How to earn and how to get cards in "Steam"?

In recent years, near-game processes have begun to occupy a very important niche in the gaming sphere. Various achievements, objects that drop during the game, as well as many other ways to use computer games not only directly for the process itself, but also for other actions associated with it are extremely popular. And much of this can be offered to you by the Steam platform, which is by far the most popular in the world. Here there are achievements, and its own market for trading items, and most importantly, special collection cards that are present in many projects. This article will be devoted to this topic. We will especially focus on how to get cards in Steam, as many gamers underestimate their importance.

Trading Cards

How to get cards in Steam

So, if you want to learn how to get cards in "Steam", then you should first familiarize yourself with what they are. Each game that is distributed through this platform has a number of features that are listed on its page. It may indicate whether the project is intended for single or multi-player passage, whether it includes protection against cheats, whether it is possible to use a gamepad, and so on. Including there you can find out if this game is involved in the project of collection cards. And if the answer is yes, then you can see that for each of these games there is a certain set of collection cards that you can collect in your inventory. Sometimes a set can consist of only five cards, and sometimes more than ten. But this is still a very small piece of information: it's time to learn about how to get cards in "Steam".

Card Drop

Steam Trading Cards

If you purchased a game that participates in a collection card program, then you need to find out how to get them. There are various ways, but, of course, you should start with the main and the most common. How to get cards in "Steam"? The answer is simple: for this you just need to play specific games. Each project has a certain number of cards that will be dropped into your inventory after a certain period of time of continuous play. For some games, this is ten minutes, and there are those in which this gap is half an hour. Thus, you only need to spend a certain amount of time in a particular game in order to get affordable cards. Unfortunately, you will not be able to collect the complete collection in this way, since in this way only about half of the total number of cards is dropped to you. Trading cards in "Steam" have their limits, which will be discussed later.

Card Limits

how to earn cards in incentive

As you already understood, during the game you will not be able to get all the cards at once to create a complete collection. There are peculiar limits that limit the number of cards that you get with the help of the drop during the game. Steam Trading Cards drop out in such a quantity as to make up half of the collection. This means that if there are only eight cards in the collection, then only four will fall out of the game, and then among them there may be the same ones. Thus, the developers and owners of the Steam platform are pushing gamers to look for other ways to get cards. And then you will learn how to earn cards in "Steam", which you do not have enough for a complete collection, as well as how to earn some money on these cards.

Booster pack

what give cards in incentive

Before proceeding to consider how to earn cards in "Steam", you need to pay attention to one more feature that you should not forget about in any case. The fact is that in “Steam” there is such a thing as “booster pack” - this is a small block of three cards, which you can get additionally. How it works? When you receive the maximum number of cards from the drop from the game, your account is added to the list of those who are available to receive the booster pack. And when another gamer crafts an icon (this will be discussed later), from the entire list of gamers who have earned their cards from the game, a lucky person is randomly selected who receives three additional cards. And if you ever wondered why to increase the level in "Steam", then this is partially connected with the booster packs. The fact is that every ten levels the chance that the booster pack will go to you is increased by twenty percent, that is, by the fiftieth level you will already double your chances. You already know what the cards in "Steam" give, so now you also understand how important it is to increase your level. So you can get boosters much more often.

Card Trading

why do we need cards in incentive

It's time to talk about what cards are given in "Steam" in addition to a beautiful collection. You already know that you cannot collect the full collection from the drop in the game, so you should contact the market in "Steam". There you will be able to buy those cards that you are missing for real money. The same is available in the opposite direction: you can not spend money, but earn it if you do not want to collect cards for a specific game. You are able to put them up for sale, and that gamer who lacks them will probably want to buy them from you for your price. Thus, you get the opportunity to either earn money for new games, or spend money to complete your collection. Well, now you know why you need cards in "Steam" financially.

Exchange cards with friends

what do incentive cards do

Naturally, when you already know so much, including about what cards are made in "Steam", how to buy and sell them, you can go further. The fact is that when you search for the cards you need, it is easy to notice that an icon with an avatar of one of your friends appears next to some of them. This means one of two things: either your friend wants a card that you have, or he has the card you are looking for. And then you can write to him and agree on an equivalent exchange, or ask him to sell you a card cheaper or even give it to you. Thus, you will be able to use a large number of friends in Steam for your own purposes, as well as help these friends if you have the cards they need. So you can get the cheapest cards in "Steam" to finish your collection as soon as possible.

Special cards

cheapest incentive cards

You can find cheap cards in "Steam", but sometimes you are able to notice that certain options for cards cost much more than others. They differ from all in that they have a silver frame. Most often, gamers call them file cards, because in English they have exactly that name - foil cards. How do they differ from ordinary cards? Firstly, they are much rarer, so you are likely to get somewhere one file-card for fifty ordinary ones, and this is only in the best case. That is why they are sometimes incredibly expensive: from a few tens of cents to five to seven dollars. Thus, by selling such a card, you can afford one or even several new games. Metal cards in Steam are a rarity, so the badge that you craft with them will be the most prestigious. And since we are talking about icons, it is worthwhile to dwell on them in more detail.

Icons in Steam

In the Steam user profile, you may have noticed various bright and colored icons more than once. Where do they come from? Everything is very simple: they are also closely related to collectible cards. So, when you collect a complete collection of cards for any particular game, you can leave them in your inventory and enjoy them. However, there is another option - to craft an icon from them, which will give you a certain amount of experience to raise your level in "Steam". And of course, you can put this icon on public display in your profile. Among other things, you will receive a random background and emoticon from the collection of the game, as well as in some cases a discount coupon for certain games related to this one. As you can see, the badge is a very useful thing, so you can collect cards just to collect badges, not badges, since they are much cooler.

Icon Improvement

As you know, the cards are repeated, which means that you can own several identical cards at once. Why do you need this? Naturally, you have the right to get rid of repetitions as soon as possible, making money for yourself. But if you plan to collect cards to create an icon, then do not rush to sell repetitions: you will still need them. The fact is that the icon that you get after crafting may not seem the most impressive to you. And this is quite logical, because in fact there are five levels for the icons of each game. And to increase the level of the icon, you need to reassemble the collection of cards completely. That is why you should not rush to part with repetitions if you plan to collect badges. Each new level of the icon gives you even more experience, an additional background and emoticon, and also improves the appearance of the icon itself.

Card Drop Program

In conclusion, it is worth talking about special programs that card collectors use. If you are familiar with how cards are dropped in "Steam", then you should understand that in order to get all the objects available you will need to install a huge number of games and spend some time in them. Naturally, not every gamer has time for this. For this, such programs as Idle Master were invented. The essence of this program is that you can turn it on and receive cards without wasting time on installation and gameplay. First you need to download and install the program itself. Then you start it and observe two necessary conditions. First, you need to enable Steam to work in parallel with the program. Secondly, you must log in to this program through your Steam client in order for communication between them and the program to gain access to your client. That’s all, and then real magic begins.

Card process

If you installed the program and set all the settings, fulfilled all the conditions, then you should see the number of games in which there are still unfinished cards, as well as the number of cards itself. Further, nothing is required of you. Leave the program in working order, and you yourself can go to bed, go away on business, and so on. At this time, the necessary games will be automatically installed and launched on your computer, they will hang in the background for the required amount of time, after which they will be closed and deleted. You will not spend a second of your free time on this, but you will receive all the cards that will be available to you through the drop.


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