Identity documents of citizens of the Russian Federation. List of documents proving the identity of citizens of the Russian Federation

Sometimes a question arises in a person: “What identification documents of citizens of the Russian Federation can really be called such?” Of course, all of them are to some extent confirming - a student ID, diploma, certificate from the clinic. But which of them can be presented as an identity card?

Identification documents of citizens of the Russian Federation


This is the main document. All citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 14 must have it. Passport is a full identity card. Inside, all the necessary information about the person is indicated: name, gender, age, place of residence, marital status, the city in which he was born, as well as information about previously issued passports.

The first document is valid for six years. Then, when a person turns 20, he is obliged to replace him. The reason is age: for six years - from the teenage period to the youthful period - people undergo significant external changes, therefore this measure is necessary. The next time you will need to repeat this procedure only at 45 years old. With the exception of those girls who decide to marry and take the surname of their husband, or persons who wish to change any passport details (surname, name or patronymic). After receiving the document at age 45, you don’t have to worry - you will no longer need to replace your passport.

Telling about the main documents of the Russian Federation, identifying the citizen, it is impossible not to mention one important nuance. The passport must be changed on time, otherwise, after a month from the day of birth, the citizen will be fined. In addition, such paper is considered invalid, and its use is tantamount to the possession of false documents.

International passport

He is also included in the list called “Identity Documents of RF Citizens”. Only there is one caveat. They are allowed to use Russian citizens who live outside their own country. But if a person needs to buy, for example, cigarettes, then they will definitely require a document to verify age. In this case, the passport located in the bag, rather than a general passport, can also be presented.

Another point. The certificate of a foreign citizen (national passport), in accordance with an international agreement, is also recognized in Russia as an official document. Each person holding the citizenship of another state, but residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, can use his national passport.

identification documents in the Russian Federation

Passport from the past

Identity documents of citizens of the Russian Federation include the passport of a citizen of the USSR of 1974 type. This is possible on the basis of Article 42 of Federal Law No. 62, which states that all documents issued during Soviet times, in accordance with the legislation on citizenship of the Russian Federation, retain their legal force and continue to be considered valid until a person decides to make a replacement.

But it is more expedient to obtain a Russian passport, since many Soviet documents are in unsatisfactory condition: the paper has turned yellow, the ink has faded, and the information contained on their pages cannot be read. Accordingly, the passport for this reason can be considered invalid.

identity documents in rf

Information for the military

Identity documents of citizens of the Russian Federation are not only civil, Soviet and foreign passports. There is another type, namely the sailor's passport. Since 2014, all identity cards of people serving in the navy are called that way. Naturally, they are issued only to seafarers working on foreign or Russian ships traveling abroad. Students also receive such documents.

There are also identity cards of Russian military personnel. They are issued to people holding the posts of officers, warrant officers and warrant officers - for the period during which they remain in the service.

And, of course, a military card - you can’t forget about it by listing documents proving your identity in the Russian Federation. They are issued to all young people who have served: sergeants, foremen, sailors, soldiers, cadets, warrant officers. Such a document certifies both the identity and legal status of the young man. But if it is in stock, then the paper loses its meaning, in other words, ceases to be an identity card.

Information for foreigners

The main document of a person who came to Russia from another country is his residence permit. Also, a temporary residence permit and a passport issued by a foreign state are suitable as an identity card. If a person is a citizen of Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, then as an official document they should have a certificate of return with them. This is in addition to the usual passport and official (if any).

Ukrainians have a wider list of supporting documents. This can be a child’s travel document, an aircraft crew member’s ID, a foreign passport and a birth certificate.

on the main documents of the Russian Federation certifying the identity of a citizen

Driver's license

Many people, thinking about which documents are an identity card in Russia, ask themselves a question regarding a driver’s license. For example, when buying something that requires confirmation of age, they can be successfully presented. But in this case there is an ambiguous situation. On the one hand, a driver’s license is not mentioned in any regulatory act as a document that would prove his identity. Nevertheless, there are many by-laws, based on the contents of which we can draw the opposite conclusion. For example, the definition of SCI 06-1016 given by the Supreme Court. According to him, a driver’s license is not only a confirmation of the fact that their owner is allowed to drive a car - they also indicate that this person belongs, because they need a passport to issue them. But at the same time, after presenting the rights, you can receive the parcel in the mail, but you can’t make a bank transfer. Buy a ticket to a neighboring city - will work, but get a loan - no. In general, the issue is controversial.

list of identification documents for citizens of the russian federation

What documents do not prove identity?

This is also a pretty sensitive topic. The list of identification documents for citizens of the Russian Federation is quite limited. As for the reverse list, it is somewhat wider. You should list the papers that do not officially confirm the identity of the Russian:

  • A lawyer's certificate and paper issued to employees of the FSB, the Ministry of Emergencies, the police and the tax.
  • State civil servant certificates.
  • A notarized copy of a civil passport.
  • Gradebook with student card.
  • Certificates of invalids, veterans, honorary donors, members of various societies.
  • Labor and medical books.

In general, any documents that meet the minimum requirements, which are usually presented for certificates, cannot be considered identity papers. They operate only in that highly specialized sphere for which they were originally intended.

what documents are considered to be an identity card

Rare cases

What documents are considered to certify the identity of a person, in addition to the above? They exist, but are much less common, as they can only be with non-residents of the Russian Federation.

First of all, this is a temporary residence permit. Only it should be drawn up in the prescribed manner. The second document is a refugee certificate. The third is a certificate of consideration of an application for recognition of a certain person as a refugee in Russia. These documents certify the identity of not only foreigners, but also stateless persons.

By the way, many non-residents are interested in - can they use banking services without a passport? Yes, this is possible, but they are obliged to provide all the original documents proving their identity that were issued by the state authorities of their home country. In addition, all of the above securities must be legalized at the Russian Embassy abroad or at the consulate of a foreign state, which provided these documents to the citizen currently living in the Russian Federation.

What documents are an identity card in Russia

For foreign trips

Naturally, in the territory of another country, a foreign passport with a visa is required. But these are not all documents of the Russian Federation that prove the identity of a Russian citizen outside the state. There is also a diplomatic passport. It is issued to people who, on duty, often leave the territory of Russia. It is important to know that a diplomatic passport, like a service passport, is the property of Russia to be returned.

By the way, there is another document that everyone has - even those who do not have a common passport. This is a birth certificate, which is also a full identity card.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is advisable to always carry with you any identification documents in the Russian Federation. Especially in the modern world, when official papers are required to be presented in many situations.


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