Children's nebulizer: characteristics, description, reviews

Many parents are faced with the fact that a child attending kindergarten starts to get sick. SARS, influenza, persistent runny nose and cough - unfortunately, such symptoms and diseases are quite common in young children. In such situations, the main thing is not to start the disease so that it does not develop into a chronic form. Children's nebulizer - a device with which you can do inhalation. He will be an excellent assistant in the fight against colds. How to choose it right? What to look for when buying? We will try to answer these questions in the article.

child nebulizer

What is a nebulizer?

Children's inhaler (nebulizer) is a special device for inhalation. With the help of the built-in device - dispenser - the medicinal fluid is converted into steam and is inhaled into the lungs in the shortest possible time. In this case, the drug enters the respiratory tract, is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and begins to act actively.

Apply inhalation only after consulting a doctor, so as not to harm the baby. For example, with a swelling of the throat or false croup, a device cannot be dispensed with. At the first signs of the disease, you need to breathe in with special medicines, and the child will feel much better. It will be possible to avoid getting into the hospital.

Children's nebulizer is quite simple to manage. It is necessary to properly attach the mask, dilute the drug, place it in a special container, turn on the compressor and start treatment.

Inhalation with a nebulizer has no drawbacks, unlike the methods that were used previously (for example, breathing over a pair of potatoes). There were frequent cases when children were delivered not only with burns to their faces, but also to their lungs.

With modern nebulizers, such problems are eliminated. They are absolutely safe. But doctors warn that there are contraindications:

  • Elevated temperature (greater than 38 ° C).

  • Nosebleeds.

  • Heart disease.

  • High blood pressure.

  • Narrowing of blood vessels.

Before starting treatment with a nebulizer, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary.

nebulizer Price


Children's nebulizer - a necessary device in a home medicine cabinet. There are several types of products:

  • Compressor Perhaps the most popular among parents whose children have reached the age of five.

  • Ultrasonic. It is used for young children who react negatively to noise and extraneous sounds.

  • Membrane Novelty It is convenient to take with you on trips due to its compact size.

Each type of device has the same operating principle, turning liquid into steam. The difference depends on the size of the particles that the child inhales during the inhalation process.

Compressor Nebulizer: Benefits

Children's compressor nebulizer is the most common type of product. It is he who is advised to purchase pediatricians. Its main parts are a compressor and a special chamber in which liquid is converted into steam. They are interconnected by a transparent tube to which the mask is attached. All parts of the nebulizer must be one manufacturer. Using cameras from other devices is strictly prohibited, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.

Omron received good reviews. The children's nebulizer of this manufacturer has a camera with special ventilation holes. Medicines are therefore completely split.

Of the positive aspects include:

  • low cost of the device (1500-2000 rubles);

  • you can use absolutely any medicinal fluids and suspensions;

  • In the kit are several masks (children and adults);

  • effective in many diseases.

The negative aspects include the large weight and size, as well as the noise that the device makes. Many babies get scared of the sound of the compressor and refuse to do inhalation. In order to make it easier for parents, manufacturers came up with an interesting nebulizer design for children in the form of an airplane, a ship, animals and many others.

children's compressor nebulizer

Membrane Nebulizer We study the characteristics

The membrane nebulizer, the price of which ranges from 4500-5000 rubles, is popular among those parents who travel a lot with children. Thanks to its compact size and low weight, it is convenient to take with you on trips.

There is no compressor in this device, and the liquid is converted into steam using a special membrane. The nebulizer is convenient for use by infants: it absolutely does not create extraneous noise, it can be used in any position, even when lying down.

It is also worth noting another significant advantage of the device - the use of a small amount of medicine. It is believed that this type of nebulizer is the most economical.

Of the negative points, the following can be distinguished:

  • inflated cost;

  • proper membrane care. It is necessary to wash and dry it often and thoroughly, otherwise the device will stop working.

Ultrasonic device

An ultrasonic nebulizer, the price of which ranges from 3,000 to 10,000 rubles, is not as popular as other types of devices. The thing is that not all drugs can be used with inhalation. For example, essential oils and alkaline solutions are not allowed. Medicines will not break down as needed, and the proper effect will not work.

Doctors note that ultrasound can neutralize the effects of antibiotics and hormonal drugs. Therefore, this fact also needs to be taken into account.

Of the positive aspects, the following can be noted:

  • the device is completely silent;

  • compact.

    baby nebulizer reviews

Buying recommendations

When choosing a children's nebulizer, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Type of appliance. If the child is small, it is better to choose silent nebulizers.

  2. Design. The brighter and more interesting the device is, the easier it is to get the baby to do inhalation.

  3. Is the child asthmatic? Only a membrane type device is suitable. You can always carry it with you and in case of an attack immediately take advantage.

  4. Nebulizer operating time. The longer the process, the better.

  5. It is desirable that the parts of the device are removable. In this case, it will be easier to rinse.

  6. Instrument Warranty.

Another important tip: before making a purchase, be sure to consult a doctor.

child nebulizer nebulizer

Reviews of experienced parents

Children's nebulizer, reviews of which are only positive, are in great demand. Parents note that after using it, the condition of the child improves significantly, recovery comes much faster. Thanks to him, it is possible to prevent the disease, it is enough to make the necessary inhalation at the first symptoms. Especially the nebulizer helps those children who suffer from chronic bronchitis and swelling of the throat.

In addition, acquiring a similar device, you can forget about visiting warming rooms in hospitals. The main thing is to choose the right drugs. You can do this with the help of your doctor.

omron nebulizer for children

Children's nebulizers are quite popular. Parents prefer to have a similar device for inhalation at home. When the first signs of a cold appear, it is enough to breathe with antiviral, restorative drugs, and the disease can bypass the child.


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