Miniature poodle: description with photo, breed features, sizes, breeding and rules of care

The article begins with an emphasis. There are two breeds: European poodle and Japanese. The dwarf European is larger than its "brother" from Japan.

Why is a miniature poodle good? First of all, with your mind. These dogs, despite their size, are very well trained. But first things first.

Origin history

When it comes to the 18th century, wonderful balls are immediately presented. And at the mention of France - even more so. This beautiful country, trendsetter and cosmetics. And another country of wonderful breeders.

Smart people lived a couple of centuries ago. Such a concept as a dog handler did not yet exist. But people interested in dog breeding already lived. So our French and Germans together decided to breed a new breed of dog. Nothing to do, of course. In fact, you needed an animal for hunting.

And if the Germans with their pedantry belonged to the received dogs, as it should be, then the French had a different opinion. German dog lovers went hunting with poodles. The miniature poodle is suitable for hunting birds, including aquatic.

French breed lovers cared for and cherished pets. All you know, all the upper classes of society were rushing with charming dogs. They nursed them, as if with children, sewed custom-made clothes and fed almost from spoons.

Oh yes, the most important thing. What breeds are behind miniature poodles? Do not believe it, but it's greyhounds, maltese lapdogs, a water dog. As a result of their crossing, breeders managed to get a compact and cute dog.

Curly miniature poodle

Where did the Japanese come from? They came to everything ready, so to speak. The only merit of Japanese breeders is that they managed to reduce the already small poodle. The animal was called "Japanese miniature poodle."

What is the difference?

What is the difference between a miniature European poodle and a Japanese one? Only in size? Also in a haircut.

Miniature poodle haircuts are different. Most common under the "lion." So sheared show European dogs. The Japanese have their own ideas about dog grooming. It is called "Korean." The dog should not have hair on its face, they must be cut.

Gray japanese poodle

Breed standard

The description of the miniature poodle was adopted in 1936. Since that time, the breed standard has not changed, except for the addition of new colors to it.

What should the dog look like? Her maximum height at the withers is 22 centimeters. Weight ranges from 6 to 8 kilograms. This is a miniature European-style poodle. "Japanese" are very tiny, weigh no more than 3 kilograms. The rest of the description is the same.

  1. The head is not very large. The forehead has a smooth transition to the muzzle.
  2. The nose is black.
  3. Eyes wide apart. The color is usually dark brown.
  4. The jaw is weak. Lips tightly compressed.
  5. Ears are hanging, elongated.
  6. The case is strong and elongated.
  7. The chest is shallow and not very convex.
  8. Paws are muscular, straight. Parallel to each other.
  9. The tail is docked.
  10. Wool has no undercoat. There are two types - cord and curly. In the first type, it looks like hanging tight pigtails. In the second - magnificent and voluminous.
  11. Color allowed white, peach, black, brown, gray, harlequin, tan.


We figured out the size of the miniature poodle. Now let's talk about the nature of the dog.

A wonderful animal, without any exaggeration: smart, excellent at training. Having a dog is a pleasure. The dog looks into his mouth, afraid to miss at least one word from the owner. A miniature poodle worships its owner. All family members are friendly, but he has only one owner. Ready for him to fight not for life, but for death.

Very delicate dog. She suffers violence against herself. Even a simple shout can cause her a nervous attack. And if the animal is forced to live in a noisy environment, it becomes nervous and hysterical.

With other pets gets along, but very jealous of them to the owner. It is better to take a miniature poodle (in the photo below you can see dogs of this breed) with one pet per family. It treats children well, but living with a very small child will negatively affect the dog. Children tend to hurt pets. And the poodle will not be able to fight back, humbly enduring it. The nervous system will be shaken, and the dog will turn into an unbalanced tantrum.

Great lovers to play and walk. Poodles are moving dogs. Do not look at their size, dogs can frolic for hours. They don’t care who will be in the company, would be able to play and run.

European poodles

How to care and maintain?

Does the miniature poodle require some serious care? Yes and no.

  1. The pet needs to be combed regularly three times a week at least. They bathe the dog once every two weeks. Thick coat must be cut. For help, turn to a professional master. If the hair is not trimmed in time, then due to its severity it begins to sag and pulls the skin, causing the dog pain and inconvenience;
  2. Without physical training, the animal will quickly lose its activity. The miniature poodle needs long walks.
  3. Very gentle creatures. They can not raise their voices. Having started such a dog, the owners will have to forget about quarrels and screams in the house.

These three whales are based on the content of the dog. What else should be noted? Adult dogs are fed twice a day. In no case should you mix natural nutrition and dry food. You have to make a choice: either "naturalka" or "drying." If you are inclined to the latter, choose high-quality feed. Yes, they are quite expensive. But the quality is excellent, and the food is worth it.

In winter, representatives of the breed freeze. You will need warm clothes to walk your pet.

Be sure to train your pet. Without moral stress, he will get bored very quickly. A poodle can be taught not only the basics of obedience, but also complex tricks. No wonder that in the circuses poodles are preferred as "learned dogs." This breed captures everything on the fly.

Black poodle


In general, miniature poodles do not complain about their health. But diseases are common to all, and our dogs are no exception. The most common diseases obtained at the genetic level include:

  • epilepsy;
  • deafness;
  • glaucoma and cataract;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • allergy;
  • diabetes.

Buying a European Poodle

Where to get a puppy, and how much will it cost?

Only in a specialized nursery. We remind you that they monitor the health of animals there, and there is no risk of running into a dog in the style of "a mixture of a bulldog with a rhino and a little mammoth." That is, an inappropriate poodle phenotype is not slipped.

In addition, breeders always offer their supervision. They can be called and consulted on various issues. And those owners who plan to exhibit their favorites can consult on issues of interaction with the handler.

Miniature poodle puppies

Want to tie a dog in the future? It is also decided through the breeder. In Russia, a sufficient number of nurseries that specialize in breeding this breed.

How much do miniature poodle puppies cost? The price for a pet varies from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

Peach poodle

Buying a Japanese Poodle

It’s more difficult with these comrades. There are few nurseries in our country that deal with this breed. But you should only contact them. The Japanese miniature poodle (photo above) is an expensive dog, and puppies are unlikely to be sold on free bulletin boards.

It is important to pay attention! If you want to sell a puppy with a shaggy face, something is wrong here. The breeder is trying to cheat, it is one hundred percent. Where are such conclusions from? The thing is that the highlight of the "Japanese" is the shaved muzzle. Only such dogs are allowed to the exhibition.

You can ask the breeder about the Korean haircut baby. But this is done in advance, as a rule, at a 100% prepayment. And sometimes, if the potential owner insists very strongly on a haircut, the breeder is quite able to refuse to sell him a puppy.

The breeder must stop the tail of the puppy. But he will do this in case of payment by the owner in advance.

Japanese miniature poodle

Japanese poodle price

As mentioned above, the puppy will cost a round sum. The minimum is 30 thousand rubles, and the maximum is 90 thousand rubles. It all depends on how well-known blood is in the pedigree of the puppy of your choice.

It is very important

If you decide to have a miniature Japanese poodle, you should be prepared for unexpected expenses for your pet. These dogs are very painful. Starting from a banal allergy and ending with complex diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This happens often: a small dog, artificially bred. All kinds of sores stick to the pet.

And one more thing: if the breeder refuses to demonstrate the pedigree of the puppy’s parents or does not want to introduce the potential owner to the litter’s mother, then refrain from buying a dog in this kennel. Not a single breeder whose reputation is well known in cynological circles will refuse this to the buyer. On the contrary, he himself will offer a look at the pedigrees of the male and female, from whom it is planned to take a puppy.


These are the differences between the European miniature poodle and his Japanese "brother". There are subtleties when choosing the latter. And we talked about them in detail in the article.

The potential owner of the poodle now knows what this dog is. Is it easy to find a common language with the pet, how to care for it and where it is better to acquire.

We add that the miniature poodle is a real find for people who love an active lifestyle.


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