Types of nuts. All about hazelnuts and not only

Man began to eat nuts long before he became Homo sapiens. In prehistoric times, hunting was a rather dangerous way of getting food. Since this “food” was far from accessible every day, all kinds of nuts came to the rescue. A product that is stored for an incredibly long time, has great energy value, an incredible amount of vitamins and great nutritional value could replace any food. Nowadays, the choice of food has become simply huge, and the nuts somehow imperceptibly went into the shade. Their use is not considered mandatory. And by the way, in vain.

All kinds of nuts are incredibly healthy and, of course, have their own rich history. So, walnut is used recently, and a large number of medicinal tinctures made from it are already known. Insist shells, kernels and even partitions. You can treat a lot of diseases with such a product or just keep your body in good shape.

Almonds are also worth noting. Not everyone likes its specific taste, but the benefits of its use in metabolic disorders, in particular cholesterol, are undeniable. This nut is useful for people suffering from hypertension, eye diseases, ulcers, heartburn, or just lovers of well-being. After eating only 4 nuts, almonds in the morning, you will provide a charge of good mood until lunch.

Known for its properties and peanuts. Its consumption improves the functioning and condition of the heart, liver, and nervous tissue. Naturally, the benefit has nothing to do with its use as a snack for low-alcohol drinks. Peanuts improve memory and relieve insomnia.

It is worth considering separately one of the most popular and beloved types of nuts by us - hazelnuts. It is better known to our people under the name "hazelnut". In popularity, it is equal only to peanuts, and even the Greek "brother", with all its usefulness, does not reach the level of a competitor in terms of mass consumption of food.

Ancient Greece "designated" this nut as a symbol of wealth, well-being and health . Hazelnuts were also greatly appreciated by the inhabitants of the Roman Empire, having the status of a blessed tree. In Russia, this nut was called a hazel and they always tried to have a double fruit with them, since it was believed that such nuts attract good luck.

Hazelnuts are actively used in medicine. As a raw material, not only the kernels are selected, but also the shell, wrapper, pollen, bark, root, leaves and even shoots. Wood is used to make beautiful and durable furniture.

Hazelnuts are nutritious than many of their brethren. Not all types of nuts can boast of such a calorie content (700 kcal). Hazelnuts are many times more nutritious than chocolate, dairy products and bread. But at the same time, the nut is incredibly quickly absorbed by the human body, as it has a large number of amino acids and proteins. Given the high number of calories, this product is not a “forbidden fruit” for those who follow the figure. This is due to the low content of carbohydrates in it.

Absolutely all varieties of nuts have an incredibly high iron content, but only in hazelnuts is more than in fruits, vegetables and even meat. Hazelnuts are also just a storehouse of minerals. In the core is just an incredible amount of phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, fluorine, magnesium, zinc and manganese. Next, it is worth highlighting a considerable amount of sodium, copper, chlorine, cobalt and iodine.

Different types of nuts are recommended by nutritionists for eating instead of fatty meat. And this is not surprising. The hazelnut kernel is one of the best sources of energy. Now it becomes clear that the slogan: “Charge your brains” was taken, as they say, not from the ceiling.

As for the health benefits, daily intake of 30 g of hazelnut significantly reduces the possibility of impaired human cardiovascular system, relieves of anemia, facilitates the course of diabetes, varicose veins. Like other types of nuts, hazelnuts are extremely beneficial for the brain.

The use of hazelnuts in combination with bee honey accelerates the treatment of urolithiasis and exhaustion. It was such a recipe that was incredibly popular among Greek athletes. Nutrition significantly increased the body's resistance to high loads, which means that winning was now much easier.

Hazelnuts are an incredibly tasty medicine and just a nut that can permanently preserve youth and strength of the body. Eat it more often and you will be healthy!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4901/

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