A house from a vertical beam: construction features, technology, projects and reviews

Vertical beam is considered a relatively new technology in home building. The name indicates that the facing and load-bearing elements that make up the walls are not mounted horizontally, but vertically.

Construction Features

vertical beam house

If you decide to build a house from a vertical beam, you should know what the elements of the walls are. These are vertical bars, during the manufacture of which cuts are made. They exclude the possibility of deformation of the material. In the process of erecting the construction, the bars are mounted vertically, so that the components are as much as possible interconnected. This is ensured by ridges and grooves of the profile. Assembled and in cross-section, the bars resemble a complex puzzle. The compounds formed between them are closed by internal and external segments. Walls can have completely different thicknesses and shapes. If you will build a house from a vertical beam, you should know that such a technique involves a more impressive load on the material than when using horizontal technology.

Requirements for timber

vertical beam houses projects

If you decide to build a house from a vertical beam, then you should choose a material that does not have defects and knots, since they can affect the strength of the walls. Among other things, lumber should be dried under ideal conditions. First, the bars go through natural drying in the open air, only after they enter a special chamber. Ultimately, wood should be produced with a moisture level of not more than 12%.

Positive reviews

vertical beam houses reviews

A house from a vertical beam, according to the owners of such housing, has many advantages. Among them, one can distinguish the absence of shrinkage. This is due to the fact that the change in the size of wooden products does not occur along, but across the fibers. Homeowners like the fact that vertical bars are better able to retain heat. Home craftsmen prefer this technology more often because of the readiness of all elements for construction. Houses from a vertical bar, reviews of which you can read in the article, do not need trim and gaskets. As for facing slats, they can be made of different wood. Those who have been using such housing for more than a year, notes that the vertical layout can withstand a more impressive load. Experts in confirmation of this notice that this ability is increased in such buildings by 8 times. Designers have the opportunity to design the most diverse forms of houses. Interior decoration can be carried out immediately after the installation of vertical beams, which is not possible with wooden housing, where other technologies are used. Consumers build houses from a vertical beam, the projects of which you can consider in the article, however, you can create a project for yourself. The log due to its low weight can be mounted without the use of lifting mechanisms and sophisticated construction equipment.

Negative reviews

construction of houses from a vertical beam

This modern technique has its drawbacks. The main one is expressed in the fact that the manufacture of elements requires the use of high-tech special equipment. Therefore, the private consumer has the opportunity only to acquire material that he will use in the future. Houses from a vertical bar, projects of which you can order from professionals, are built, as a rule, without attic floors. This is due to the fact that this technology involves the creation of inconvenience when installing attics.

Foundation selection

houses using vertical beam technology

Houses from a vertical bar, reviews of which you can read above, have little weight. This indicates the possibility of saving even at the stage of arranging the foundation. That is why you can use the traditional tape design, which allows you to equip the basement. If there is a desire, then you can build a columnar foundation, while the supports will be connected by a single strapping on which the logs will be installed. The construction of houses from a vertical beam at the first stage involves the preparation of a pit, the bottom of which is leveled, and also covered with a pillow of crushed stone and sand. At the next stage, the formwork is mounted, and reinforcement is also performed. After that, you can begin to fill the strip foundation. Before continuing with further work, allow concrete to dry well. The beam must be installed exclusively on the waterproofing layer, which will eliminate the interaction of materials with moisture.

Construction technology

Houses using vertical beam technology are being built as a children's designer. The beam will be connected to a single system using grooves. In order for the logs at the first stage not to deviate from the vertical plane, it is necessary to reconcile by level, fixing them with dowels. You can be sure that the work will be completed in the shortest possible time, since one bar just needs to be put on another. The corners will be monolithic, there are no unique elements. A constructor that has the same elements will assemble very quickly. Inside there are air cavities that increase the heat-insulating quality of the house.

houses using vertical beam technology


Houses using the described technology are most often built on one floor. However, on the existing territory, you can arrange all the necessary premises and utility rooms. The article presents several project options, one of which you can use for your own needs. However, experts recommend contacting professionals in their field who will draw up the project according to their territory. Do not rely on the fact that the house will have a second floor, but with this issue it is still worth contacting the developer.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4722/

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