Electrician's tools. Minimum required

Electricity is not safe for humans. It can cause significant harm to health. A current of sufficient strength can take life. Therefore, precautionary measures must be carried out in full.

Electrician tools have special protection. It is unacceptable to use poor-quality damaged equipment in operation. What equipment an electrician will need to work and what his tool should look like, you should find out more.

Minimum required

The minimum required tools for an electrician to work include screwdrivers, pliers, wire strippers, wire cutters, as well as measuring equipment, a knife, a tape measure and a marker.

Screwdrivers are indispensable in work. They can be flat, cross, indicator. The main thing is that such tools of an electrician (photo below) have protection against electric shock.

Electrician tools

In fact, only the tip in contact with the wiring elements should be exposed.

Twist the wires with pliers, and cut them with wire cutters or a knife. Nippers will allow to remove isolation. You can measure the voltage with a multimeter, a voltage indicator or clamps.

This is the main hand tool that an electrician needs to work. Auxiliary elements, which are also useful, are a knife, tape measure and marker.

Additional tools

The electrician's kit includes an additional tool that allows you to perform the necessary actions (photo is presented below).

Tool for the work of an electrician

A professional worker cannot do without it. This electrical equipment (hammer drill, hammer drill, screwdriver), as well as wrenches and a hammer.

The puncher with the help of special nozzles will allow you to drill holes for sockets, and also many other operations are performed with its help.

Electrician tools must include a chipper. When arranging hidden wiring, it is difficult to replace it with something.

Also, sometimes it is necessary to tighten various fasteners, drill holes, etc. For this, a screwdriver is required. However, in order not to carry many types of power tools with you , you need to purchase a tool for working as an electrician, such as a hammer drill with a screwdriver function.

Some items of equipment have a fairly strong fastening with bolts and nuts. A set of wrenches will help here. A hammer is needed for many operations.


To understand the question, what tool should a professional electrician have in his work, you should look at all the options for the operations he performs. There are a lot of them.

Essential tool for an electrician

The tool for the work of an electrician must have insulation for contacts in the kit. Today, there are many options for such materials.

The electrical tape can be simple or colored. It is capable of serving as marking.

But there is another type of isolation. It looks like a tube of various diameters and colors. They are called heat shrink. Under the influence of temperature, the material is compressed and tightly insulates the contact.

This can significantly reduce time costs, especially when performing tasks on a large site. Insulation is necessary for even the simplest operations.

Measuring instruments

Special attention deserves the measuring tool of an electrician. There are a large number of such devices. Their choice depends on the actions that the master performs in his activity.

Electrician's measuring tool

The indicator screwdriver is the simplest of these tools. It is inexpensive. Allows you to determine the presence of phase and zero wiring.

To perform a complete measurement of voltage, resistance of electrical appliances, you must purchase a multimeter. For example, laying a system of electric underfloor heating in the screed, the master must measure the resistance of the wire before and after installation. Comparing it with the indicator declared by the manufacturer, they conclude that the installation is correct.

Sensors for finding wiring are also needed by a professional electrician. But only in the case of frequent repairs of hidden wiring. The cost of the sensor is high, so they are purchased only by those masters who need them most.

Special Occasion Equipment

Depending on the conditions in which the master sometimes has to work, the necessary tool for an electrician is selected. If the walls of the house are wooden, you will have to use a carpentry set, chisels.

Electrician tool photo

To avoid problems with connecting the power tool, you should use your carry. Sometimes there is a decent distance to a possible feeding point. An electrician must be prepared for such situations. There is, of course, rechargeable electrical engineering. But sometimes its capacity is not enough for long-term work.

Before leaving the facility, the master must find out what conditions the customer has. It is simply necessary to consider this.

Of course, sometimes it’s simply impossible to calculate everything. Therefore, additional devices should be kept at hand, at least in your workshop.

Factory kits

To assemble an electrician’s hand tool and measuring instruments yourself will be a good solution to the problem. But there is another approach. A large number of ready-made factory kits are on sale.

Electrician hand tool
Manufacturers complete them taking into account the type of activity of the master. For professionals, the kit includes some tools, and for fans - others. The total number of items included in their composition also varies. The cost of the set depends on this.

The most popular today are electric kits:

  • "Stock" (4500 rubles).
  • "Master" (4300 rubles).
  • "SATA" (4000 rubles).
  • "NEU" (5000 rubles).
  • "CIMCO" (9000 rubles).

Cheaper are kits for home use. Costly kits are for professionals.

Home Use Kits

To beginner to understand what tool an electrician should have, you should initially pay attention to the factory sets "Master", "Stock", "NEU", SATA.

The "Rod" kit includes 13 or 16 items (the difference in the number of screwdrivers and the type of indicator). The universal set of electrician "NEU-M" has a set of 37 tools. Together with the previous option, they can be attributed to semi-professional goods. In addition to indicators, they have a device for stripping insulation.

What tool should an electrician have?

The SATA electrician kit has 27 items, and the “Master” has 23 tools. They do not have forceps to remove insulation. For home use, such equipment is fully suitable. If necessary, each set can be supplemented with items necessary for the wizard.

Professional kits

Quite expensive, but high-quality recognized by users as a professional CIMCO kit (23 tools). Its manufacturing country is Germany. The set includes powerful side cutters, as well as their electronic variety. Such a technique makes it possible even to carry out delicate repairs.

Using professional electrician tools, you can significantly expand your capabilities. And the quality of each element, according to experts, is very high. This ensures the durability of the kit. Therefore, the price of similar products is much higher.

For home infrequent use, do not spend a lot of money. In this case, sets are easier. The most important thing is that all its elements have the appropriate protection class, without defects, damage. After all, electricity does not forgive mistakes.

Before using the kit in its activity, it is necessary to ensure that all safety rules are met, have all the means of protection against electric shock.

After reviewing the recommendations of specialists, what should be the tools of an electrician, you can choose the right equipment. Depending on the actions performed by the master, the availability of both the main and auxiliary equipment should be provided .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4844/

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