Learn how to dig wells

Pure water is the resource without which a comfortable life is simply impossible. The inhabitants of those country houses in which there is no source of centralized water supply know about this very well.

how to dig wells
In such conditions, the question of how to dig wells becomes extremely relevant. Known to our far ancestors, to this day they continue to give us clean water.

What you need to know

First things first, you need to find out how far underground water lies in your area from the surface of the earth . Maybe they are located in such distant places that it will be easier to order the drilling of a well. So how to determine where to dig a well?

You can use the "grandfather" methods, examine the entire territory with the help of metal frames, look at the presence or absence of any specific plants. So, it has long been believed that in places with lush thickets of bird cherry, groundwater comes close to the surface.

But the easiest way to do this is by contacting your local geodetic service. At the same time you will find out whether it is possible to drink this water at all.

Before digging wells, find out in advance in which specific place on the site you will do this. Immediately order the required volume of concrete rings (depending on the groundwater horizon), unload them at a site suitable for transportation to the construction site.

how to determine where to dig a well
Swarm pit

Since it is better to dig wells manually (the process is well controlled), immediately stock up with a set of high-quality shovels.

Having installed the very first well ring near the required place, it is necessary to dig a hole (a little more than its diameter), the depth of which will be about 0.5 m. After that, the first block is installed directly into it. Given that the excavated land belongs to the upper fertile layer, it is better to take it to the garden.

Some people find clay soils poorly digged. Since digging a well in clay is physically difficult, they prefer to look for simpler options. This is a stupid mistake, since the aquifer in the clay will be extremely clean, and the likelihood of a wall collapse is minimal.

Be sure to check the verticality of the dug pit, using a plumb line for this purpose. After that, you can continue to dig under the installed ring. When it goes a little into the ground, they put the second block on it and continue the process.

Since digging wells alone is very difficult, worry about having a properly trained assistant in advance.

how to dig a well in clay

To what point should I dig

Experts say that in the role of a mole you have to stay exactly until the very first block is completely in the water.

Note that to ensure safety, it is better to pre-install hoists with a lifting mechanism above the well, with which it is not only much easier to pull out the excavated soil, but also to evacuate yourself.

Some recommendations

If you plan to use your well as the main source of water supply on the site, you will need to make a convenient and reliable cover that will not only prevent accidents, but also completely prevent small animals from falling into the water.

If you want to automate the supply of water to the house, even at the stage of digging, provide fastenings for electric cables and a pump, and make a hole in the lid for the outlet of pipes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4792/

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