Planting lilies - tips and tricks

Lilies are magnificent flowers; they have been cultivated since ancient times. As a result of many years of active selection, a huge number of varieties and hybrids of these colors have appeared. By origin and biological characteristics, diverse varieties and hybrids are divided into nine groups. Asian hybrids are common in Russia: they are the most unpretentious and grow well and bloom even in the northern gardens.

Selection of planting material

When purchasing planting material, it is necessary to clarify which group a particular lily variety belongs to . Each group corresponds to certain requirements for agricultural technology and cultivation techniques (planting lilies, care, flowering time, storage). If it is not possible to determine the affiliation of planting material to any group, it is better to refuse to purchase it. Bulbs of lilies bought in advance, which must be overexposed for several days, should be stored in a cool and dark place and transferred with moist moss, sawdust, sand.

Preparing bulbs for planting

The success of the grower depends on the quality of the planting material. Therefore, the selection of lily bulbs, the planting of which is planned, should be thorough. Bulbs should be healthy, their bottom should not be damaged. If rusty and brown spots are visible on the scales, they must be removed, also the wilted roots must be removed and trimmed too long. Before planting, it is recommended to treat the bulbs with a 10% solution of malathion (one tablespoon per ten liters of water) or a 0.2% solution of fundozole, or in a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate. In a solution, the bulbs can withstand no more than half an hour. The use of an insecticide is beneficial for the development of the plant.

Landing time

Planting lilies is possible in spring and autumn: in any case, the plants take root. Experienced flower growers still consider early autumn the most favorable period for planting. In the warm autumn, the bulbs manage to take root; in the early frosts they require shelter.

Spring planting of lilies is done early, until the young stems are not stretched. Otherwise, they may break during landing.

Choosing a place for lilies

Lilies love the sun, but they do not need constant sunlight, they develop well and bloom in partial shade. The plot for the flower garden is selected even and quite large. Flowers should be spacious, they should not interfere with each other. Usually lilies are transplanted and planted once every five years, this also needs to be provided. If flowers are transplanted more often, then full, lush flowering can not wait. For new plantings, it is better to choose a completely new site on which the lilies did not grow, in order to avoid diseases and pests.

Soil preparation

All varieties and hybrids of lilies are demanding on the soil, but the difficulty is that some of them grow well on alkaline, others need acidic. In accordance with this, the land is being prepared. Lily, planted in improper soil, is sick, withers, blooms poorly and, in the end, dies.

Experienced flower growers form plantings so that the flowers of one group are located nearby, it is easier to comply with growing conditions. For the most common Asian hybrids in our gardens, neutral or slightly acidic soils are best suited. To do this, it is recommended to add wood ash to the ground: it both fertilizes, and disinfects, and neutralizes the soil cover.

The entire site is dug up to a depth of at least 35 centimeters. Then organic and mineral fertilizers are introduced , coarse river sand is added. The site should be well drained - lilies do not tolerate moisture stagnation.

On the eve, before landing, the land is watered abundantly. In wet weather, watering can be done directly into the planting grooves or holes.

Planting lilies

The distance between plants is determined by the height and power of future flowers. Low lilies are planted at a distance of ten to fifteen centimeters, large - 25-30 centimeters from each other. River sand is poured into each hole at the bottom, a bulb is placed on it, roots are straightened, then they are covered with earth.

Bulb planting depth depends on its size and soil composition. The bulb is planted to a depth two to three times the diameter of itself. The bulb is planted deeper in light sandy soil than in clay, heavy soil.

Planting lilies ends with watering and mulching the soil. Peat, humus or sawdust are used for this.


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