What is a sampler? Description, performance technique, photo

Cross-stitch is one of the various types of needlework, as it can combine different techniques and elements. What is a sampler few know, although the pictures in this style are original and rich. This is a combination of small plots with one theme, but made with different stitches. They can decorate any room or use in applied embroidery.

embroidered picture

Topic selection

The result and location of future work depends on this. There are no paintings in this style without themes and general meaning. Each cross contains certain information. Therefore, you can create a sampler of any type, the basis of the technique is the transfer of ideas.

The themes of nature and seasons are popular, you can see both a combination of four pores on one scheme, as well as individual paintings dedicated to this topic. In second place in popularity is the embroidery of kitchen-themed samplers. Pictures are placed in the kitchen or in the dining room, where they delight with their colorfulness and various elements.

The designation of professions or occupation of a person can also be transmitted through the canvas and crosses. Pictures in this style are used as gifts or are placed in cabinets.

Learning is considered a new topic in terms of expression, when the sampler depicts those elements or things that carry specific information or have the exact value necessary to obtain knowledge. Medical tips or alphabet embroidery are also used in samplers. Due to the variety and combination of different subtopics into one, this technique has become popular and in demand among needlewomen of the whole world.

painting on shallow count

Hidden characters

In the paintings of such a plan, important details carry individual details. For example, if the plot contains an image of a dark-colored squirrel, then this symbolizes danger or a difficult life period, a more accurate interpretation can be obtained from an assessment of the overall plot.

Cat embroidery symbolizes wisdom and a sober mind, the ability to draw the right conclusions and get out of the water dry, but if a cat embroiders with a fox, it indicates cunning and selfishness towards others. The parrot indicates garrulousness and a cheerful disposition, it is a frequent element on different types of samplers, since an analogy with the owner of the picture is drawn through it.

The symbol of rebirth and fortitude, courage and moral strength is the phoenix bird. It is depicted with a fiery tail, but the samplers are full of details, so the craftsmen do not always embroider the phoenix completely, just one detail in the form of a small feather is enough to emphasize the positive qualities.

The tortoise on the sampler means wisdom and balance, indicates constancy and tribute to traditions. Embroidery on the picture of fruits, flowers or plants indicates the wealth of the house and the possibilities of the owner. The answer to the question, what is a sampler cannot be unambiguous, since it is not only a picture, but also a plot filled with symbolism and deep spiritual meaning.

kitchen option

Actual Schemes

With all the variety of choices, it is necessary to take into account those functions and the role that will be performed by the embroidered picture. Initially, the samplers were embroidered as informational paintings, so they had a combination of not only small images, but also letters. Then came the period when there was more text on the fabric and the technique switched to a training type format.

After a while, instead of meaning, aesthetics came to the forefront and beautiful images and interesting details reappeared on the samplers, thus displacing letters and text. The best samples were passed down from generation to generation, as important relics containing a lot of information about the genus.

Today it’s easy to choose a theme, because you can find ready-made options with different symbolic attributes, you can even create your own unique version. To do this, using a pen or pencil, you need to create a sketch on paper with the details that will be used on the fabric, then pick up an interesting embodiment and a general theme that will reveal the meaning of the embroidered.

It must be remembered that the central element in the cross-stitch of the sampler indicates the meaning of the whole picture, it should be large enough to be read, but not too large so that other elements can fit on the surface.

In ancient times, the fabric was expensive, so the needlewomen tried to use the space between the parts, today the craftswomen can make small digressions so that the picture is not overloaded visually.

application design

Material for work

After the scheme is selected, you need to proceed with the purchase of other elements. Samplers with a cross can be performed both on a standard canvas of different counts, and on a homespun cloth or linen, if the picture is small and you need to hide the holes between the crosses. In the latter version, embroidering is harder, but the result will be delicate and as if drawn.

The canvas does not have to be white, if there are few details on the surface, then you can choose an author's coloring or a light shade to emphasize the general meaning of the picture or make it juicier. As for the threads, the embroidery can be done with both woolen and cotton threads. The first option will create bulk and add puffiness to the crosses, and the second will look neater. Cotton thread is good for working on linen or homespun cloth, you can even use silk, which will add shine to the finished work.

small sampler

It is advisable to sew beads, buttons, charms and other elements on ready-made and washed work so that they are not damaged in the process. Buying material to create a cross-stitch sampler is considered a difficult process, needlewomen recommend buying threads with a margin.

Stitch selection

Not only the level of complexity depends on the execution technique, but also the accuracy and general appearance of the work. For volume, the full cross technique is used; for watercolor work, a half cross is used in one thread addition. The direction of the cross also adds visibility and clarity to the work.

The selection of parts occurs using the seam β€œback needle”. French knots on the canvas can convey the symbols of stars, snowflakes, flowers, or complement geometric elements. A seam technique can be used along with the cross, but this is an average level of difficulty and requires skills.

classic design

What is a sampler? This is not just a transfer of the drawing to the canvas, but a combination of different techniques and materials to create a complete masterpiece.

Finish stage

After embroidery, the fabric must be washed gently in room temperature water with soap. After drying and ironing, so that the material is even. It is advisable to iron through the fabric, since the crosses from this can be slightly skewed.

Next, the functionality of the created work is taken into account. If the sampler has only a decorative function, then you can draw a picture in a frame and under the glass. In the case of applied embroidery, the plot is drawn up according to the idea. It can be a beautiful napkin, apron, pillow, tablecloth. The needlewomen know what a sampler is and therefore combine it with many types of needlework and using different techniques.

Craftswomen recommend

In order for the embroidery process to move faster, it is necessary to apply the parking method if there are a lot of details and broaches will not be visible. For other cases, color sewing is used. In order not to make a mistake in the process, it is necessary to sew off in sections and gradually, without missing squares.

To quickly advance work, you need to immediately backstitch on the sewn-in details so that you do not return to this section later. You also need to pay attention to the stretch and use the machine to work and create smooth crosses.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4796/

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