Who are the swingers, the whole truth about them

Trying to understand who these swingers are, one cannot but note the possible causes of this phenomenon. As they say, love lives for three years, but passion is even less. But what to do if passion has passed, love has subsided, has grown into something sluggish?

Who are the swingers

Someone folded his wings and slowly flows through a monotonous life, but someone is not at all happy with this situation. It seems that the second half is completely satisfied as a friend, and the children are growing up, and everything is like people’s, but some drive in life, some kind of movement, have disappeared. Some lead a monotonous lifestyle, others make lovers. And some part decides to plunge headlong into the swing, which supposedly will save the family boat.

As always, belatedly this concept came to us and yet, who are the swingers? These are sexual partners who practice exchange between mature couples.

What is he swing?

The word "swinger" comes from the jazz "swing", i.e. fast jumping from one note to another, and in our case - "jumping" from one partner to another. Attitude to this phenomenon may be radically opposite for different groups of the population, but, as you know, statistics are a stubborn thing. And she broadcasts that approximately 20% of married couples at least once practiced swinging, and 40% of free from Hymen's ties dreamed at least once of putting such a forbidden connection into their lives.

Swingers this
Swing is divided into several types:

  • light swing does not imply physical betrayal between partners, but only allows mutual caress, satisfying the desire to be with someone else;
  • soft swing allows having sex in close proximity to each other without exchanging partners;
  • closed swing allows physical proximity, couples exchange partners and disperse into different rooms or apartments. It is practiced by those couples who would like to try physical intimacy with another, not quite familiar person;
  • open swing, this is when partners have sex all together, releasing their energy, in terms of meaning this action can be called an orgy.

A bit of history

Swedish swingers
Wanting to get an answer to the question of who the swingers are, we will plunge into history. It is not known for what reason swinging arose in Czechoslovakia during the period of socialism in the middle of the last century.

But the greatest distribution of this phenomenon was in California among American hippies. No fear of AIDS or other venous diseases will stop people from striving for diversity in sex - that was their motto.

In the 60-70 years of the last century, the concept of "Swedish family" appeared in the world and representatives of radical youth, in contrast to traditional families, made "love triangles". Swedish swingers are members of the "Swedish family", they are grouped mainly like this: man + man + woman or man + woman + woman and have connections within the group.

Discussing the question of who these swingers are, it becomes clear that the attitude to this topic is very diverse, from very negative to extremely positive, and to some people swingers are completely indifferent.

This phenomenon in large cities is organized into swing clubs for communication and acquaintances, since the age of a swinging couple is short-lived, from 6 to 12 months, because the very essence of these relations is to change regular partners.

Sigmund Freud once said that sexual deviations are not perverted sexual relations, not homosexual relations, but a complete lack of sex.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4791/

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