Planting hyacinths in the fall in the ground: the rules and time of planting

Hyacinth is a very beautiful, fragrant and bright flower that, when planted correctly, will delight with its flowering and luxurious inflorescences. To do this, you definitely need to know how hyacinths are planted in the ground in the fall. There are certain landing rules and the period of its conduct, which must be followed.

When is the best time to plant flowers?

Planting in the fall of hyacinths is carried out around September. If plants are planted too early, they can very quickly grow and die from frost. However, too late planting of hyacinths is undesirable, since the bulbs must be sufficiently rooted before severe frosts begin.

planting autumn hyacinths

The correct planting of hyacinths in the fall is very important. When and how to plant, is determined depending on the region of growing flowers. In warm regions, they can be planted until mid-November. However, before this, the soil must be mulched, using compost or fallen foliage for this.

How to choose the right planting material

When planting hyacinths in the fall in the ground, you must definitely be able to correctly choose planting material. When purchasing flower bulbs, be sure to consider their size. The optimal diameter is 4-6 centimeters. In yellow and terry varieties of hyacinths, planting material is much smaller.

planting hyacinths in the ground in the fall

The most resistant to poor weather conditions are flower stalks with dense medium-sized bulbs. That is why you should not choose too large planting material. It is necessary to ensure that the bulbs are healthy. Quality bulbs should be:

  • dense and elastic to the touch;
  • clean and beautiful looking;
  • there are no obvious signs of damage and stains;
  • no traces of rot.

By choosing the right planting material, you can achieve a very good result and grow healthy, beautiful flowers with abundant flowering.

Preparing the bulb for planting

Many are interested in when and how to plant hyacinths in the fall. Landing is carried out in mid-autumn. Before planting the bulbs in the ground, you need to hold them in a solution of any fungicide. It is best to take the drug "Maxim".

The drug is diluted at the rate of 1 ampoule per 1 liter of water. In this amount, you can prepare up to 1 kg of planting material.

Preparing flower beds for planting

Proper planting of hyacinths in the fall is very important, as this will achieve very good flowering. It is important to correctly select a place for planting flowers. The site should be well lit and protected from the cold wind. Many try to plant bulbs under the trees, but this is not entirely correct, since it only partially protects the plant from sunlight and wind, and after flowering the bulbs suffer greatly due to insufficient nutrition.

planting hyacinths in the fall when and how to plant

Planting hyacinths in the open ground in autumn requires preliminary soil preparation, which must be carried out in advance. This is best done in the last months of summer. Bulbs require loose soil, so peat or river sand needs to be added to chernozem. It is not recommended to plant them in acidic soil. Acidity should be no more than 6.5, and if it is higher, then you need to add lime flour.

Groundwater located near the root system can cause fungus formation, so good drainage is needed. You can plant the plant in high beds or create a slight slope to provide a better outflow of moisture. Before planting hyacinth bulbs in autumn, you need to dig the beds 40 cm deep into the beds and make:

  • superphosphate;
  • limestone;
  • wood ash;
  • peat and sand;
  • rotted manure and humus.

The flower bed needs to be prepared in advance so that the soil has time to settle a little. If you prepare the soil immediately before planting the bulbs, the soil will settle as the roots grow, as a result of which they can break off.

The method of planting hyacinths

Hyacinth should be properly planted in the fall. Planting dates largely depend on the region, as in the cold northern regions, bulbs are planted in early autumn. In pre-prepared holes, each of which is at a distance of 15-20 cm and has a depth of 15-18 cm, a layer of peat, sand or humus must be poured. Then in the holes you need to place the bulbs, pressing them tightly, falling asleep initially with the same mixture, and then the soil. Planted bulbs should be abundantly watered with water, but at the same time, preventing the accumulation of excess water on the bed.

hyacinth planting in the fall planting dates

The depth at which the bulb is planted is determined depending on its size. In light soils, the recess should not be more than 3 diameters, and in loamy soils - 2 diameters. The flower bed needs to be additionally insulated when cold weather sets in. When planting hyacinths in the fall in the suburbs in the conditions of frequent rains, it is necessary to cover the flowerbed with a film in the fall to prevent excessive moisture, since the flowers do not really like it. In the absence of regular autumn rains, hyacinths require additional watering about 1-2 times a week.

After the first spring shoots appear, plants necessarily require additional top dressing with the use of nitrogen-containing fertilizers and loosening.

Aftercare for the flower

With the advent of cold weather, it is advisable to additionally cover hyacinths, and it is necessary to remove such shelter in early spring. This should be done very carefully, since the sprouts of flowers by this time can already hatch. The first sprouts appear very early.

The most important rule of good flower care is the timely application of fertilizing. The first time nitrogen-containing fertilizers must be applied immediately after emergence. The second top dressing is carried out after the appearance of buds. After flowering, hyacinths are fed by adding superphosphates and potassium chloride. Planting in the fall of hyacinths is carried out at home. This will allow you to grow flowers for the winter or spring holidays.

Features of planting and growing hyacinths at home

Planting hyacinths in autumn is carried out at home. To do this, you need to consider some of the features of growing flowers in order to get good flowering in the shortest possible time. To achieve this, you must:

  • choose the right planting material;
  • take into account the timing of disembarkation;
  • observe the rules of planting plants.

The most important thing is to choose the right hyacinth bulbs. These should be large enough specimens bred specifically for early growth. You need to purchase them in specialized stores. When growing plants in the fall at home, the timing of planting depends on when exactly you need to get the flowers, for the New Year holidays or family celebration. If you need to grow flowers for the winter holidays, then the bulbs should be planted in early autumn, and if for the spring holidays - then in about 20 numbers.

planting hyacinth bulbs in autumn

To accommodate 5-7 not very large bulbs, you need to take a low pot with a diameter of more than 15 cm. They need to be planted quite closely. If you need to grow single plants, then the diameter of the pot should be about 10 cm. The pot for growing hyacinths needs to be filled with soil mixture consisting of fertile soil, sand and humus, after having made drainage at the bottom of the pot. Planted bulbs should not rise above the ground by more than 5 mm. When planting the bulbs, the soil level must be calculated so that their protruding parts do not extend beyond the edges of the pot.

For the first 2-3 months, the pots should be in a dark, cool room, best in the basement. Comfortable conditions for ensuring full-fledged root growth will be, if the temperature is 7 degrees, as well as with regular watering. When the first shoots appear, the container with the plant must be placed in a shaded room with a temperature of about 11-13 degrees and only then put in a well-lit place. Flowers growing in glass containers look very beautiful.

Plant care after flowering

It is important to know how to store hyacinths before planting in the fall to ensure good conditions for the bulbs. After abundant spring flowering, hyacinths must be left on the flower bed until the inflorescences completely turn yellow. After that, you must dig out the bulbs, cut off all the buds and greens and place them in a warm, dry place. In this form, you can save hyacinths until next fall.

planting hyacinths in the fall in the suburbs

The planting site needs to be changed every year, as the soil can be infected by pests. Growing them near other bulbous flowers is not allowed. At the same place, the planting of hyacinths is possible no earlier than 3 years later.

Features of preparing flowers for the winter

After the bulbs have taken root, they are no longer afraid of any frost. However, it is still necessary to protect them from frost in the winter. For the winter, it is necessary to carry out the insulation of plants. Additional insulation will be a layer of snow.

proper planting of hyacinths in the fall

Observing all the rules for planting hyacinths in the fall, there is no doubt that the first shoots will appear in early spring. Be sure to monitor the weather until the moment the flowers are still well rooted. It is advisable to prepare covering material in advance. In spring, timely fertilizing is required in order to get a beautiful and plentiful flowering.


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