Informational openness of an educational organization: support methods, forms, problems

The informational openness of an educational organization is a special organizational and legal regime of an educational institution, which ensures the possibility of obtaining the necessary and sufficient amount of information by all participants in the pedagogical process. The definition is a little difficult to grasp. In our article, we will try to understand these words and find out exactly how the information transparency of organizations engaged in educational activities is ensured.

educational organization information openness

Normative base

The legal basis of the legislation on information transparency and public reporting of educational organizations is the Constitution. In Art. 43 of the Basic Law, a guarantee of general availability and free of charge pre-school, general and secondary vocational education in municipal (state) educational institutions and enterprises is established.

Ensuring the information transparency of educational organizations is also regulated by the Federal Law "On Education" No. 273-, Federal Law No. 294, Federal Law No. 7 ("On Non-Profit Organizations"), and the Federal Law "On Personal Data" No. 152-. Certain provisions are enshrined in government decrees and a number of decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. Thus, the informational openness of educational organizations does not contradict either the Constitution or other sectoral normative acts.

What do educational institutions need to do?

In fulfillment of the requirements for information transparency, educational organizations should create public resources containing information about their activities and provide access to them for all interested parties. The latter is achieved by placing these resources in information and telecommunication networks.

The informational openness of an educational institution is today considered one of the essential conditions for conducting effective monitoring of the pedagogical system. Public resources allow you to monitor:

  1. The state of the educational process and its dynamics.
  2. Terms of teaching.
  3. The contingent of students.
  4. Extracurricular and educational achievements of children.
  5. Professional graduate results.
  6. The state of organizations conducting educational activities.

Monitoring is also carried out by analyzing the information on the official website of the institution. It must be said that violations identified during such an observation are the basis for an unscheduled inspection of the institution. It supplements the list enshrined in Art. 10 Federal Law No. 294. Accordingly, negligence when posting data on the official website of an educational institution may entail an unscheduled visit of representatives of regulatory organizations.

provision on informational transparency of an educational organization


Issues related to the creation of resources, their placement on the Internet, and access to them are regulated in Federal Law No. 273 by Article 29. The informational transparency of an educational organization today is achieved by fulfilling a number of requirements enshrined in this norm. I must say that currently there are expanded requirements for information published on the official website, and more stringent rules for its processing and posting. So, for example, until relatively recently it was not required to indicate information about each employee on the site. Currently, such a requirement is enshrined in sub. "h" p. 1 h. 1 Article 19 Federal Law No. 273.

Employee Consent

Due to the fact that the requirements for information posted on the official website are tightened, the natural question arises: "Is consent for processing data from each employee necessary?" Turn to the law.

The conditions for processing information (and posting information on the site can be called processing) is regulated by Art. 6 Federal Law No. 152. In accordance with the provisions of this rule, processing of information may be carried out exclusively with the consent of the data carrier. At the same time, the specified article provides grounds for the availability of which does not require the consent of the subject. These include the processing of information necessary to ensure compliance with federal laws, and in this case, the Federal Law "On Education", which imposes an obligation on an educational institution to process and post information about its employees.

From the above information it follows that for posting data on employees on the official website of the educational organization, their consent is not required. However, this rule applies to a limited list of personal data. There is no need to ask for consent for the placement of the full name of the employee, education, work experience and qualifications. As for other data (dates of birth, ranks, photos, promotions, etc.), they can be posted exclusively with the consent of their owner.

Job placement for graduates

One of the requirements of the current legislation on the information transparency of educational organizations is the placement of data on the employment of students who have completed training. At the same time, the institution’s official website can publish exclusively general information about employment, without specifying them for each individual graduate. The placement of personal data (including full name, date of birth, photograph, etc.) is permitted with the consent of the person who is their carrier. This requirement also applies to data posted on stands at the educational institution, in the media, etc.

information transparency in professional educational organizations

Legal ambiguities

Among the documents to be posted is a copy of the financial and business operations plan or budget estimates. Experts have mixed responses to this demand. The fact is that these documents must be posted on another resource specifically created for such acts. Most experts do not believe that duplication of documents is explained by the need to ensure the transparency of the educational organization.

Additional requirements

The information openness of an educational organization, as mentioned above, is regulated by the provisions of the Federal Law No. 7. After all, an educational institution is a non-profit enterprise.

If the educational organization is municipal or state, then, on the basis of paragraph 3.3 of Art. 32 of the specified normative act, the management must ensure the openness of such documents that are not specified in the norms of the Federal Law No. 273. This, in particular, is about annual reporting, a report on the use of property assigned to the institution, and other similar acts.

At the same time, in Federal Law No. 7 there is no requirement for the obligatory placement of such data on the official website of an educational institution. Therefore, according to many experts, management can limit themselves to placing these reports in a single state information system.

General rules

Documents and information to be posted on the official website of the educational institution must be posted and updated within ten days from the date of creation, receipt or amendment thereof. The publication procedure in the information and communication Internet is enshrined in Government Decision No. 582 of 07/10/2013. To implement the provisions of this Decree, it is necessary to develop and approve a local regulatory act - "Regulation on the information transparency of an educational organization", for example.

In this document, it is necessary to fix the list of posts, full name of the employees responsible for the preparation of information and documents to be posted on the Internet, as well as for maintaining the official website. In accordance with the Regulation on the informational transparency of the educational organization, necessary changes must be made to the job descriptions of employees. Of course, responsible employees can only be appointed with their consent.

Forms of informational openness of an educational organization

Information about the educational institution can be posted not only on the official website of the institution. The attention of parents and children is attracted by interactive stands in the corridors of the organization. They are available, briefly and illustratively reflect the characteristics of the institution, its development areas, teaching staff, specialists, tasks, goals and achievements. The stands contain information about the educational program, additional and paid services.

informational transparency of an educational organization is

Another effective form of ensuring the openness of an educational institution is open day. They usually prepare very carefully for it. The purpose of the event is to introduce adults and children to the educational organization, the main areas of training. Open Doors Day provides information openness in professional educational organizations, universities, lyceums, and gymnasiums.

Thanks to all these activities, parents get the opportunity to see the diversity and diversity of the educational process, to make sure that teachers choose interesting methods, apply an individual approach, analyze their activities and students' achievements.

The specifics of the official site

Of course, the site is currently the most effective tool for ensuring information transparency for educational institutions. It allows you to establish feedback with all participants in the educational process.

informational transparency of organizations engaged in educational activities

In accordance with the provisions of Government Decision No. 582 of July 10, 2013, information on the official portal of the educational institution must be updated daily. Thanks to this, parents get the opportunity to keep abreast of all the events taking place in the educational institution. In addition, on the official website, interested participants in the educational process can familiarize themselves with the regulatory documents governing the organization.

Resource structure

Website development is a rather laborious work. When designing, it is necessary to take into account not only the requirements of the law, but also the needs of people.

First you need to create a tab in which the data on the educational organization will be placed in accordance with the standards. This tab should contain pages:

  1. Basic information.
  2. Structure, governing bodies of the institution.
  3. Documents.

Copies should be placed on the Documents page;

  • constituent documentation;
  • report on the results of the analysis of activities;
  • Act on the procedure for the provision of paid services;
  • prescriptions of control (supervisory) bodies, as well as reports on their implementation.
ensuring the transparency of educational organizations is regulated

The site should also have tabs:

  1. Education. It contains information about ongoing educational programs and training levels.
  2. Educational standards. Here are the data on the federal state educational standards used in this educational institution.
  3. Leadership and teaching staff. In this tab, you need to place information about the head and deputy head of the educational institution, as well as about the staff of teachers and specialists working in the organization.
  4. Material and technical support, equipment of the pedagogical process. As a rule, here, in free form, information on available equipment and auxiliary materials is reflected in the classes. Here, there may be data confirming the compliance of the equipment of the premises with current norms and standards.
  5. Paid services. This tab provides information on the procedure for providing additional educational services, methods, terms of payment and other nuances.
  6. Financial and economic activities. This tab publishes reports on expenses and incomes of the educational organization.
  7. Jobs Official site - a place where you can place job ads. Many job seekers go to the official websites of educational institutions precisely in search of work.


Currently, the requirements for the content of the educational process are significantly tightened. The current legislation contains requirements, the implementation of which ensures the achievement of the goals of pedagogical activity. Of course, the work of any educational institution in general and the teacher in particular should be as effective as possible. The achievement of effectiveness is greatly facilitated by the openness of the educational process.

article 29 informational transparency of an educational organization

Constant monitoring of the situation in the domestic pedagogical system, analysis of the work of institutions and specialists is needed. This, however, does not mean total control by the state or parents. Information transparency is, first of all, a way to ensure effective interaction between all participants in the educational process. Constant communication contributes to a more rapid solution to the pressing problems of modern education. Information openness helps to improve the quality of education, ensures the involvement in the pedagogical process of not only children, but also their parents.


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