Variety of cabbage Glory: description, photo, characteristics, planting and care

Traditional cuisine is unthinkable without cabbage. Russian cabbage soup and Ukrainian borsch, sauerkraut or stewed cabbage, in salad or pies - it is good in any dish. And the presence in its composition of useful substances, vitamins and minerals makes it indispensable for our diet. One of the representatives of this tasty and healthy vegetable is the cabbage variety Slava, the description of which will be provided in this article. They will also give tips on sowing seeds, planting in the ground, caring for cabbage during the growing season, harvesting and storing it.

planting cabbage in open ground

Cabbage Grade Glory: Description

White cabbage Slava was bred specifically for non-chernozem regions of Russia, but is also suitable for other soil and climatic zones, due to its ability to tolerate a lack of moisture well.

Cabbage variety Slava, the description of which we will consider in this article, has a high yield - you can get an average of 10 kg of crop per 1 sq. Km. m. of land. This is a mid-season variety: harvesting takes place approximately 3.5 months after emergence.

cabbage glory characteristic

Cabbage Glory: Characteristic

This vegetable has a rounded flat or rounded shape, practically does not crack when ripe, and tolerates both transportation and storage. The mass of ripened head of cabbage is 2-4.5 kg. The cabbage of this variety is light green in color, and its inside is light, almost white.

The cabbage variety Slava, the description of which we are considering, has two lines:

  • Glory Gribovsky 231;
  • Glory 1305.

According to their characteristics, they are slightly different from each other. Cabbage Slava 1305 is more productive and resistant to diseases, Slava Gribovskaya 231 is not so whimsical to the composition of the soil and suffers less from a lack of moisture.

cabbage grade glory description

Sowing seeds and features of growing seedlings

White cabbage Slava is grown by seedling and seedling-free method. Before sowing the seeds, they must first be soaked in a solution of potassium humate - 1 g / liter. After 12 hours, the seeds must be washed with water and left to harden at 2 ° C. It can be a balcony, a porch or any suitable room. After a day, the seeds can be planted in the soil. If you purchased seeds of the Slava variety marked that they had been pre-sowed, then they are immediately sown in the ground.

Best time for sowing seeds is the time from the end of March, when the air temperature reaches + 12-18 ° C.

Variety of cabbage Glory: description of planting seeds

Furrows are made at a distance of 7 cm from each other, sowing seeds to a depth of 1.5 cm. For seedlings of cabbage, it is worth mixing the turf ground with humus in a ratio of 1: 1. There it is advisable to add wood ash, which will protect the seedlings from damage by a disease called the black leg.

white cabbage glory

It must be remembered that young cabbage seedlings are afraid of night temperatures below +10 ° C. If possible, it is worth carrying out additional illumination of seedlings with fluorescent lamps up to 12-14 hours a day.

When the first leaves appear, thin out the cabbage, leaving an interval of 2 to 5 cm between the plants. The optimal area for seedling development is 25 sq. Cm.

Feeding seedlings

The first top dressing is carried out after two leaves are formed. In 1 liter of water, it is necessary to dissolve 2 g of potassium chloride, 2 g of ammonium nitrate, 4 g of superphosphate per 1 sq. Km. m watering. The approximate feeding rate is 1 liter per 50 cabbage seedlings.

The second dressing can be carried out in a couple of weeks with the same composition or Kemira-Lux fertilizer.

Outdoor landing

Cabbage Glory (photos are attached) grows best on slightly acidic soils.

Future cabbage beds are prepared in the fall - they are dug up and fertilized with humus or manure.

When the cabbage seedlings grow to 15 cm and will have 5 leaves (about a month from the day the seeds are sown), cabbage is planted in open ground. The beds must first be watered. In the wells for seedlings, it is advisable to add 1 tsp of urea and 2 tbsp. l of superphosphate. Planting scheme 60x60 cm - the distance between the sprouts for the full formation of the head of cabbage is 60 cm.

Reckless way of landing

In some areas of southern Russia, cabbage seeds are immediately sown in soil to a depth of 2 cm. Seedlings are thinned out for the first time after the formation of the third leaf. The second time - as the sixth leaf appears - the distance between the sprouts is 60 cm. This is the so-called seedling method.

cabbage glory 1305

Cabbage care

Young seedlings must be protected from frost. To protect against cold, use a film or other covering material. You can also water the beds - moist soil retains heat better than dry soil.

Variety cabbage must be watered 6-8 times for the entire season. Watering requires a significant water consumption of 20 l / sq.m. If watered more often, then heads of cabbage may crack. After each watering, it is necessary to spud it.

The first top dressing is done after 15 days. For fertilizer, a mug of mullein must be added to 10 liters of water, insisted for a week. This amount should be enough for five cabbage bushes.

With the beginning of the formation of heads of cabbage, re-dressing should be performed by adding wood ash to the specified composition. After three weeks, repeat the procedure.

Diseases and Pests

Cabbage Slava (the characteristic of the variety is indicated above) is distinguished by the fact that it is resistant to damage by pests and diseases. To carry out prophylaxis or treatment, plants are treated with pesticides and fungicides:

  • with root rot, Rizoplan preparations are used;
  • with a black leg, cabbage is sprayed with “Fitoflavin”, “Bactofit” or with the preparation “Planriz”;
  • To combat black spotting (alternariosis), it is necessary to timely remove the remains of plants and weeds from the site;
  • Topaz solution will help in the fight against downy mildew (peronosporosis);
  • with vascular bacteriosis, cabbage is treated with Trichodermin or Planriz;
  • any insecticidal agent, such as Karate, Zolon, Sherpa, Volaton, or Sumyalfa, will help attack slug or aphid cabbage.

Harvesting and storage

cabbage glory photo

Ripe cabbage begins to be cut from the end of July. Harvesting occurs gradually as it ripens and can take from 15 to 20 days.

The cut cabbage is dried, the damaged leaves are removed. Vegetables are cleaned in the cellar for storage. The cellar must be dry, its walls and ceiling must be treated with an antiseptic to prevent the formation of fungus or mold. For this, lime or copper sulfate is best suited.

For storage, you should choose medium heads without damage or cracks. You can store cabbage in the cellar in several ways: hanging it from the ceiling; stack on a wooden stand in a checkerboard pattern in the form of a pyramid; wrap each fork with cling film or paper (not newsprint); in drawers with holes.

For good preservation of the crop in the cellar, it is necessary to maintain a temperature close to 0 ° C, and the humidity should be quite high - 90-95%.

Cabbage Glory (photo attached) is well transported, has a good presentation. If you have chosen white cabbage of this variety for your garden, then with proper care for it, you are guaranteed to get an excellent crop that can be stored until January and delight with its wonderful taste.


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