Knocking out traffic jams - what to do, where to turn, how to solve a problem

Almost each of us faced the problem of failure of traffic jams when using household appliances at home or in the workplace. The process is quite spontaneous and can disrupt even the most concentrated person from work. Recently, on the shelves of shops you can see automatic shutdown devices, which are similar in principle to ordinary traffic jams. But before replacing with a new product, you should pay attention to the standard device and its device. Why is it corking? What types of traffic jams are there? How to fix the problems? We will consider all this in our article today.


In the situation when traffic jams are knocked out in your apartment, and you do not know what to do, you should deal with the problem one at a time. You need to start by explaining the design and the principle of action.


The plug in the power supply is a fuse of a certain kind, which is equipped with a screw element for connection to a conductive network. The base as a connecting element, in this case, is similar in design to an incandescent lamp and is applicable in standard apartments with an old communications lining.


When it comes to the purpose and functions of plugs for the operation of electrical appliances, the protection of components from short circuit and increased load exposure is primarily noted. The housing is made of a dielectric component so that the installation process is carried out without additional devices.


All traffic jams fall into two main categories:

  • Elements with a smooth insert. After tripping, this option requires replacing the fuse with a new one with similar characteristics. If you want to install a device with an overestimated value of the rating, then the mechanism will not work if the device fails. At the same time, all wiring around the perimeter will burn.
  • Automatic elements with a control button. There is no insertion which, if a problem occurs, may require replacement with a new element. They are usually to be installed when there is a division of devices into several groups.
the washing machine knocks

The main reasons for the appearance of a defect

There are many reasons for disabling traffic jams. But the main list is still presented by a number of main areas:

  • occurrence of a short circuit;
  • increased load in nominal;
  • element malfunction.

Short circuit as a cause of problems with plugs

When a fault occurs, a jump in energy in the circuit can be observed, after which the wiring is heated. The voltage drops sharply, and in the absence of a protective mechanism, a fire may occur. The reasons for such an ailment may be a wrong isolation device or incorrect switching of equipment with power supply. The faster the plug works, the less harm the system will receive in the end. It is for this that these elements are installed in the premises.


In most cases, it knocks plugs when the light is turned on when the wires are exposed or incandescent lamps cause a process inside the bulb. This process ends with the failure of the light source.

Exceeding the load limit as a secondary reason

Very often, when a house is built on its own and without the necessary knowledge, a situation may arise with knocking out traffic jams in continuous operation. This depends on the fact that the current rating exceeds the maximum load that will occur in future use. For example, when you have a hairdryer and an electric stove turned on, the total load will be 10 amperes. In this situation, it is best to stock up on a 14 Amp stopper so that there are never any problems with the operation of electrical equipment.

It should be borne in mind that the washing machine knocks corks more often, because the amount of energy consumed is many times greater than, for example, a standard kettle.

Malfunction of an element in the system as a cause of a technical malfunction

If your machine is knocked out, then you should think about one more reason. This may be a malfunction of the element itself or its some separate part. In this case, you should resort to repair or purchase a new spare part.

Some solutions to problems

Of course, calling an electrician at home can solve all your problems, and at the same time you will only need financial costs.

why knocks corks

But many of us, not even because of monetary gain, want to solve all the nuances that arise on our own. In such a situation, it is better to act thoughtfully and harmoniously. To do this, stock up on the necessary knowledge and consult with an experienced specialist.

Troubleshooting Methods

If you have traffic jams, and what to do, you do not know, it is worth considering some options for eliminating the defect. First of all, you need to find the right reason for the failure of the entire system. On any switchboard you can find the necessary information using a meter. It is a compact device that is designed for power distribution. If a cork with a fusible insert is installed, then in appearance you will never determine the serviceability. On modern devices, you can determine by the indicators the presence of incoming voltage. If a certain type of sign is given, then the voltage has been applied and the reason should be sought already in the other devices.

knocked out in an apartment

You can check the health of the insert by several methods:

  1. Install a new fuse and check operation. Such a procedure can be performed by both a professional and an amateur. One important aspect is the availability of a replacement fuse.
  2. Use a multimeter to inspect. It will allow you to show serviceability without replacing components. But in most cases, the multimeter is only suitable for professional electricians who have special equipment in their arsenal.

After knocking out the cork, it should be turned on again. But before that, you should still examine all the rooms in the apartment or house in order to visually detect possible defects of a different type. In the event that after the replacement the power supply did not resume, it is better to resort to a service such as calling an electrician at home. This must be done because the fault will be in the consumer circuit.

If traffic jams are broken, what should I do? In this case, the location of the problem should be clarified. To do this, it is necessary to apply voltage to the apartment without applying a load. In this case, all devices must be turned off. If the machine knocks out and with such actions, then the problem should be sought in the quality of the wiring. In most cases, there will be a short circuit, which is accompanied by the presence of various smells of burned wiring.

If you turned off all the devices, and the cork does not break out, then the problem should be sought in the operation of the device itself. Immediately you need to look at the status of the outlet into which the device is turned on. First, it is recommended to inspect it for signs of a short circuit, and only then check each of the devices in turn.

the car knocks jams

If plugs are knocked out in the bathroom, what should I do? The answer here is simple. The problem is high humidity, which makes a short circuit even more common.

What to do if it is impossible to eliminate the defect yourself?

In the event that traffic jams in the apartment are knocked out, and you do not have free access to the electrical panel, a truthful question may arise about how to proceed. Of course, such a situation is absolutely unacceptable both in the apartment and in the house. But there are various reasons for this.

traffic jams in the apartment

First of all, you need to contact your electricity service provider. In no case should you open the seals yourself. In a situation when the accident occurred at night, you can use the help of district emergency services, which in any case are obliged to solve the problem.


So, we found out what to do if traffic jams are knocked out and how to act in such a situation. In any case, if a difficult situation arises, you should have the necessary knowledge and skills that will allow you to complete the process correctly or wait for help. No need to resort to risky actions when you are not sure of your own efforts. This can be harmful to your health as well as to all of your property. Therefore, you need to resort to repair only if you are sure how to do it.


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