N. Nosov, "Dunno on the Moon": summary

In this article we will review the summary of the book "Dunno on the Moon." This work of Nikolai Nosov has been familiar to many of us since childhood - someone read it, someone watched a beautiful film adaptation. Today, stories about the adventures of Dunno are equally popular among the younger generation.

About the work

dunno on the moon summary

“Dunno on the Moon” (a brief summary will be discussed below) is part of a series of books telling about the adventures of Dunno. The genre of a work is defined as a fairy tale novel. The book is the final part of the series, which includes "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" and "Dunno in the Solar City."

The work was originally published in parts from 1964 to 1965 in the journal Family and School. A separate book was published in 1965.

Nosov, “Dunno on the Moon”: summary

The events of the book takes place two and a half years after the little men visited the Solar City.

Scientists Fuchsia and Herring from the Solar City together with Znayka visited the Moon. After that, Znayka wanted to fly on her own. The idea aroused the interest of all residents of the Flower City and the astronomer Steklyashkin. Meanwhile, Znayka composed an entire book in which he outlined his version of the origin of lunar craters. Among other things, the scientist claimed that life is possible inside the moon. Everyone laughed at this statement of Znayka, and no one believed him.

dunno noses on the moon summary

From the moon, the scientist grabbed a small piece of the local breed, which glowed at night. Once, Znayka accidentally laid it together with magnetic iron ore, and then miracles began to work in the house where he and several other shorties lived, the fault of which was ... weightlessness. Cheerless residents tried to adapt to it, even cooked dinner.

After the cause of what happened was clarified, everyone again began to respect Znayka with respect. Opening the device of zero gravity, the little men began to build a spaceship to fly to the moon. As a gift to the lunar inhabitants, they plunged the seeds of giant plants into a rocket. It was decided not to take the donut and Dunno. Therefore, on the night before departure, they made their way into the rocket to hide there, but accidentally pressed the start button and flew away together.

Once on the moon, the little men put on their spacesuits and went to explore its surface. Dunno accidentally fell into the tunnel and ended up inside the moon.

Meet the moon people

It turns out that Znayka was right, and shorties really live under the surface of the moon, but they are very different from the inhabitants of the Flower City. The social structure of the moon is very similar to our earthly one. Of course, the author touches on social issues in the novel “Dunno on the Moon”. The summary immediately shows how these worlds are very different - the world of Dunno and the world of the inhabitants of the moon. In addition to purely external differences - small plants, smoking factories, skyscrapers and television - there are significant internal ones.

So, finding himself in a strange world, Dunno became hungry and decided to go eat in the first cafe that came across. And when the little man was full, the waiter began to demand money from him, but Dunno did not have it, moreover, he did not even know what it was. So our hero found himself in jail. Here there was a system for sorting prisoners, for example, according to the size of the nose, head, height, etc. After all the measuring procedures, Dunno was mistaken for the wanted thief-recidivist.

n noses dunno on the moon summary

Here, in the jail, Dunno learns what money is, studies the basics of survival in a capitalist society. A cellmate tells him about the island of Fools, to which all violators of the law refer, and from where no one returns. Our hero, in turn, talks about his homeland and giant plants, but no one believes him.

Immediately Dunno brings friendship with Kozlik. Together they are released. Before leaving, Mig, one of the prisoners, asks them to hand over a letter to someone in the wild. Kozlik and Dunno go to the owner of the shop Julio, to whom the message is addressed. As a result, Mig, Julio, Kozlik and Dunno conceived the joint-stock company of giant plants. They are going to sell shares in order to build a rocket with the proceeds and pick up seeds from the lunar surface. At least that's what Dunno thinks.

Bankruptcy of the Company

We continue to retell the summary of Nosov (“Dunno on the Moon”). Dunno is shown on television and represented by an astronaut, of course, everything is done in order to sell shares. Only the poor buy them, spending their last savings. The industrial tycoon Sprouts becomes interested in society, it is not beneficial for him that the poor get seeds of giant plants. It could go bankrupt. Then the Sprouts decides to offer the founders a bribe. At the same time, he does not give back his money, but those that the rich moon collected. Julio and Mig immediately agree, but don’t tell anything to Dunno and Kozlik. Soon the public will learn about the escape of the two founders and the bankruptcy of the Company. Because of this, Dunno and Kozlik have to flee to another city.

Wacky Island

a brief summary of the dunno's nose on the moon

Many new troubles are faced by Dunno on the Moon. The summary tells about the wanderings of the hero and Kozlik - they have to spend the night in cheap hotels, more like prisons (with fleas, cockroaches and bedbugs). There is little money, and they take up any work. The goat starts to hurt. Dunno has to work and look after another. The hero walks the dogs, but loses his job when the owner of the pets finds out that he took them to the terrible hotel, where Dunno and Kozlik lived. As a result, friends find themselves under the bridge, as there is no money left for the hotel. They are arrested and sent to the Wacky Island.

At first, the friends decided that they had a great job. But later Dunno noticed that Kozlik was gradually turning into a sheep.

The Adventures of Donut

summary of the book dunno on the moon

Quite interesting and unlike each other N. Nosov created the characters (“Dunno on the Moon”). The summary now brings us back to the beginning of the work, but this time we learn about the adventures of the Donut. After Dunno disappeared, Donut remained on the rocket until the food ran out, and then went in search of a friend.

He falls into the moon and finds himself on the seashore, where there is a lot of salt, but the inhabitants do not use it. A donut establishes his business - begins to sell salt, and quickly gets rich. But other rich people begin to lower prices on salt, and the Donut goes broke. As a result, he is forced to do the hard work of spinning the ferris wheel.


summary of the story dunno on the moon

The book “Dunno on the Moon” is coming to an end, the summary of which we have almost discussed. Now the narrative is being transferred to Earth. Having discovered that there is no rocket, Znayka builds another rocket, and the little ones go to the moon. The spaceship enters the Earth’s satellite. Here the residents of the Flower City learn about the Society and give out seeds for free, along the way they try to find Dunno with the Donut.

Shorties from Earth distribute weightlessness devices to the poor as protection against the police. Around begin the uprisings of the workers. Donut, hearing about the astronauts, goes to them. After that, it is possible to save Dunno from the Wacky Island.

Sprouts and Julio blow up a rocket of earthlings, but shorties reach the surface of the moon, where the first rocket was, and fly home.

So ends the summary of the story “Dunno on the Moon.”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4806/

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