How are criminal authorities buried? Graves of thieves in law

Each person chooses his own path of self-realization and gaining glory. And today, not only politicians and artists, but also criminals are world famous. Someone is dissatisfied with the amount of attention paid to these individuals, for others they are real heroes. Be that as it may, today every resident of Russia knows who Jap or Ded Hassan is. The glory of influential criminal authorities does not disappear even after their death. Graves of thieves in law are in all large and prestigious cemeteries of our country. Often, in terms of their pomp and decoration, these burials are the most magnificent and conspicuous in the whole graveyard.

Description and photos of the graves of thieves in law

Graves of thieves in law
Many of the tombstones of criminal authorities can safely be called real works of art. Very often, for the most distinguished in this area, they make full-fledged statues in height or busts. The sculptures portray their prototypes as realistically as possible, they are often made from posthumous masks, and some representatives of the criminal world are puzzled by this issue personally, during life. Another common form of monuments is massive arbors or even “chapels”. Such structures are decorated with columns and rich finishes, often in the depths of the building a traditional tombstone or statue of the deceased is installed. One way or another, the graves of thieves in law always look rich and spectacular and attract a lot of attention.

Where are criminal authorities buried?

Want to see the graves of thieves in law with your own eyes? Go to the most prestigious and ancient cemetery of the city, and you will not be mistaken. Criminal authorities are buried in the neighborhood of the most famous politicians, actors, writers and other outstanding personalities. What is curious, and nowadays often for such burials there are places in closed elite cemeteries. This is completely legal, by a happy coincidence, at the time of the funeral of a person known in a criminal environment, it turns out that his parents or other blood relatives are already buried in some closed churchyard and family burial is possible. What is noteworthy, thieves in law are very rarely cremated, usually the funeral is held by the traditional for Russia method - "a coffin with the body in the ground." But even if cremation was chosen (suppose by the will of the deceased), you will not see a tablet with the name of a criminal authority in the columbarium. This is always a full burial with a dedicated area.

Tomb of the Jap

Photo of the graves of thieves in law
Who is Vyacheslav Ivankov, any resident of our country knows. The name of this criminal authority along with his criminal nickname Yaponchik flickered for a long time in the evening news releases and on the front pages of print media. In the middle of autumn 2009, the life story of this man ended, and he found the last refuge at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow. V. Vysotsky, S. Yesenin, A. Mironov and many other famous personalities are buried on the same graveyard. But today, the grave of the thief in law Jap is of interest to many tourists in the first place.

Public response

The grave of a thief in law
Many ordinary people are unhappy that the burial places of criminal authorities look more magnificent and solid than the graves of cultural and scientific figures. But nothing can be done about it, since monuments are set by the close people of the dead and there are no restrictions on the shape and size of sculptures and tombstones. In other words, it is not at all necessary to be someone famous so that after death a beautiful portrait statue or mini-chapel is placed on your grave, this is an exclusively financial issue. But even with some public discontent, interest in the afterlife of criminal authorities does not fade away among “mere mortals”. As you know, demand creates supply, and today many cemeteries even organize excursions during which you can examine the graves of thieves in law and find out some interesting facts from the biographies of these people.


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