Advantages and uniqueness of Alexandrite stone

The history of the name of the stone alexandrite dates back to the 1800s. It was then that the future Tsar Alexander the Second, one day after coming of age, was presented with the first faceted nugget, which was found in the Urals. In fact, this gem was named in honor of the monarch. From then until today, he knows no equal in value among other nuggets and is rightfully considered the most expensive. For a long time, it was mined exclusively in Russia, but then it was discovered in other continents, for example, in Brazil. It should be noted that regional mining forms completely different characteristics of the gem.

stone alexandrite

A special advantage of alexandrite stone is considered to be that it changes its color depending on what kind of light falls on it. Here, it should be emphasized that night time and artificial lighting equally affect all instances. Therefore, one can attribute to the stone the ability to feel. In the afternoon it turns blue with a green tint or emerald. It depends on the mine in which the nugget was mined. Lighting home lamps, just like its absence generally make the stone red, crimson or even red.

gemstones alexandrite
Several decades ago, the artificial production of alexandrite stone was established. As for the appearance itself, the synthetic gem is smooth and beautiful. However, when it comes to price characteristics, an artificial stone will be much cheaper than its natural counterpart.

There are also magical properties of alexandrite stone. Many people who were lucky enough to become its owners have repeatedly reported that the nugget may feel something bad that will happen in the near future. So, for example, he could keep the "night" colors in the daytime. And this sign was focused on something bad, the misfortune that would come to the family of the holder of alexandrite. The fact that the stone retained β€œdaytime” shades at night was not reported. Apparently, he is able to warn only of misfortunes, pleasant surprises are visited by families without his knowledge.

Today, natural stone alexandrite is rarely used in jewelry. For the most part, all the nuggets found are immediately distributed across the collections. Those exceptions that ordinary people can meet are made mainly abroad, even if all the inserts are made from nuggets mined in the Urals. However, the cost of such an insert will be quite high. One carat of stone will cost you no less than 5 thousand dollars.

natural stone alexandrite

In the energy plan, all alexandrite gemstones also have special properties. Assuming that you are a lover of a calm and measured life, you should not expect anything good from the nugget. Weak people he will also give only trouble. However, there is always a way out. If you really have a passion for alexandrite, but can not get along with him in the energy sector, then pay attention to synthetic substitutes, because in their beauty they are in no way inferior to natural formations.


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