Dewalt screwdriver: review, description, specifications and reviews

If you are used to tinkering at home, then you probably have a screwdriver. Otherwise, you just need to purchase it. With its help, it will be possible not only to quickly assemble furniture, but also to hang a shelf in a matter of minutes, get rid of old screws or assemble furniture. In all these cases, the aforementioned device is simply necessary. Before you visit a store to purchase it, you need to think about what options are best to pay attention to first.


dewalt screwdriver

The Dewalt screwdriver is a fairly common tool among private craftsmen and professional builders. It can be used during repairs or, if necessary, the implementation of large-scale work. Inside the device there is an electric motor that will rotate during operation at a certain speed specified by the manufacturer.


Among other things, there is a planetary gearbox, which is designed to transfer force to the spindle. The clutch is connected to the gearbox, it adjusts the torque. The devices are equipped with an electronic control system, which has buttons for the effective start of the device. The battery most often acts as a power source. Such devices are convenient to use in places where there is no access to electrical outlets.

dewalt screwdrivers

Responses about household and professional models

Experienced users in their reviews indicate the need to determine the tasks that you will perform using the equipment mentioned. This will decide whether it makes sense to purchase a professional device. If you take out the unit once a month, then such an acquisition cannot be called expedient. To solve such problems, a household tool is quite suitable, the charge of its battery will be enough to carry out minor repairs. Such information can be gleaned from the reviews. If every day you perform assembly and construction manipulations, then you should not pay attention to cheap units, professional powerful models are designed for you. They most often work from the network, have impressive dimensions and weight.

dewalt dcd screwdriver

Speed ​​and Torque Specifications

If you decide to choose a Dewalt screwdriver, it is important to consider that it is characterized by a torque that determines the force with which the tool will tighten the fasteners. This parameter also determines the force with which the unit resists loads. If you plan to use the device in everyday life, it is best to purchase a device whose torque does not exceed 15 Newton meters. As for professional counterparts, this parameter can reach 130 Newton meters. This allows you to work even with extremely hard materials. Such a Dewalt screwdriver is characterized by the number of revolutions of the engine shaft, which can reach 1300 units.

But for household models, this figure does not exceed 500 rpm in one minute. Torque will determine the length of the screw fasteners and its diameter. Using powerful tools, you can tighten thick and longest screws. Among other things, you can use such devices with solid materials without fear of damage.

The Dewalt screwdriver has a very favorable difference from other tools, which is expressed in the fact that the user can adjust the torque. In this case, a stop is used, which represents the ring located after the chuck. With it, you can set the force after which the fasteners will not be screwed.

Limiter operation

The master will be able to hear the characteristic sound of a rattle - this indicates that the limiter protects the tool from wear of the bit. This addition will help to cope with the breakdown of the slots, as well as the excessive sinking of the fasteners into the surface.

cordless drill dewalt screwdriver

Overview of network or battery devices

Dewalt drill drivers can operate both on mains and on battery. Before purchasing, you must decide which device is most preferable for you. Network options have an impressive weight, you can work with them only when there is an electrical outlet nearby. However, many adherents of such devices acquire extension cords, on the meter of which the range of use of the device depends.

The Dewalt cordless drill / driver has less impressive weight compared to the above, it has many other advantages in terms of autonomy. Such units are purchased by those who do not always succeed in repairing and building work near outlets. In the field, such models are simply irreplaceable, as the masters say.

Many consumers do not like to carry extra wires that tend to be confused. If you often perform work at heights, then you just can not do without a battery device, since network models cannot be used in such conditions. Among other things, network units will be difficult to lift up due to their impressive weight, according to customers. Therefore, it makes sense to consider devices equipped with batteries.

battery for screwdriver dewalt

Overview of models with different types of batteries

If you need a Dewalt screwdriver, the reviews of which you must read before purchasing the device, then it is important to pay attention to the fact that the battery can be represented in three varieties. The first type is nickel-cadmium batteries, the second is lithium-ion, while the third is nickel-metal hydride.

The most common today are models with the latest type of battery. Such batteries are lightweight and have small dimensions, among other things, they are devoid of a memory effect. However, if you decide to purchase such a battery for a Dewalt screwdriver , then you must remember that he does not like voltage overloads and low temperatures. Yes, and to acquire such a battery will be more difficult, since it has a very significant cost. To store such batteries, you need to charge them.

On sale you can find devices with nickel-cadmium batteries, which are toxic. However, you can take advantage of the possibility of more cooldowns. Devices with such batteries will be somewhat cheaper, they are not afraid of frost and are excellently suited for Russian conditions. After all, the climate here is characterized by severity and low temperatures. In addition, it is often necessary to work outside the room, and the device must withstand low temperatures.

dewalt screwdriver reviews


A Dewalt DCD screwdriver may have a lithium-ion battery, which is not often built in. This is due to the low power and sensitivity of the batteries to cold. That is why it is worth evaluating the quality and features of the device several times, only then its acquisition will be a happy purchase, and using the tool will be very convenient and pleasant. Experts advise to pay attention to the power of the device, because the more it is, the more expensive the product will be. In addition, to solve everyday problems, there is no need at all to purchase a unit with high power, since it will be expensive, and you will not have to use the device so often.


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