What is fashion and what does it matter for each person

Sometimes, even the simplest word can lead us into a dead end if someone asks for a clear and concrete definition. Here, for example, what is fashion? It would seem that such a simple question, and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to immediately answer it. We meet this word almost every day. It sounds from the TV, flickers on computer monitors, is heard from friends and acquaintances. And we all know its essence for sure. But it’s very difficult to give an exact definition and find the right words. Let's try to do it all the same.

So what is a mod? For some, it is an ordinary everyday whim, illuminating consciousness with a sudden idea. Other people see their profession in fashion, a true vocation. She makes from ordinary gray specialists, of which there are millions, real creators, creators, artists. However, there are still a few fairly clear and understandable definitions, despite the blurring of the contours of this concept.

Firstly, fashion, first of all, is one of the forms of manifestation of culture. She can be seen in the manner of behavior, in the variety of clothes, in images and similarities. Fashion reflects reality, like a huge mirror. And it is constantly changing, adapting to the human masses. Although in reality it is society that considers itself a slave to a capricious and unstable fashion.

The question of what fashion is mainly excites the minds of those people who at some point in their lives begin to move away from it and look from the side. After all, it was then that they ceased to chase the ghost sometimes invented by other ghosts. It is believed that at such a moment a person gains his own unique style, allowing him to reveal himself not only internally, but also externally, achieving such images of true harmony with the world around him.

Fashion often makes a loop in its development, returning thereby to the long-forgotten details and images. But can any definite boundaries be designated for it? If you have absolutely precisely learned for yourself what a fashion really is, then not a single extravagant round will surprise you. Therefore, do not rush to free the wardrobe from seemingly completely outdated things. It will take several years (or maybe decades), and all the attributes of a forgotten past will again explode modern catwalks with loud shocking appearances.

Everyone has their own fashion. This is especially pronounced in the culture of different countries. Details of traditional clothing of residents of one state can cause bewilderment and even laughter among citizens of another. For example, Muslim fashion. It is based on the domination of men and the submission of women to strict rules. Therefore, in such countries, the weaker sex is forced to hide as much as possible not only your body under a large number of tissues, but even your face. As a result, the fashion here has acquired a shade of humility. And this does not affect men who dress exclusively so that it is comfortable. In addition, Muslim outfits are designed to protect the skin from the scorching sun.

But traditional Indian fashion is the exact opposite of the above. Girls in this case dress brightly, catchy and even somewhat defiantly. The bellies open, the seductive neckline. Moreover, all fabrics are very light and thin. But together they create a completely unique flying and gentle image. In India, it is customary to wear a large number of large jewelry, which, when walking, emit a melodic ringing. This creates an additional effect of luxury ladies, wealth, and also makes them visible in the crowd.

Fashion lives in every person, like a religion. And it is not necessary to explain it to someone, trying to defend their point of view. Everyone has a taste and style, just sometimes they vary greatly. Exactly like human characters. Therefore, you should not relate to fashion as to one single thing. This is not a law, but rather its complete absence.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4874/

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