Victoria berry. How to get a good harvest

Victoria berry is one of the first varieties of garden strawberries, named after the Queen of England. The fruits of the plant are very tasty and have an unusual aroma.

Victoria is planted on a flat area, which should have a slight slope in the western direction. The ridge should be in a place protected from the wind as much as possible so that air flows do not blow snow from the site in winter, otherwise the plant may simply die. For the cultivation of berries, sandy loamy soil rich in humus is best suited.

Plant a plant should be in the spring or in the fall. For spring planting, you should prepare the site already in the fall. And if you want to plant Victoria in the fall, the land is prepared in June. Working on a ridge requires laying fertilizer. In order for the plant to develop well in the future, it is necessary to add twenty grams of potassium chloride, 25 g of superphosphate, 6 kilograms of humus and 20 g of ammonium nitrate per square meter. To make it easier to take care of the plants in the future, they must be planted on small ridges in even rows, the height of which should be 10 cm. Planting is carried out at a distance of 50-60 centimeters from each other, and the gap between the shoots should be thirty centimeters.

Victoria is a berry whose reproduction is performed with the help of a mustache that appears in mid-summer. The processes contain nodes from which the roots and leaves of strawberries appear. The best quality for reproduction are sockets that are located near the mother bush. A mustache that comes from two-year-old plants is best. When 4 leaves appear on the outlet, it should be separated from the general plant and planted on the ridge. To make the mustache better take root, they need to be dug together with a lump of soil and immediately transferred to previously prepared pits (holes).

Victoria is a berry with special watering requirements. If you carry out regular agricultural work to preserve moisture, perform timely loosening of the soil, mulch the plant, cover it with snow in the winter, and make high-quality weeding, then strawberries will grow without additional moisture. However, watering (up to 10 times per season) will allow you to get more vitamin products.

So that the Victoria berry is not infected with sulfur rot, the soil on the ridge must be mulched with wood shavings, dry moss or straw after the flowering period has ended. Repeated surface coating is performed with peat or grain waste. The thickness of the mulch layer should be at least 5-10 cm. When working, you need to make sure that the leaves of the plant are not covered. After harvesting around the berry bushes, soil loosening is performed. If the roots are exposed, then the berry needs to be spudded. Getting a good crop from the garden is possible only with regular weeding.

Victoria should be treated promptly against pests and diseases. A week before the beginning of flowering, they are treated against weevils, for this they use the Inta-Vir agent or other preparations against insects. Just before flowering, for the prevention of gray rot, spraying is carried out with an iodine solution (for ten liters - 10 ml) or trichodermin. If the summer is rainy, it is recommended to repeat the treatment.

Victoria is a berry with valuable properties and many nutrients. It contains fruit sugar, mineral, pectin, vitamin C and organic acids. The fruits of Victoria should be consumed with deviations in the work of the kidneys, diabetes mellitus, liver ailments and other diseases. Victoria berries increase stamina, performance and help cleanse the blood.


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