierced in such a way as to capture all the folds. All parts are pulled together and fixed with several knots. For their strong fastening, you need to apply a little transparent glue to the base of the wings.

A butterfly made of ribbons made by hands (kanzashi) looks beautiful, but in order for the structure to be durable, you need to take care of its strong connection. The wings are mounted on the body. To make it, you will need a pin on which a small bead is strung, put on a rondelle, and then six beads of the same size. Next, you need to take the second pin and string the same parts on it in the same sequence. After that, both pins are inserted into one rondelle, put on a large bead, and the second rondelle from above. The tips of the pins are covered with beads.

Now it remains to connect the wings with the body. For these purposes, transparent glue and a needle with a light thread are also used.

Making hair clips: do-it-yourself ribbon butterflies

Similar kanzashi-style elements can be a wonderful decoration for hair. A bow tie made of satin ribbons needs to be glued to a hoop or hairpin. For these purposes, transparent glue is also best suited.

Do-it-yourself ribbon clips of butterflies

Dragonfly kanzashi

A dragonfly made of ribbons will become one of the easiest crafts that you can make yourself. To work, you need to prepare a satin ribbon about 2-3 cm wide, a narrow shiny ribbon, beads of various sizes, scissors, wire, thread, a needle, tweezers and glue.

How to make a butterfly from a ribbon with your own hands

The first step is to make wings. To do this, the satin ribbon must be cut into pieces about 6 cm long. One edge of each part should be cut in the shape of an angle. After that, the edges of the resulting corners are glued from the wrong side. When the glue dries, the parts are turned out in such a way as to make peculiar petals. Next, with the help of glue, you need to connect the lower corners on the front side.

In this way, four petals are made and combined into wings using glue. Next, you need to make a body for the future dragonfly, for this you will need two pieces of wire of 10 cm each. They are twisted together, leave a knot on one tip, and two free ends on the other.

Do it yourself butterfly from satin ribbons

Beads are strung on the wire (no more than 14 pieces), the closure must be larger. The ends of the wire are fixed so that the case does not fall apart.

As a result, the dragonfly needs to be assembled. The body of beads is fixed on the finished wings with glue. Moreover, if desired, you can decorate the wings, a shiny ribbon, beads, rhinestones, beads, etc. are suitable for this.

Men's satin ribbon butterflies

A bow tie has long been an integral attribute of a stylish masculine image. This accessory is increasingly seen on girls as well as young boys. To look beautiful and elegant, it is not necessary to go to the store. We propose to make a butterfly of satin ribbons with your own hands.

To make such a tie yourself, you need to prepare two tapes about a meter long (1 and 4 cm wide), threads, matches, scissors, a needle, special hooks and glue.

Kanzashi ribbon butterfly

Hand-made bow ties from ribbons: step-by-step instruction

Butterflies most often consist of two bows. To make the first one, you will need a piece of wide tape about 25 cm long, for the second - 35-40 cm.

The smaller ribbon should be folded in half so that the tips slightly overlap each other, and the connection of the ends was located in the middle of the part. Along this middle of the butterfly, you need to sew β€œforward with the needle” stitches, tighten the thread and wrap the ribbon around it so that the bow comes out. In the same way, you need to make a second bow of a larger size.

Now you should start making the base of the butterfly. To do this, you need a thin ribbon, it is to her that a ready-made bow will be sewn, and it will hide under the collar. Two parts need to be cut: one by volume of the neck with a margin, and the other a small size for attaching a bow.

A thin long ribbon must be treated with a match flame so that the threads do not crumble. Two bows are glued or stitched together so that the small one is located on top of the large one. Behind a large bow you need to attach a long ribbon and cover it with a small ribbon. The ends of the latter must be sewn in such a way as not to fix a long tape, it should move in different directions.

At the end of the work, it remains to sew on the fasteners in the form of Velcro, buttons, etc. You can buy special hooks that are used when sewing bras.

Butterfly made of ribbons with hands step by step instructions

Now that all the stages of work are described in detail, a butterfly from tapes with their own hands can be made quickly and easily. This element will be a wonderful decor for hairpins, jewelry and even paintings.


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