Breeds of parrots. Meet feathered pets

Parrots are very common birds that are bred as pets. In nature, they live in warm countries such as Australia and Africa, but they began to domesticate and domesticate them in India. Now, centuries later, their popularization and fashion for their breeding has spread all over the world.

Breeds of parrots that are grown at home, exceed the mark of 500. They are varied both in size and in character and learning ability. The most common captive parrots are cockatoos. This breed unites more than 250 species. At home, there are also woodpeckers and loriae parrots with an interesting bilingual language, nestors, owls and, of course, the well-known wavy representatives. Their breeding in urban apartments is associated with easy breeding and undemanding care.

Captive parrot breeds can be trained. Many of them are prone to copying a variety of sounds and human speech, especially cockatoos, wavy and corella. Their abilities in this are great, the success of individual individuals reaches a vocabulary of 150 words. Some, especially smart ones, can play short phrases and sentences.

Budgerigar parrots do not like to live alone. They prefer the company. In this case, having a fellow interlocutor, they will not copy human speech. They have an excellent rate of captive breeding, so these birds are born with pleasure. In addition, feathered pets living in the house are able to bring joy and good mood by their presence alone. Those who opt for parrots are doing the right thing. In addition to their unpretentiousness, they occupy much less space than other animals, in addition, they are also very sociable birds.

Any breed of parrots is afraid of drafts, because they are very prone to colds. Too close the location of the radiators can have a negative effect on their respiratory system.

It should be remembered that these birds are very attached to their owners, especially parrots of the cockatoo breed. In the process of getting used to it, they come into contact with a person so closely that their further life is often impossible without you. Please note that the luxurious crest on the bird's head must be in a lowered state, it is revealed only in case of danger or fear. A cockatoo is able to protect itself with painful bites.

Goffins are interesting and unusual, one of the varieties of the cockatoo parrot breed . They are capable of producing stunning acrobatic stunts and are great flyers. The tendency of all representatives of this species to plucking scares away potential customers from acquiring them, but, despite this insignificant drawback, goffins are very compliant birds.

Numerous breeds of parrots for breeding at home can not do without such a representative as Jaco. They are brown-tailed and red-tailed. Jaco is a touchy bird, so he is not inclined to easily forgive insults. Such a parrot is usually a leader by nature and, if you first give him the opportunity to “command” and then deprive him, your house will be filled with a cry. He will restore his rights, bringing you to exhaustion. He is vindictive, able to avenge himself by a bite, and he’s hard to endure a change of ownership and rearrangement in his life. Because of this, it can often be in a depressed mood. Unlike cockatoo, Jaco prefers walking, rather than flying.

An exotic and very interesting species of parrots is Senegalese, a worthy replacement for expensive aro and jaco. Very capable of learning, easy to train and able to fill your home with cheerful twittering. These are very friendly birds, which are recommended to be acquired if there are children in the house.

It doesn’t matter which parrot breed you choose. In any case, you have to take care of their content. For comfortable living conditions you need a special metal cage. It should include a drinking bowl and a feeder. The correct, balanced food containing trace elements and vitamins will ensure your pet a healthy existence.


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