Baby formula "Nutrilak": reviews, composition, application

Baby formula Nutrilak is an alternative to mother's milk high-quality baby food, which is intended for babies from birth and older. A balanced composition fills the children's body with a daily norm of vitamins and minerals, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Parents' comments on this product are more positive: high quality, all-natural constituent components, good digestibility, reasonable cost.

About company

The manufacturer of this baby food is the Russian company "Infaprim", which is located in the city of Istra.

The offices owned by the company are located in Moscow (Russian Federation) and Almaty (Republic of Kazakhstan).

This is the only company in the country that carries out production in full - from the development of technology to the final release of the finished product.

The main purpose of Infaprim is to provide high-quality Nutrilak baby food for newborns and older who are fully or partially fed by artificial feeding. As well as nutrition for pregnant and lactating women.

This manufacturer, in addition to Nutrilak, also produces mixtures for children "Baby" and "Winnie".

Adapted Nutrition

Baby food from birth

These are Nutrilak infant formulas, since the composition of each species is maximally close to the composition of breast milk.

The adapted baby food Nutrilak Premium includes an even more expanded complex of nutrients necessary for the child’s body and an almost complete repetition of the composition of mother’s natural milk.

Choosing a truly high-quality mixture for a newborn baby is a serious and capacious task. But together with the company "Infaprim" it becomes quite solvable. The main thing is to choose the right mixture that is completely suitable for the child.

In this case, parents are guided by several factors:

  • recommendations of a pediatrician;
  • age indicator;
  • own knowledge and observations of the baby;
  • indications and contraindications regarding the health of the baby.

Varieties of Nutrilak products

Other varieties of infant formula

Despite the fact that the brand produces a large number of mixtures, the bulk of the products are intended for children from birth to 6 months.

The numbers after the name indicate how old the mixture is and, accordingly, the composition.

There are Nutrilak and Nutrilak Premium:

  • without a number - for babies from 0 to a year;
  • with a single after the name - from birth to 6 months;
  • with the number 2 - for children 6-12 months;
  • with the number 3 - from a year and older.

There are also special mixtures for children with allergies, excessive belching, and others.

All varieties of products are packed in cardboard boxes, equipped with instructions for use and a description of the full composition, as well as a measuring spoon.

About composition

The composition and method of preparation

The company “Infaprim”, developing the technology for the manufacture of Nutrilak mixes, uses only the latest achievements obtained experimentally - colleagues from other countries, as well as its own - in the segment of baby food.

As for the composition, only natural components and useful additives are used here. These are: polyunsaturated fatty acids, milk fats, nucleotides, probiotics, prebiotics, lutein and so on.

And this is not surprising, since the bulk of the products of this manufacturer is aimed at providing nutrition to children from birth to 6 months.

Therefore, milk mixtures can be safely considered an alternative to breast milk - in the absence of one or in insufficient quantities. They have a beneficial effect on the development and condition of the baby’s body, are well digested.

All this is due to the composition of Nutrilak, which contains the following useful components that ensure the functioning of all organs and systems in the body:

  • milk fat - develops the brain, provides energy for the growth of the child;
  • Omega fatty acids contribute to the development of intelligence and the brain;
  • nucleotides - form the baby’s gastrointestinal tract and immunity;
  • lutein - develops the retina and improves vision;
  • probiotics and prebiotics - protect the intestinal flora.

This contributes to normal metabolism, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, systematic weight gain and saturation with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

For newborns

Packing Information

When born, every child needs warmth, care, attention, regular feeding. The best is breast milk. But it happens that, for various reasons, it is either not enough or not at all.

Therefore, Nutrilak Premium 1 for babies becomes an indispensable tool for parents in terms of nutrition for the baby, supplementing or completely replacing breast milk.

This dry milk formula with a full composition is just designed for mixed or fully artificial feeding.

Mix for children from 6 months

Baby food for babies from 6 to 12 months

Nutrilak also offers baby food for babies from six months to one year. This is a Premium 2 mix.

Designed for additional or fully artificial feeding of children.

Does not contain palm oil, sugar, starch. Only milk fat and important elements for the full development of the baby.

Feeding children from a year and older

At this age, the baby, like a newborn, needs good nutrition, which will provide him with a good state of health, mood, and energy.

According to reviews, Nutrilak Premium 3 is the best for the complete or partial replacement of mother's milk.

Designed in composition for this age category of children. It also contains exclusively natural ingredients like Nutrilak from 0 and from 6 months.

Hypoallergenic mixtures

For babies who have food allergies or do not accept milk protein, the manufacturer offers the Nutrilac hypoallergenic mixture. Designed for children from birth to six months of age and from 6 to 12 months, respectively.

In the balanced composition of these mixtures there is no palm and rapeseed oil, and contains only useful components, as well as micro and macro elements.

Nutrilak hypoallergenic is used as a dietary supplement. Gradually, all allergy symptoms go away, including milk protein rejection, stool normalizes, weight begins to regularly increase, rashes disappear.

Nutrilak for children from 0 to 6 months

For mum

Nutrima Lactamil is a support for breastfeeding newborns. A balanced supplement is intended for mothers, so that the volume of milk increases, lactation and the composition of breast milk improve.

Also, this nutrition for women helps to obtain the necessary trace elements and vitamins, which are so important for complete recovery after childbirth.

The composition of the mixture: herbal collection, high quality milk protein, pectin, omega fatty acids, lactose, vitamin complex, minerals.

Contains no sugar and palm oil.

There is also a Nutrima Femilak mixture for pregnant women.

Shelf life of mixtures

According to the information that is reflected on the baby food packaging of this brand, it is recommended to store it in sealed form for up to 1.5 years.

Although, according to reviews of Nutrilak of parents regularly purchasing these products, the number of months can be reduced to three.

The reason is that even if the mixture is in a safe place, protected from moisture and direct sunlight, it still starts to deteriorate and gets an unpleasant smell of mustiness.

That is, the first 3 months the finished milk porridge has a pleasant smell and taste, the child eats with pleasure. And after this period, an unpleasant odor causes unwillingness to use the finished product.

All this means that the composition of the mixture is natural components that lose their quality after a few months.

But for parents, there is only one way out - to buy and prepare kids exclusively fresh mixture.

It is also recommended that after purchase, pour into a can, then it will be easier to operate and more reliable in terms of safety.

About packing and cost

Milk formula

The bar code shows that the mixture was made on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Baby food is packaged in cardboard packaging with a foil bag - weighing 350, 400 and 600 grams.

According to reviews of Nutrilak, the best mixes are in packs of 350 grams. The cost of this volume is 290-320 rubles.

Specialized Nutrilak mixtures - Sour-milk, Lactose-free and others - are more expensive.

Cooking baby food

The manufacturer strongly recommends mixing the mixture with water only before feeding the baby, because over time it loses most of the nutrients.

Milk nutrition Nutrilak is prepared simply and quickly:

  • boil dishes and devices for feeding the baby;
  • pour a certain amount of baby water for drinking (or plain boiled), heated to 45 degrees, into a porridge bottle;
  • add the mixture to water (the number of measuring spoons per volume of liquid is important to clarify in the instructions that are on the package);
  • mix the mixture well (or by shaking a closed bottle, or with a spoon) so that everything dissolves and the lumps leave;
  • check food temperature.

The daily norm for a child to use the Nutrilac mixture should correspond to the amount of breast milk.

On average, meals should be taken every 3-4 hours (depending on age). And in between, you can give your child a drink of water.

Baby food


Currently, many mothers are faced with a lack of natural mother's milk. Therefore, they are forced to look for a replacement for their newborns or a little older babies - nutritious milk formulas.

Reviews about Nutrilak are mostly positive from parents who have been feeding their babies this baby food for a long time.

They say that:

  1. This is a good mix.
  2. It is palatable, nutritious, hypoallergenic (even the usual ones - Nutrilak and Nutrilak Premium).
  3. Good stool and lack of colic in a baby who uses mixtures of this brand.
  4. The mixture dissolves well in water, especially if stirred with a spoon.
  5. Reasonable price, full compliance of the price with quality.
  6. The child eats the mixture with pleasure.
  7. There is an opportunity to get a quick consultation of specialists on the manufacturer’s website.


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