What books does Vera Chirkova write

In the world of modern literature, it is not so easy to navigate and find something worthy of attention. As a rule, a book, series or author is selected according to reviews and annotations, in which the necessary information is not always completely and truthfully presented. But sometimes you can find an objective opinion based on feedback from readers. So, get acquainted with such an author as Vera Chirkova. And we’ll figure out whether to read her books, or whether it’s better to look for something else.

chirkova faith

A bit about the author

As the author, Chirkova Vera Andreevna took place a long time ago, and many readers are familiar with her works through the Internet. But she is published relatively recently, in print, her books appeared only in 2011, in collaboration with the publishers Alpha Book and Eksmo. It should be noted that there is practically no information about the author himself, or very little of it. It is only known for certain that Vera Chirkova was born on October 27, 1948, the place of residence is called differently: Volgograd, St. Petersburg, but the city of Lyuban is indicated on the author's page.

books of faith

Vera Andreevna herself speaks more about her work than about her personal life. For example, the author honestly warns that her books are not suitable for lovers of candid bed scenes, showdowns in the style of bloody massacre, sadism in life and relationships. And also Vera Andreevna admits that she believes in good and writes only good books with a happy ending, since others, in her opinion, “are not worth reading, and even more so writing.”

Books of Vera Chirkova: in which genre does the author write

In the literature today there are so many genres, sections and subsections that you just get lost. So in which of them can one find Chirkova’s books? First of all, this is fiction, a love-science fiction novel, detective and humorous fiction. In each work of the author there is a love line, and in the majority there is some kind of investigation.

author chirkova vera andreevna

Vera Chirkova has written quite a few books, many of them combined in series connected by a common plot and characters. The most popular of them were: “Serpentine”, “Personal Secretary”, “Maglor” and “Sisters of Silence”.

About Books: One Reader's Opinion

Vera Chirkova writes unevenly: some works are very good, maybe they just do not reach the highest mark, others do not even want to read out. One of the best, for example, can be called a series of "Personal Secretary", consisting of three books. The title of this work conjures up thoughts of such an author as Elena Zvezdnaya, and you expect something from her novel in her style: a powerful man achieves a fragile girl. But here Vera Andreevna surprises readers and presents the story of a very intelligent and active young lady and, in no way, a noble prince. In general, it turned out a wonderful fairy tale.

Let’s take another series, 4 books under the general title “Sisters of Silence”. When you read the annotation, you are already looking forward to intrigue and investigation, and insidiousness, and brilliant plans realized by spies from the monastery. But by the end of the first part, you understand that the expectation was not justified. At the same time, the series turned out pretty good, 6-7 points out of 10, someone even puts 8-10. But it seems that the author simply could not extend the series, and she could not fully realize the gorgeous idea.


Another series - “The wedding is canceled” - can not please the reader in any way, and it's not about some mistakes or lack of interesting moments, just the book, in principle, does not like and does not carry away.

Here is a similar gradation for all other works: from "very good" to "could not read it."

Who should read Chirkova’s books

  1. Fans of the section "Lovely Fantasy Novels".
  2. Readers who are familiar with names like Kosukhina, Kuno, Medvedev and Zvezdnaya.
  3. Fans of easy entertaining reading.
  4. Those who have already flipped through the books of this author, but have not found anything interesting for themselves, should try again. Chirkova has both strong and frankly weak work, perhaps someone was just unlucky.

In general, all the works can be rated as good, and the author can be ranked among strong “middle peasants”. In any case, you will either like it or you will not read the novel. But there will be no desire to erase all the latest information from my head, as it happens after reading some modern works.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4727/

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