Freekids - original design transforming stroller

Every mother cares about the well-being of her child. With the birth of a son or daughter, she adds to the trouble, although they, of course, are very pleasant and give incomparable joy. You need so much to buy! A dowry is usually chosen in advance. An important factor in this is the choice of a pram. Currently, a huge assortment is presented on the market. Products differ from each other not only in design, but also in functionality. Freekids is a stroller that is ideal for both newborns and older children. It is certainly worth paying attention to. If you are thinking about the future of your crumbs, then consider this option as one of the possible ones. You definitely will not be disappointed if you decide to get such a beautiful miracle!

Distinctive features

What makes Freekids so special? The stroller causes a storm of delight among consumers, but why? Firstly, it is just comfortable. It will not be difficult for young mothers to figure it out on their own without resorting to the help of relatives and close people. Secondly, it is lightweight, which is an important condition for the parents to feel comfortable. Such a stroller can easily be lowered from the top floor and walking with the baby several times a day. Just imagine that you do not have to suffer daily from lifting excessive loads. Many strollers are made in such a way that they have a lot of weight. For women who have recently given birth, this circumstance is unacceptable.

freekids stroller

A distinctive feature of this stroller is that it meets all the needs of a modern mother, allows her to remain herself and effectively look after the baby. This is a transformer stroller that easily turns from winter to summer. You have the opportunity not to worry about the baby growing, and soon he will need a new model, but to use all the features of the existing design. A transformer is a wonderful invention that helps to save both money and physical strength (due to the fact that this type is light and maneuverable). Stroller Freekids 2 in 1 can simultaneously be a wonderful cradle, and also turn into an elegant walking option.


Freekids is a stroller that consists of several important elements that make it a one-piece mechanism. I would like to draw the attention of future or already held mothers to the fact that it is not at all necessary to immediately study all the details - much will be revealed to you only after you start using the thing. At first, while you still do not know all the charm that walks with a baby are, it will be difficult to navigate. Children, in fact, do not care in which wheelchair they will be transported. The main thing is that it should be warm, comfortable and cozy. And the most important thing: the crumb is needed, it is just necessary to feel that the mother is always next to him.

freekids stroller reviews

So what is included with Freekids? The stroller has a cradle, which in itself is ideal for a newborn baby, a mattress, a mosquito net, a rain cover and a pump. All these accessories are by no means superfluous, but significantly simplify the life of newly made parents. The raincoat perfectly protects from dust and wind, the child will not be soaked by rain and snow. A mosquito net will block it from insects, prevent unwanted bites.

How much does it cost?

Of course, everyone is interested in the issue of price. It is clear that such a multifunctional thing cannot be too cheap. Beware of fakes and in no case do not agree to purchase a stroller for too low a price. Later in this case, there is a high probability of encountering inappropriate quality and, as a result, disappointment. The price of the original stroller starts at 20 thousand rubles and rises higher.

stroller freekids 2 in 1

Do not be afraid to overpay for a quality thing, but it will last you a long time. The Freekids model is designed to be used for more than one to two years. You can also transfer it to your relatives when your child grows out of it, or sell it. The original, high-quality stroller of this company is always willing to buy other parents.

Freekids (stroller): reviews

Moms who were lucky to ride their kids in this model, note the convenience of its use. As mentioned earlier, the stroller is light, maneuverable, which creates an additional effect of mobility. With it you can go outside in any weather - both in summer and winter.

pram freekids

High-quality devices effectively protect the baby from the negative effects of the external environment. Freekids - a stroller, reviews of which mothers are purely positive. The only drawback of this thing is, perhaps, its price. Although the stroller in itself truly lives up to its value, not every family can afford it. But if you still decide on such an expensive purchase, then you probably will not regret it.

Instead of a conclusion

The Freekids stroller will help your child grow in comfort. Surround with love and care your long-awaited baby! Joy to you and happiness in the honorable mission of motherhood!


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