Decembrist flower - flowering, home care and reviews

The Decembrist ( Schlumbergera , zygocactus) is an unusual cactus that does not have thorns, does not like the open sun, and consumes moisture with great pleasure. This indoor plant is a long-lived: with proper care, it grows and at the same time blooms annually at home for up to 20 years. Fans of zygocactus are primarily attracted by the bright and unusual flowering of the Decembrist. In addition, the obvious advantages of Schlumbergera include the ability to grow it as an ordinary indoor flower or as a spectacular ampelous plant.

For each grower, the flowering time of the Decembrist is the most critical period: the length of this period and the quality of the buds depend on how well the plant is taken care of.

Plant features

Plant description

Zygocactus, or Decembrist (Schlumbergera) refers to epiphytic cacti. Homeland plants are tropical forests of Brazil. The segmented type of flat shoots do not have thorns, which are the hallmark of almost all cacti. On the edges of the branches, Schlumbergera have small notches.

The flowering of the Decembrist begins in the second half of November or in December, before the New Year and Christmas holidays. The buds open alternately, with some slowdown, so the plant pleases with beautiful flowering throughout the winter. The most common shades of flowers include orange and red, purple and pink, white and purple.

The genus of zygocactus is only three species, but to date, many hybrids have been bred. In our country, the most common "trumpet" and "barbarian color."

Blooming decembrist

Flowering features

Decembrist flowering at home occurs once a year. The rest of the time, the plant prepares for this process. In its development, an unusual cactus goes through the following stages:

  • vegetation;
  • state of rest;
  • bloom;
  • recovery.

As a rule, the flowering of the Decembrist begins in late November and continues until early March. It is easy to see that the plant begins to prepare for this process: tiny buds appear on the tips of each branch, from which magnificent tubular flowers open over time.

Schlumbergera flowers

Conditions for flowering Decembrist. Plant care

Some gardeners complain that the zygocactus does not please with beautiful flowers every year or that the buds are showered with unopened flowers. How to create optimal conditions for flowering for a plant? For this, you must follow the simple rules:

  1. Choose the right place for the flower.
  2. Prepare the necessary soil mixture.
  3. Maintain a certain temperature in the room.
  4. Provide a rest period.
  5. Regularly transplant Decembrist.
  6. Do not forget about feeding.

Where to place the plant?

It is advisable to put a Decembrist flower on the windowsill of the western or eastern window. Zygocactus blooms in bright but diffused light. Schlumbergera does not tolerate both direct rays of the sun, and complete shading. In summer, light should be sufficient for leaf development. It is cut in the fall. When the Decembrist is standing on the window, it is not difficult to do this, since in the autumn daylight hours are naturally reduced.

Zigocactus Watering

Of great importance is the optimal watering regime for Decembrist during flowering. You need to know that a lot of moisture is required for a plant only in winter, spring and summer - at a time when the flower is actively growing and blooming. In autumn, the plant enters a dormant period. At this time, watering is limited to two times a month.

How to water zigocactus?

In spring and summer, zigocactus is actively growing, increasing its green mass. Watering is activated in the winter, when the first buds appear on the branches. After flowering, it is reduced to moderate. How to water during flowering Decembrist, at low temperatures? In this case, the plant needs a moderate amount of moisture. The flower will not have time to absorb a large amount of water, its excess will not evaporate due to lack of heat, and the roots will begin to rot. In addition, pests can be found in the soil. Naturally, this will negatively affect the plant.

Experienced gardeners know that in the summer, the Decembrist loves spraying. This procedure raises the level of humidity that is needed for this tropical rainforest native.

Decembrist Leaves

Rest period

A prerequisite for the active flowering of the Decembrist is an autumn holiday. Without it, you can hardly wait for the buds on the plant. From early spring, smoothly reduce the watering of the flower. During dormancy, he needs a minimum of moisture. At this time, the room temperature should not exceed +15 Β° C. At higher rates, Decembrist will not enter the dormant stage. He will continue to build green mass. However, the buds may not get it.

In addition, at this time it is necessary to reduce the duration of daylight hours: it should not exceed eight hours. This is a natural signal for the Decembrist to bookmark the buds.

How to feed the Decembrist for abundant flowering?

It should be recognized that all agrotechnical measures for caring for this plant are aimed at active and prolonged flowering. This is difficult to achieve without regular feeding of the flower. In spring and summer, fertilizers help the plant grow green mass. During this period, nitrogen dressings are used, which stimulate the growth of leaves. Apply them until the end of August.

With the advent of autumn, after the plant enters the dormant period, it is necessary to stop fertilizing. When the first buds appear, it is necessary to feed the Decembrist. For flowering, any complex compositions are used, with the exception of nitrogen. This rule should be strictly observed, since during the flowering of zigocactus it should not grow new stems. Otherwise, the flower grows strongly at the expense of flowering.

Plant nutrition

It is impossible to completely abandon the nutritional composition: over time, the soil becomes poorer, and in indoor floriculture it cannot restore its nutritional properties naturally. The only way to help the plant is to use fertilizer.


Many indoor flower lovers do not attach much importance to transplanting zygocactus. In fact, this procedure is necessary for the flower, on which not only its general condition, but also the duration of flowering depends. In a close flowerpot with depleted soil, the plant will not be able to actively develop. A young flower needs an annual transplant, as it actively grows stems and needs a lot of nutrients. For an adult Decembrist, such a procedure is recommended every four years.

During the transplant, it is not enough just to replace the soil: you should use a new pot, which should be one and a half centimeters larger than the previous one in diameter. Do not purchase an β€œoutgrowth” container. In a large pot, Decembrist takes too long to master, directs all his forces to the growth of roots, which can fill the entire volume of soil. As a result, he simply does not have any strength left for flowering.

Decembrist transplant

We talked about the fact that if the soil mixture does not change for a long time in a flowerpot, it loses its qualities. It should be understood that this applies not only to reducing its nutritional value. Significantly worsens and its structure. The soil is compacted, worse passes not only water but also air. This causes stagnation of moisture, the appearance of infections and pests.

For Decembrist, the quality of the soil is extremely important. It must be loose. To do this, add crumb brick, coal to the mixture. A plant needs a good drainage layer. In this case, the risk of moisture stagnation is significantly reduced. The further development and flowering of the plant depends on how timely and accurate the plant transplantation will be.

Do pests affect flowering?

Quite often, zygocactus does not bloom, since it directs all efforts to fight infections and pests. Inspect the leaves of the flower carefully. It is likely that they are affected by late blight or a spider mite. Both of these infections equally negatively affect not only the stems of the Decembrist, but also the buds. As a result, the plant either does not bloom, or the buds formed do not fall open. In this case, the flower must be sprayed with insecticides ("Actara", for example). If the situation is running, in addition to spraying, an emergency transplant may be necessary.

Bud formation

To prevent pests in a pot with Decembrist, ventilate the room more often, water the soil moderately and loosen it more often.

Reviews and tips for gardeners

According to most lovers of indoor plants, Decembrist is a spectacular plant that fits perfectly into any interior. In addition, the flower does not require complex care, although it has some features. For anyone who wants to replenish their collection with an unusual cactus, experienced owners recommend listening to some tips:

  • The Decembrist does not transfer permutations from place to place. Moreover, one should not even turn it around its axis, especially during flowering. This forces the Decembrist to adapt again to external conditions. In such a situation, the plant may refuse to bloom.
  • Zygocactus should be updated periodically: just pick a twig and root it in the soil. Decembrist has a high level of survival. Two years later, a young plant can bloom. Do not be afraid of the rejuvenation procedure of the flower. Sooner or later, all plants need it.


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