The majestic and mysterious Gurzuf. Reviews

Gurzuf ... Reviews about this place are usually the most enthusiastic - and for good reason. The mild climate, warm sea, clean mountain air filled with healing phytoncides of ancient eucalyptus trees - all this attracts a huge number of tourists throughout the year.

Someone comes here in the spring, trying to plunge into the early southern flowering of trees, or in the summer to swim and enjoy in the warm sunshine. And someone prefers warm autumn days, with the rays of the sun breaking through the yellowed foliage. In winter, you can wander around along the promenade, admire the majestic sea and feed the remains of the bread of huge gulls.

As you know, it was this Crimean town that was once chosen by the great A.S. Pushkin. Here he spent the unforgettable months of his life, starting work on the work “Prisoner of the Caucasus”.

Gurzuf: location reviews

The village of Gurzuf, of course, having the glory of one of the best resorts in Ukraine, is located 15 kilometers from Yalta. Of course, one of the main features of Gurzuf is its mountain landscape, characterized by both unique nature and unusual vegetation.

The climate in the village is subtropical, and the high mountains of the peninsula reliably protect Gurzuf from the cold northerly winds.

Sea vacation in Crimea Gurzuf will help to combine with visiting local attractions, namely the landscape park, which is conveniently located in the resort and occupies a total of about 12 hectares. One cannot but note the fact that this park was founded earlier than the famous and often visited by tourists Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Today, more than 150 different types of plants grow here, and numerous fountains and sculptures serve as a real decoration.

The beaches of Gurzuf are covered with both large and small pebbles, and in some places you can even find stony coastal cliffs.

Everyone who decides to have lunch or just have a cup of coffee on the promenade will be surprised at the huge number of cafes and restaurants, the main feature of which, in addition to delicious dishes of both local and overseas cuisines, is a view of the Adalars, two rocky islands of unusual shape, which are considered a symbol of the village.

Gurzuf: accommodation reviews

Of course, anyone who goes on vacation to the sea, first seeks to resolve the issue of housing.

Holidays in Gurzuf - reviews by experienced travelers are confirmation of this - it largely depends on properly selected housing. The choice should be based on several components.

  1. District of the city. The nearest (old) Gurzuf is located near the sea, but the distant, more modern part is directly above the Artek children's camp.
  2. Remoteness from the sea. In general, the levels at which the city is located can be divided into three main categories: lower, middle and high. As a rule, lower Gurzuf is of great interest. Here is the most expensive housing, which is affordable only for wealthy tourists who want to live at least for some time in the old mansions of the time of A.S. Pushkin, get some special air, drink coffee or read a book in comfortable armchairs on wrought-iron balconies overlooking a narrow, full secrets, the street.
  3. The quality of housing and the comfort of living. That is, the presence of air conditioning, own kitchen, separate toilet and shower with round-the-clock hot water.
  4. The size of the leased premises. It can be a small room, medium-sized apartment, comfortable and located along the sea boathouse, a separate summer cottage or a modest summer shack.

Gurzuf: food reviews

For those who managed to find housing with their own kitchen, the problem with food was solved. You can cook anything you want on your own, especially since there is no shortage of grocery stores or markets in the village, having visited which you can buy the freshest and most fragrant vegetables and fruits.

However, the assortment provided by catering places is also quite diverse. There are a lot of expensive and modern restaurants in Gurzuf, but choosing a cheap dining room is also not difficult.

For example, you can go to "Mega" or "Campus", which are located in a huge four-story building near the central avenue of the town. Places, according to vacationers, are equivalent, and the prices are absolutely identical. The only difference is that Mega, unlike the Campus, is located on the ground floor, which means there is the opportunity to eat in the fresh air.

Substantial competition to the above institutions is a tiny cafe located opposite, providing delicious Tatar cuisine. There are only three tables, so you should book a place in advance. This is an ideal place for lovers of Tatar cuisine. Lagman, chebureks, pilaf and shurpa here are simply magnificent, and the service is at their best: tourists are received with all the hospitality of oriental hospitality.


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