Sealant for wood "Warm seam": description and reviews

Sealant for wood “Warm seam” can become the basis of thermal insulation of a building. There are undoubtedly other ways, but this one is the most convenient. If you started to think about warming your home, then it is worth resorting to this technology. Comparing it with the traditional system of thermal insulation of interventional gaps, where hemp, jute or flax insulation is used, it is worth noting that filling cracks in the interventional space with a sealant increases the thermal resistance of walls and reduces heat loss. If we are talking about natural heaters, then they are able to let in cold air, which significantly reduces the heat resistance of log walls.

Customer feedback on the effect

wood sealant warm joint

Sealant for wood "Warm seam" has many advantages. According to users, with its help you can get a comfortable indoor microclimate. Such thermal insulation makes the temperature and humidity regime optimal, while saving energy, because there is no heat leakage from interventional clearances. The cost of heating the house is minimal.

Owners of private wooden houses say that after work on thermal insulation according to the described technology drafts disappear, log walls are not blown, during cold and damp weather. You can count on the fact that the material will not be damaged by bioorganisms. The gaps turn out to be as tight as possible, mold no longer forms in them, insects do not penetrate inside.

If to use a sealant for a tree "Warm seam", then you can save money. According to customers, they no longer have to additionally invest them, which is required for periodic caulking. Among other things, in the end you will get pretty attractive walls, the seams of which will match the shade of the wood.

Reviews of the advantages of "Warm seam" before caulking

sealant warm joint for wood reviews

Previously, warming of wooden houses was often carried out by the method of caulking, today this technology is replaced by a system called “Warm seam”. The latter technique has many advantages. For example, caulking walls is rather laborious, and it is necessary to start it no earlier than a year after the completion of construction. According to the owners of private houses, this can not be called convenient. Among other things, it will be necessary to repeat the caulking process on a regular basis, since flax and moss are taken apart by the birds, and the seams also increase under the influence of shrinkage. Modern consumers emphasize that the appearance of the log house after the completion of the caulking stage cannot be called attractive. Over time, the walls completely lose their aesthetic appearance.

Feedback on the characteristics of sealants for performing work on the technology "Warm seam"

sealant warm seam

Sealant for wood “Warm seam” is chosen by customers for the reason that it has many advantages. According to home masters, these compounds are not at all afraid of temperature extremes, harmful microorganisms and mold do not arise and develop on their surface. As practice shows, the described sealants are not exposed to sunlight, and over time they do not lose their original color. According to buyers, sealants have a high level of adhesion to wood, they are characterized by elasticity, which is especially manifested when compressing interventional clearances. This allows you to complete these works and forget about them forever. Sealant “Warm seam” for wood, reviews of which are only the most positive, you can apply at any time of the year. At the same time, residents will not experience inconvenience by the type of occurrence of dust, smell or noise. The house can continue to operate. Using acrylic compounds, you can hide some defects of the wood, and after completion of the work, the house will gain an aesthetic appearance.

Using acrylic sealants, the master has the opportunity to carry out work both outside and inside the building. According to users, the use of these compounds allows you to create an original interior. This is also due to the fact that on sale you can find sealants of different colors. For example, in the assortment line you can find beige, cream, as well as white and brown shades. Sealant “Warm seam” can be made on an acrylic-rubber basis, with its help it is possible to repair seams not only in wooden houses, but also in other places. Such a composition after drying lends itself to grinding several times, as well as subsequent staining.

Why it is still worth insulating a wooden house using the Warm Seam technology

Sealant for wood Warm seam Neomid

If you decide to choose the “Warm seam” sealant for thermal insulation work, it is recommended to read reviews about it before going to the store. This will allow you to understand that acrylic compounds can even interfere with the processes of rotting wood, they will not allow moisture to enter the house. According to users, with the help of these compounds it is possible to carry out thermal insulation work in the shortest possible time. After applying this technique, there is no need to additionally seal interventional seams, as well as eliminate cold bridges.

Features of the use of Neomid sealant

wood sealant warm seam neomid reviews

Sealant for wood "Warm seam" "Neomid" has gained popularity among consumers, its use provides for compliance with certain rules. For example, before final application it is necessary to caulk the seams, for which jute or linen tow is used. Then, using a spatula, a sealant is applied to the surface, which allows you to insulate the resulting gaps in a combined way.

Reviews about the characteristics of "Neomid"

sealant warm seam neomid

Sealant for wood “Warm seam” (“Neomid”), reviews of which are only the most positive, can be purchased at the store at an affordable cost. It has a yellow or white color, the latter option is used as a base. Whereas yellow matches the color of pine. For a cartridge, the volume of which is 310 milliliters, you will have to pay 200 rubles. According to users, such packaging is very convenient for small amounts of work.

If you want to insulate the walls of an impressive area, it is recommended to pay attention to 15-kilogram buckets, one of which will cost 5200 rubles. As practice shows, such compositions quite steadily undergo fluctuations in temperature and humidity, and they can be applied at a minimum temperature of -10 degrees. The service life is 20 years. This one-component acrylic sealant is placed in interventional spaces, while 170 grams will be spent per linear meter. The deformability of the composition can reach 25%, and the elongation of the seam - 400%. Users choose this product also for the reason that it does not shrink, and the operating temperature can vary from -50 to +50 degrees. The cost is quite reasonable, since the sealant is made in Russia.

Why it is worth choosing Neomid sealant

sealant warm seam reviews

The scope of the sealant described above is quite wide. It can be used for sealing bumps, cracks and seams on wooden, as well as brick, concrete, aerated concrete walls and other surfaces. At the same time, the building can be both residential and industrial. Using this composition, you can reliably protect seams and joints from the penetration of cold and moisture. The mixture can be applied to inclined surfaces with negative angles. However, contact with drinking water should not be allowed, and the mixture should not be used in enclosed spaces, the conditions in which are characterized by increased humidity of 90% or more.

Reviews on the preparation of the substrate before application

According to builders, the Warm Seam sealant (Neomid) should be applied to a previously prepared base. You should make sure that it is strong enough, and also does not have a high level of humidity. On the surface there should be no grease stains, peeling cement and paint coatings. According to buyers, in winter, the walls should be cleaned of snow and ice. It is permissible to apply the composition on both wet and dry surfaces. However, there should not be a drop of moisture on the walls.

For reference

In order to comply with the design layer thickness, porous sealing plaits should be used. The sealant can be tinted, which should be called another positive characteristic.


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