Fallout 2: teammates, ranking the best

One of the most interesting moments in the game Fallout 2 - partners. The game can be played alone, but having gathered a huge crowd of mercenaries, the player receives not only help in the battles, but also additional care for caring for his companions, which allows you to delve even deeper into the harsh post-apocalyptic world of the game.

Dog mate

Bad dog

Representation of partners from Fallout 2 is better to start with this animal. A dog can meet a character anywhere in the world on an open map. A special meeting will occur if the hero has the skill "Wanderer" (naturalist). An animal will join a player in only one case - the level of luck should be incredibly low. Getting animals into pets gives the player the following:

  1. Luck drops to 1.
  2. Grants the ability "Corrupted" (50% chance that the miss will be critical for the hero and his opponents).
  3. An additional target for enemies. The dog has a huge supply of health (750) and armor similar to combat. However, he will not inflict damage in battle, but will try to escape.

You can get rid of negative effects only by killing the animal.


Easter eggs from developers. Also appears in a special meeting, Cafe of Broken Hopes. In order for her to join the hero, it is necessary to remove the armor and chat with her in the costume of a refugee. The partner is not the strongest, but as the characteristics grow, he gets 10 agility and luck, as well as 7 strength.

As a result, when pumping, we get a good fighter at close range (170%), but with poor protection due to the inability to change the armor. But the main minus is not this. Since the partner can only be obtained in a "special meeting", this can happen too late in the story, when there will be no benefit from the dog.


This will be the first character ready to join the protagonist. Companions in Fallout 2 can follow the hero just like that or under certain conditions. Sulik is a local native who fulfills his duty in a cafe in Klamath. Joins a player when one of the following three conditions is met:

  1. Pay the debt (350 coins).
  2. Save Smiley.
  3. Save Torra.

When pumping, Sulik starts to handle knives well (160%), and also has a high level of Naturalist skill (90%). Of the minuses, a series of bugs can be noted, because of which he escapes from the battle. Like all human mates, you can wear Power Armor on it , but it will not be displayed. There is a mod for the armor of partners in Fallout 2, so that it appears as a hero. However, it is recommended not to use it separately, but to immediately install the Restoration Project - which returns content cut out by the developers at the release stage to the game.

All partners


"Narrative" partner in Fallout 2. He languishes in captivity at the slave traders in Dan (Hole). Can join the player if redeemed or when killing all slave owners.

Wick's best skills are repair and light weapons. At 112% and 130% respectively. The indicators are quite average, and even after level 5 it does not help, except for mediocre shooting.

Devin and Maria

Brother and sister living in Modoc. If you sleep with one of them, you will have to get married / get married. Since these characters are bisexual, the player is free to choose any regardless of the gender of the hero.

Marriage is not good. Spouse (a) refuses to participate in battles and carry out any teams. But one interesting bug is connected with them. All partners in Fallout 2 can stop moving if, after intimacy with Devin or Maria, the protagonist pretends to be a doctor in front of their father and does not marry. To correct a mistake, you need to bond the relationship by marriage.

Another bug can occur during any sex. If the partners disappeared in Fallout 2, then this means that their display was pawned, as they continue to be listed in the squad. In order for them to appear, nothing needs to be done, this will happen all of a sudden. The only option is to take your companions to a brothel and pay them "pleasure". In this case, partners will appear in the room with the girl.


Merchant Cassidy

Trader in a suburb of Vault City. Join right away, just ask. Possesses a rather high β€œbarter” skill (80%), shoots well from light (160%) and medium from energy (130%) weapons. Based on this, if you give this character an assault rifle, he will become practically the best partner in Fallout 2. Like most other protagonist companions, he will not travel with a "child killer" and a "slave trader."


Ghoul (mutant), heading the town of Gekko. Due to friction between this settlement and the Vault City, it will not be able to travel with the player until all quests are completed. Moreover, they must be done exclusively in a positive way. All decisions must be made in favor of resolving the conflict and not allow the deaths of Gekko residents. The annexation of the town is also an acceptable result.

Lenny has the same trading skills as Cassidy, but he shoots poorly. Moreover, he is the only doctor (100% and 125%) who is ready to go on a trip with the player. Given the many books that pump medical skills, choosing him as a partner is not a good idea.


Art of Marcus

Sheriff and mayor of Broken Hills. Good-natured and peaceful super mutant, dreaming of peace between all intelligent beings. Will join the hero after resolving all the problems of the town:

  1. Find the missing people.
  2. Repair the cleaner in a uranium mine.
  3. Uncover a conspiracy against super mutants.

After that, you will be able to get a satellite team that has good command of heavy weapons (165%). Unfortunately, Marcus only fires bursts from his minigun and often hits allies. Also not able to change his armor, which is somehow compensated by his own health reserve.


Almost the only partner in the game with dubious moral qualities. You can meet him at the stables next to New Renault in the process of finding drug makers. There will be practically no benefit from it, with the exception of the high "Science" indicator (145%) at the last level. Thus, the use of such a companion will not lead to anything good. Therefore, it is easier to pump the appropriate skill with the help of books.

Myron in anger


In the process of completing quests (from Wright) in New Reno, the chosen one is given the opportunity to visit the secret military base of Sierra. To get a partner, the player will have to assemble a new body according to the instructions. The main problem is that by this moment, Favorites should have pumped up "Science" to 121% in order to get the best option possible. When assembled (with a cybernetic brain), Skynet has 155% in the skill of handling light weapons, as well as 155% in the skill of "science" at the last level, which is very doubtful, since 121% of the player is more than enough to complete the game.


This pet goes to the player after completing the quest in the city of NKR. The protagonist will be offered to test the "mutagenic serum" on some mutant. The player has some choice what to do, despite the advice of a scientist.

  1. There is a prison with a mutant inside Broken Hills. If you kill him, then the reputation of the Favorites will not be affected.
  2. Walk around Broken Hills to meet with the "Unity Patrol" or the "Remnants of the Creator's Army." After using the serum, the battle will not start.
  3. You can fight with a super mutant in Vault City after talking with Merck.

After completing the task, the player will be awarded a faithful pet. He has a mediocre melee skill (100%), practically not growing with the level.


A mysterious figure in a hoodie, which can be found in Vault 13 among the claws of death. Will join the player at the first request, unless he is a "child killer", "slave trader" or "berserk".

Goris - hand of death

In battle, Goris takes off his clothes and turns out to be a death-albino claw. This character has the highest rate of battle without weapons among all satellites (170%). It also has a good health reserve comparable to super mutants, and a high rate of innate armor.

Two weeks after completing the task of fixing the computer at 13, Goris will return there, citing a hunch. He can be hired again at the same place.


Another robot dog. Located in Navarro. To get it, you need to kill the scientist and repair it (repair is higher than 50%). The dog has a fairly high melee skill (152%) and a critical strike chance (43%), but low protection.


In Fallout 2, teammates are controlled through direct dialogue. For this reason, the player cannot change tactics during the battle. In addition, various tactics are available for different followers. Someone can fight accurately and run at the slightest wound, while someone is not able to use stimulants and breaks forward exclusively. This is another criterion for choosing a partner.



After reading everything written, we can conclude how many partners in Fallout 2 are really suitable for traveling with the Chosen One. By combining all the information received, the player understands that the number of options is very limited. Below is a ranking of teammates in Fallout 2 with brief comments.

  1. Cassidy. A good shooter, it’s easy to recruit at the initial stage of the game, and therefore to pump. Can wear power armor.
  2. Goris. Great melee fighter, easy to recruit. The only problem is the distance between Arroyo and 13 shelter.
  3. Sulik. He fights well with melee weapons, but you have to spend money to get it.
  4. Marcus. Heavy artillery with high damage. Got 4th place due to the number of quests that need to be completed.
  5. K-9. Penetration at the Enclave base could be a problem.
  6. Dog. The chance of getting a special meeting is really low.
  7. Skynet. To get to it and fix it, you will have to try hard. Because of this time, there will be almost no quests left to pump it.
  8. Robopez.
  9. Vic. Due to the fact that after level 5, he stops using the repair skill.
  10. Lenny. Heals well.
  11. Myron. It’s easy to recruit, but the level of science is useful only to get Skynet.
  12. Maria, Devin, Bad Dog. Completely useless.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4847/

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