Dog cage - a luxury or a necessity?

For many owners, the dog cage still remains in the category of frills and unnecessary luxury. Some of these owners suggest that closed in a confined space, and even in such a small one, the animal is doomed to moral and physical suffering, which, in fact, is cruelty on the part of the owner. Their doubts are understandable, but their justification is very, very superficial.

dog cage
Why, for example, does no one protest against wooden booths in the private sector or against wicker and stitched dog houses in apartments? But this is almost the same! The essence doesn’t change! A cage for a dog is her home, her refuge. Especially in an unfamiliar or even alien place.

Pay attention to how dogs behave at shows. Some are nervous and, tightening their tail, shake at the master’s foot in the hope of finding support and protection, while some, on the contrary, try to find out the relationship by periodically showing a grin. As a result - fatigue and increased irritation in the ring, which means that it is not always an excellent mark, even, it would seem, in an ideal dog. But those animals that calmly sat in the cage (mind you, they mostly slept in it) appeared before the expert in a fresh, rested form. And this is because, despite the accumulation of other dogs and people, they were isolated, and therefore protected.

Dog cage
The cage for transporting dogs (usually plastic) also plays the same role. Trains, cars, endless transfers and waiting rooms ... All this can also cause stress. Carrying this stress, if it does not exclude it, then, of course, significantly reduces it. You probably noticed that the dog, being in a state of fear, is trying to climb into the corner darker and even harder. This is a natural, natural reaction. Therefore, by placing the dog in a cage for transportation, we really help her survive the unrest. And in some types of transport (for example, on airplanes) transporting animals without a container is generally unacceptable (of course, if the dog is not a guide).

By the way, a cage for a dog can come in handy when cleaning an apartment or the arrival of guests, especially if they came with a small child. After all, a kid cannot always be explained that a dog cannot be pulled by the ear and stuffed fingers into her eyes. Therefore, the cell will be a real salvation for the animal. A cage for a large dog is necessary as well as for a small one.

Big dog cage

And what is it worth to teach a puppy to cleanliness! And here, too, a dog cage will come in handy. Leaving home, you can close the puppy for a couple of hours, and upon returning immediately take him for a walk. Just remember: you can’t leave the dog in the cage for a long time: this will affect its health too negatively. For normal development, the animal does not have enough good nutrition; movement, loads, games, and, of course, the owner’s attention are also necessary.

If you still come to the conclusion that the cage for the dog is really needed, use the recommendations below.

  1. Do not rush to buy a cage more expensive or cheaper. Take a closer look. There are wire cages, folding and easy to carry (like a suitcase), but they are heavier than plastic ones. Plastic cages, in turn, are more bulky (with such a container you will look like a turtle carrying a shell on its back), but convenient for transportation.
  2. Calculate the sizes. The dog should calmly stand upright and be able to lie stretched out. In this sense, the larger the cell, the better. However, on the train it is overweight for which you have to pay (although the payment is very meager), and it will be difficult to climb stairs that are not equipped with ramps.
  3. Be sure to place a mat (mattress, blanket) at the bottom of the cage that is familiar to the dog.
  4. Get or sew a cover on the cage (the animal will be more comfortable and calmer).
  5. Accustom your dog to a new place gradually, leaving the door open. Put a couple of toys inside (changing them once every couple of days). You can even feed the dog in a cage (so she gets used much faster).
  6. Do not leave the animal in a closed cage for a long time (even if you are on a trip), it should be able to walk, stretch, drink water, play.
  7. If the dog whines and bites the cage’s rods out of habit, distract it and open the door only when it calms down. Otherwise, you risk fixing a bad habit of howling to attract attention.


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