Checking a driverā€™s license and traffic fines: tips and tricks

Today weā€™ll figure out how to verify a driverā€™s license. This is not the most difficult operation, but not everyone knows about it. By driverā€™s rights, you can find out about the deprivation of a document, as well as about fines for a person. The main thing is to know how to behave. Solving the problem is not difficult.

driver license check

Ways to translate ideas

Checking fines for a driverā€™s license or citizen's TIN is very quick. Especially if you know how to act.

To check your driverā€™s license or traffic fines, you can:

  • apply directly to the traffic police;
  • send a request to the FSSP;
  • use the official service of the traffic police of the Russian Federation;
  • work with third-party resources on the network;
  • to acquire a database of traffic police.

Below we will study all of the listed layouts. If you prepare for them, you will be able to verify your driverā€™s license in a few minutes.


Let's start with the least common approach. Checking a driverā€™s license can be done by purchasing traffic police databases. They usually publish data on cars and their owners. Driving licenses are also registered in such databases.

Driving license fines check

The acquisition of such documents is illegal. In addition, this technique cannot be called reliable - the bases quickly become obsolete. The cost of documents is high. And therefore, the population rarely resortes to the help of this technique.

Visit to the traffic police

Checking a driverā€™s license for deprivation is best done directly by directly contacting the local traffic police.

To cope with the task, a citizen needs:

  1. Collect a specific package of papers. About them later.
  2. Contact the traffic police at the place of registration.
  3. Submit a request for information on driver's licenses or fines.
  4. Get relevant data.

It usually takes a few minutes. Less often - a couple of days. It is important to remember that information about driverā€™s licenses and fines is not distributed to third parties. And that means that this technique is far from accessible to everyone.


Checking a driverā€™s license for a limited action is carried out exclusively with the help of the traffic police. But fines can be found at the bailiffs.

The action algorithm will be exactly the same as in the previous case. It is enough to simply contact the local bailiff service with a request of the established form. You must have an identity card with you.

driving license check

Bailiff site and fines

Checking fines for a driverā€™s license is pretty quick. But for this, third-party services are used.

A regular traffic police fines check can be done through the bailiff's website. Recommended:

  1. Open website in an Internet browser.
  2. Go to "Services" - "Bank Office".
  3. Enter the requested information. It's about the name citizen, as well as his date of birth and place of residence.
  4. Click on the "Check" button.

After a minute, information on the debts of the citizen will appear on the screen. But this technique only works when paperwork is open on a person. In the case of fines, the traffic police is a huge rarity. Therefore, the reception is not always effective.

GAI website

It is preferable to check the driverā€™s license for fines or fines through the official online service of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation. It is free and available to every user.

How can you imagine step-by-step actions for the implementation of the task? The user is required to:

  1. Go to the page.
  2. Hover over Services.
  3. Select the appropriate menu item. For example, "Checking a driverā€™s license / driver" or "Checking fines."
  4. Enter the number of a driverā€™s license or certificate of registration of a car in the traffic police.
  5. Click on the "Send Request" button.

After a few seconds, one or another type of information will appear on the display. But that is not all. In the traffic police check the driverā€™s license for any restrictions made with certain difficulties. But modern users are able to solve the problem differently.

traffic police driver's license check

Important: when applying to the traffic police, a citizen must have a passport with him and know the ID number. It is advisable to inform the driver's full name, place of registration and contact information.

Third Party Resources

For example, by accessing third-party websites. Checking the number of fines and hardships with a driverā€™s license number is sometimes not done through official resources. The bulk of such offers is fraud.

Nevertheless, there are a number of free sites for checking a driverā€™s license and traffic police fines. There are a lot of them. It is advisable to avoid such suggestions, but you can pay attention to several reliable sources. We will get to know them later.


For example, there is a resource called Avtomotoprof. This is an information site that offers drivers built-in services for checking certain data.

It is necessary to act like this:

  1. Go to Avtotoprof.
  2. In the search bar, write "Checking fines for a driverā€™s license."
  3. Click on the corresponding result.
  4. Enter the I / O number in the window that appears.
  5. Click on the "Check" button.

It is done. The information of interest to the citizen will appear on the screen.

"Autobot" and "Autocode"

The following two resources that help verify the driverā€™s license (and also fines with the car as a whole) are Autobot and Autocode.

check by driver license number

The first site allows you to search for information about the vehicle and its owners by VIN-number or registration certificate number. Here it is possible to ā€œbreak throughā€ fines. Just click on the corresponding menu item.

"Autocode" is a universal check service for drivers. With it, you can find out not only about the deprivation of a driverā€™s license, but also about fines, as well as about the participation of a car in an accident. The job is to select the desired operation and enter the requested data.


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