How to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse

It’s hard to find someone who wouldn’t like tomatoes. These vegetables are quite nutritious, contain vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. Few people know how to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse . Some find it easier to go to the store and buy ripe vegetables. And at the same time crammed with chemistry. What is planted with your own hands cannot be compared with what lies on the shelves. For those who bought a cottage or a plot, it will be very useful to know how to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse.

How to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse - planting seedlings

Just want to note that growing tomatoes is not the most difficult. Nevertheless, a considerable amount of effort will still have to be made. The first step is to plant seedlings. This is done somewhere in early March, but some plant either much earlier or later. Much depends on the weather conditions of a particular region.

Grow seedlings at home. To do this, you should take long boxes or pots that you have at hand. Tomato seeds should first be soaked and then sown, slightly sprinkled with earth. Top landing should be covered with plastic wrap. When the first shoots appear, the film is removed, and the seedlings are placed closer to heat and light. When the first true leaves appear, seedlings should be dived. This is best done in special pots for growing seedlings (one plant needs to be planted in each pot). Do not forget to water the seedlings, as tomatoes without moisture will not be able to grow.

Tip: plant a lot more tomato seedlings, and then choose the strongest seedlings from them and continue growing them.

How to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse - transplanting seedlings into the ground

Growing tomato seedlings in a greenhouse begins with a thorough preparation of the soil. It must be thoroughly dug up, humus and mineral fertilizers added. As soon as outside the window a temperature of at least 10 ° C is established, moreover, frost will be excluded, seedlings can be transplanted into the greenhouse. Seedlings need to be planted at such a distance from each other that subsequently it can be easily weeded, tied, and watered. Tomatoes should not be planted close because they simply will interfere with each other's growth.

Pour water into a hole, dip one tomato plant and sprinkle with earth. Leave a small recess so that water does not leak out during irrigation.

How to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse - care

If you were able to grow seedlings, and then transplant it into a greenhouse, then you have already done most of the work. But this does not mean that you can forget about your landings. Regularly ensure that the tomatoes do not dry out. The ground beneath them should be moist, but the leaves, on the contrary, should be dry. Remember, if your plants dry up, then leaves and flowers will start to fall off, which means you will not see a rich harvest.

Now, regarding top dressing. You can’t do without them in the process of growing tomatoes. Especially tomatoes need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Actually, complex fertilizers should be chosen as top dressing. The first top dressing is carried out a week after transplanting the seedlings into the greenhouse, and the next - with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

Remember that tomatoes should be tied up. This is done as the plants grow. It is thought how to do this, you know, nevertheless, I remind you. Put a peg next to a bush of tomatoes, grasp the plant with a tape or a thin piece of fabric and fix the ends on the peg.

Well, and, of course, do not forget to remove the weeds and remove the grown tomatoes in time, thereby giving the opportunity to pour other fruits. And one more little tip: in order for the fruit of the tomatoes to sing better, you need to pick off most of the leaves, since the latter do not pass the sun.


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