Burmese cat: photo, description of the breed and character

Burmese cat is one of the most beautiful in the world. The story of its appearance is fanned by legends and rumors. It was believed that once these animals guarded the shrines, and their very presence many times protected the monasteries and religious objects stored in them from plunder by invaders and fires.

Even researchers of the history of the breed are difficult to understand where the legends end and the facts begin, but even today the descendants of the animals that were revered in antiquity make a great impression, thanks to the royal stature, grace and incredible calm.

Burmese cat colors

Breed history

The exact age of this breed has not been established, and its origin is fanned by legends and speculation. The first description of the breed of a Burmese cat dates back to 1898. Unusual animals were presented to August Pove and Russell Gordon. These people saved the Burmese temple of Lao Tsun from the vandals, and for this the heroes received a reward from the locals. However, they were not able to bring these amazingly beautiful animals to Europe - they died on the way to England.

Much later (1910) they started talking about this breed again. Now a rare kitten is interested in a resident of the United States - the owner of a multi-million dollar fortune - Vanderbilt. Burmese cats abducted from the monastery became his trophy. He gave them to Madame Trad-Haddish, a woman who brought charming animals to France. There she handed over a cat and a cat to Madame Bodon-Creosvier, who began to breed sacred birms first. The cat died, and the cat survived and gave birth to a lovely daughter, who later knitted with her Siamese cat. This knit was fixed by the Burmese cat (photo of the animal you can see in the review) their famous white "gloves".

Another version says that unusual and very beautiful animals in 1924 came to France. Allegedly, they were the result of a random mating of a Siamese cat and a Persian cat. A year later, the breed was officially registered. Gorgeous animals gained immense popularity, and the price was fabulous.

The Second World War in the case of breeding Burmese cats made its own adjustments. After its completion in Europe there are only two representatives of a unique breed - a cat and a cat. The revival of the breed, natives of Burma, began in 1945. After 21 years, the animals were brought to America, and then to the UK.

burmese cat breed

Burmese cat: breed description

This animal is so harmoniously folded that it could well claim the role of the first beauty in the cat world. The body of a Burmese cat is massive and strong. The limbs are of medium length with large and rounded paws. The length of the tail is proportional to the size of the body. The hair is sparse at the base of the tail, and toward the tip it becomes longer and thicker. This pubescence is called by the experts "Sultan." The weight of an adult cat can reach 6 kg, cats are more miniature and elegant.


The head of a Burmese cat is wide and somewhat rounded. According to the breed standard, there are flat sections in front of the base of the ears. Burma's nose is medium in length and width, nostrils are located quite low on the nose, there is practically no stop, there is only a small depression. The chin is developed, strong, slightly pointed. Ears of medium size, their length equal to the width at the base. Ears set far apart.

Eyes are round, with raised external corners. They are always painted blue. It is interesting that the eyes of newborns kittens are bright blue, at three months they turn a little pale, but then return to a saturated blue color.

Burmese kittens


The coat and colors of the Burmese cat (see photo in the article) are especially admired by animal lovers. The hair of these animals can be long or medium in length, but in any case silky, and not falling into tangles. Around the neck of these beauties there is a luxurious frill, and on the tummy the hair is wavy.


Burmese cat kittens are born snow-white. The color characteristic of the breed is manifested only by six months. Breeders distinguish several colors. Among them:

  • Dark brown.

The main coat is light cream in color, with characteristic dark markings on the ears, muzzle, tail and legs. Eyes are bright blue.

  • Dark brown striped.

On a creamy or snow-white background, color marks are not so intense. There are interspersed strips - they are especially clearly manifested on the muzzle (on the cheeks, above the eyes, and under the mustache), as well as on the legs.

  • Blue.

Smoky or ash gray markings.

  • Chocolate.

The muzzle, ears, paws, tail have marks of saturated brown color.

burmese cat character
  • Purple.

Background wool is milky with gray-beige tones.


Reading the description of the breed and character of the Burmese cat in different sources, we can conclude that this beauty, like a truly temple cat, does not tolerate noise and fuss. Burma is an educated and intelligent animal with good manners. Restraint, unobtrusiveness, affection for a person (not to be confused with obsession) are typical signs of the nature of the Burmese cat breed.

If you look back and you don’t see your pet nearby, it means that Burma was offended by you - it proudly left. Find your beauty, caress her, and very soon the world will be restored, because these animals are not vindictive. The character of the Burmese cat breed has another interesting feature - curiosity and a craving for knowledge of everything unknown. These animals jump superbly and easily climb onto the bedside table or on the cabinet shelf - if something interests them there.

But don't worry: the curiosity of Burmese cats never leads to a broken service or favorite vase. These animals do not like to jump and outrageous. Well, perhaps just a little, and provided that such behavior does not drop their dignity.

burmese cat description

They favorably accept affection from households, and allow guests of family members to squeeze themselves. Burmese cat kittens are extremely active - they are serene playing all day. Future owners should be aware that they should be ready for outbreaks of fun for their little charming pet at any time of the day. Over time, this passes, although the Burmese cat until old age retains a cheerful, playful and light character.

These cats get along well with other pets: they will not argue and conquer their territory. They are great friends, affectionate and flexible. And yet, these animals are wonderful companions of children in games.

Despite the fact that the temple cat is a lover of silence, she does not mind talking. The voice of these beauties is gentle, but they give it quite often. Many owners affectionately call them talkers. If a quarrel occurs in your house, you will immediately hear the demanding: "Meow." Your pet, therefore, will try to resolve the conflict.


By nature, temple cats are endowed with strong immunity. However, they are susceptible to certain diseases. The most common hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. In addition, veterinarians note that these animals often have a hereditary pathology of the vestibular apparatus. Clinical signs of this disease appear at 3-12 weeks of development of the animal, but then most often pass on their own and do not require treatment.

The hereditary disease of Burmese cats includes corneal dermoids. The course of antibiotics prescribed by the veterinarian, as well as special drops will help to quickly deal with this problem. Basically, Burma refers to healthy cat breeds. In addition, she is very prolific. The largest officially recorded litter (19 kittens) was brought by the Burmese cat Antigonus, owned by Valery Hein. After giving birth, he respectfully shook the paw of a happy dad - his Siamese cat.

breed features

Sacred burma live with proper care from 10 to 14 years. But of course, there are exceptions to each rule: the representative of this breed, Catalina, who lives in Melbourne (Australia), recently turned 25 years old. Today she became the oldest cat in the world.

Care and maintenance

Owners of these animals should understand that Burmese kittens cannot live on the street, because they love heat very much. The most comfortable indoor temperature for these cats is +22 Β° C and not lower. However, one should not forget about the regular ventilation of the apartment.

The wool of these animals delights with its density. However, do not get involved in excessive grooming (as is the case with Persians). He is not needed - it is enough to comb out your pet twice a week with a comb with rounded teeth. The fur of Burmese cats does not have undercoat, but at the same time it has a unique property - it does not form mats. So combing will help maintain the beauty of the coat. Ears and eyes should be cleaned as they become dirty.

Precautionary measures

Future owners of such pets need to know that most often burma die due to unsuccessful attempts to break free. Unlike their counterparts, these animals do not know how to fall correctly, so escaping from a window or balcony is fraught with grave consequences. Congenital intelligence does not allow Burma to withstand competition on the street.

hair care


It is unlikely that today anyone can say what the priests of their faithful four-legged friends fed in the temples of Burma, but if we take into account that modern representatives of the breed are gourmets, we can assume that they ate delicacies in the temples. These animals are true to their taste preferences today. The appetite of these cats is excellent and it is all the more pleasant because they practically do not suffer from obesity.

Owners who prefer to feed their pets with natural food should be aware that a Burmese cat should eat 150 grams of food per day. Do not try to experiment with poor-quality canned food and dry food - they will lead to the fact that dyes added to such food can adversely affect the animal's coat and change its color. Unfortunately, this is an irreversible process.

To feed Burmese cats, you need to purchase holistic. Appreciate and protect your pet, give him products of only the highest quality, of which you have no doubt. In addition, you need to know that a portion of nutritious quality dry food is much less than a cheap one.

Burmese cat: owner reviews

Most of the owners in whose houses these amazing animals live consider them incredibly attractive - thick coat, blue smart eyes - just a sight for sore eyes. In addition, these animals are very kind and smart, never make scandals, they love attention from the owners and affection. They do not need to be held in their hands by force - they themselves come and sit on their knees.

The animal is very clean and tidy: it gets used to the tray during the first days of being in a new house. It is very important that it is always perfectly clean. Some owners note that during molting, a pet should be combed out more often than twice a week, but they do not consider this a disadvantage of the breed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4771/

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