How to feed alabai and how many times a day?

The diet of puppies of large breeds is a whole science. After all, such dogs grow very quickly. In the first month, the shepherd puppy gains three and even four kilograms. And then his weight increases and is rapidly growing. And since a six-month-old dog of a large breed looks almost like an adult dog, you can only imagine how much “building material” it will take to grow this powerful skeleton, form muscles, ligaments, cartilage, strong teeth.

Therefore, nutrition must be taken with all responsibility, as well as upbringing. Mistakes made will be reflected later. They will manifest themselves in acquired diseases, poor exterior and pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Large breeds include the Central Asian Shepherd, or Alabai. How to feed a puppy, and then an adult dog, our article will tell.

What to feed alabai

Breed features

Alabai was bred for a definite purpose. He must serve man as a protector and guard. Therefore, the dog must have remarkable strength. Alabai needs a plentiful and balanced diet. In his diet must be present meat. Therefore, if the funds do not allow you to give the dog two liters of soup for one feeding, it is better not to start Alabai, but to buy a dog of another breed.

This serious dog always has a good appetite. But do not indulge him: excess weight has a bad effect on the health of the dog (as well as malnutrition). Therefore, you need to know how to properly feed alabai. We will return to the diet, but for now let's say a few words about the dishes. Alabai's long neck is not welcome. Therefore, the owner needs to buy a stand for a bowl so that the puppy does not bend over food, but also does not reach for it. In the nutrition of the Alabai are great traditionalists. In order to transfer the dog to a new feed, it will take about a week.

how to feed a puppy alabai

How to feed a puppy alabai?

If you are a beginner dog breeder, it is best not to experiment. Buy dry or wet food for a small Central Asian Shepherd Dog. But it must be premium. In addition, specialized - "For puppies of large or giant breeds." Alabai are shepherd dogs, therefore, they need to be given chondroprotectors to strengthen their paws. Accumulation of collagen in bundles will help the goodies from bovine veins. If you keep your puppy in a balanced dry food, which already has all the necessary trace elements, vitamins and nutrients, the only thing you need to take care of is the availability of clean drinking water.

A stand that matches the height of the dog should hold two bowls. One is for feed. If the puppy has not finished eating it, the rest must be taken. A bowl of water should always be full. Feed the puppy several times a day, according to age. The first meal should be no earlier than seven in the morning, and the last - no later than nineteen hours. Up to three months of age, the puppy is fed six times a day. Then the number of meals is very gradually reduced. A six-month-old dog should eat four times a day. By his first birthday, a young Alabay should learn to have three meals. And an adult dog should be fed at the same time in the morning and evening.

how much to feed alabai

We feed the puppy "naturalka"

The diet of a young dog should be very diverse. Veterinarians still have not come to a consensus on what to feed Alabai (and puppies of other breeds) - dry pieces and canned food (the amount of the latter should not exceed ten percent of the daily norm) or natural products. If you are a fan of the second hypothesis, then try to make a balanced diet for your dog.

A growing body needs milk. In fresh form, it can be given to a puppy only up to six months of age. Then you need to switch to dairy products. Especially useful for alabai cottage cheese - farm, of course. You should know that the Central Asian shepherd is poorly absorbed pork. Of meat products, the puppy should be given finely chopped raw beef trimmings (for goulash). Offal is also very important in the diet - scar, heart, liver, kidneys. Alabai enjoy sea and river fish with pleasure. It is necessary to give the puppy soups and semi-liquid cereals. Optimal cereals are rice and buckwheat. Hercules can be in limited quantities, millet is completely undesirable.

Alabai than feed

Adult dog diet

When we reduce the number of feedings, we increase the dose. It is enough for an adult dog to give food twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. But the answer to the question of how much to feed Alabai depends on many factors. There are individual characteristics of the body, metabolic disorders, when the eaten food is deposited on the sides of the dog with fat folds. This in no case should be allowed, especially in puppyhood - paws buckle. With a normal diet, the dog should have two lower ribs, and the rest should be palpable. Then it is believed that Alabai is in good physical shape. It should be borne in mind that females during pregnancy and lactation should increase the daily dose of food. And for aging dogs, especially those who spend days in the aviary without much movement, reduce.

What can be fed alabai?

It is undesirable to allow nibbled pieces at the host table. But sometimes you feel like pampering your pet! What can be given to alabai as a treat or reward? Bones, but preferably not costal and in no way chicken tubular. It is better to give “sugar” maslaki to a well-fed dog so that it does not start to swallow them. Also, “bones” made from bovine veins and ears will be a good treat. In general, gelatin dishes are very useful for shepherd breeds. They contain chondroitin, which is responsible for the preservation of joint fluid. Do not forget to give your alabai vegetables: cabbage, beets (along with tops), carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumbers. To drive away the worms, add a finely chopped clove of garlic to the food. Fruits are desirable only those that the dog will choose. Well, do not forget about the cottage cheese, which is very important for the development of the skeletal system.

how to feed alabai

What can not be fed alabai?

The meat in the diet of this breed is necessary, like air. But this does not mean that you can feed alabai leftovers from your table. It is strictly forbidden to give the dog cutlets, chops and schnitzel, which are salted and seasoned with spices. And from the latter, the dog’s scent may disappear. The stomach of the shepherd is also poorly digested by fried foods. Alabai meat should be given raw if possible. If in doubt, pour boiling water over it or boil it a little.

Feeding alabai, especially a puppy, with potatoes, pasta and oatmeal should be avoided. Malnutrition and bulky foods only stretch the stomach. Sweets are bad for all dogs, not just Alabai. And chocolate is poison for our four-legged friends. How to feed alabai? Instead of giving him cookies and waffles, it is better to fry slices of rye bread in a small amount of butter. It is good to take such croutons with you for a walk and feed the dog during training as an encouragement.

what you can feed alabai

Vitamins and Mineral Supplements

Their lack affects the health of the dog. But too much! If in the question of what to feed Alabai, you gave preference to ready-made specialized mixtures, you do not need to additionally buy vitamins. But if you keep your dog on a "natural", you should vigilantly monitor the state of its health. In principle, a diet that includes meat, offal, cottage cheese, cereals and vegetables is considered balanced and enriched with all the minerals necessary for the body. You can occasionally give alabai vitamins, but do not overdo it with them.

Summer and winter ration

In continental climates , dog nutrition is seasonally dependent. How to feed alabai in the winter? As much protein and carbohydrates as possible must be present in his diet. But in the summer, these substances need to be reduced by about forty percent, replacing them with fiber and focusing on vegetables.


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