Books that develop speech: a review of popular literature, effectiveness, reviews

Among modern literature, it is difficult to find something you need. Especially if a person needs books that develop speech. However, there are authors who have conscientiously reacted to the writing of such works. Thanks to them, a person can learn to speak well.

What to read for the development of speech for a beginner

How to develop the ability to talk

If a person is only trying to improve in this direction, then he needs to start with something simple. This requires art books that help develop speech. If a person is not interested in reading classical literature, then this is not scary. The first time is hard for everyone. Philologists recommend starting with something simple, such as stories in a newspaper. Then you can proceed to more serious works:

  • "Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy. This writer was a genius of the written word. In his novels, the situation is always described to the smallest detail, and the dialogues make empathy with the characters. Many people recommend his works as books that develop adult speech. This also applies to Anna Karenina. Thanks to the excellent plot, the reading will be not only useful, but also interesting.
  • “Crime and Punishment”, Fedor Dostoevsky. This book is famous for its content, which can teach a person a lot. In addition, it is written in a good style and contains many beautiful words that are put off in the reader’s head.
  • “At the bottom”, Maxim Gorky. The novels of this writer are famous for their special form. After reading his books, a person will learn to competently build a dialogue and respond to people with provocations. Indeed, in Gorky's works such situations were enough. The novel “At the Bottom” also replenishes the vocabulary well.

Classics will be a great start for a beginner. These books, developing speech and vocabulary, provide the basis for further training and improvement. The most important thing is to learn to read them.

Chekhov's works

Reading Chekhov's works

This writer is a master of his craft. Many contemporary authors are inspired by his work. Chekhov's phrase: “Brevity is the sister of talent” is known to almost all residents of the CIS countries. His works are useful for the development of speech to those people who say too many unnecessary words. Chekhov wrote beautifully, briefly and on the case, without using unnecessary phrases. If a person asks himself: what books develop speech, then he needs to contact this writer. You can start with the very first works, because already from the beginning of his work Anton Pavlovich wrote correctly.

Full vocabulary development

Speech Development Literature

In order to increase the number and variety of words in a conversation, it is not enough to read classical literature. Indeed, in such works very rarely new words are found that will be useful to the reader. Then what books develop speech? First of all, dictionaries. It is advisable to learn at least 10 words per day. To do this, open any page, find an unknown word and read its meaning. This should be repeated several times until a person remembers all the information. Pay attention to the books:

  • "Explanatory Dictionary" and "Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people" by Vladimir Dahl.
  • "Directory of linguist terms", compiled by Rosenthal, Telenkova.
  • “Encyclopedia of winged words and expressions”, Vadim Serov.

Thanks to such books, a person will increase his vocabulary by 300 or more words in a month. It is important to do this every day, to repeat the material already studied.

Brain and speech development

Vocabulary Development

Popular science literature is an interesting solution. After all, these are books that develop intelligence and speech. The reader kills two birds with one stone, if he chooses this option. Such works include:

  • Yuval Noah Harari, A Brief History of Humanity. This book will be useful to all people. After all, it addresses issues of development and establishment of the species Homo sapiens. The author briefly told the story of man, from the time of his first appearance to the present. In addition to developing intelligence, the reader will be able to improve his vocabulary. Also, such a book not only teaches to speak beautifully, but also makes it possible to refer to it in disputes.
  • Books by Richard Dawkins: The Selfish Gene, An Ancestor's Tale. After reading these works, a person's worldview can change significantly. Dawkins shows life from a completely different perspective, which most residents of the CIS countries are not used to. However, in the modern world, his opinion is considered authoritative, because about 400 studies stand behind his books. Also, the reader will be able to replenish the vocabulary, since Dawkins not only understands science, but also owns a competent speech.

Thanks to such books, a person will learn to think differently, often for the better. He will be able to understand the many processes that occur on planet Earth, and in addition, he will significantly expand his vocabulary.

Reading Psychology Literature

Human self-development

A person can develop spoken language skills not only with the help of classics, because there are excellent writers among psychotherapists. They share their experiences and instruct on the right paths in life. Books that develop speech and knowledge about people:

  • Eric Byrne. "Games People Play". This psychologist is a very competent writer. To correctly understand the expressions used by him, you can use a special dictionary of terms or the Internet. Each word must be written out in a notebook and sometimes its meaning is repeated. "Games that people play" help to understand the nature of human relationships and conflicts. In addition, Eric Byrne talks well about the usual everyday problems that a person faces.
  • Robert Glover, “Stop being a nice guy.” This book is more suitable for men, but women should read it. It describes a common male problem when they try to please everyone, but they fail. Robert Glover tells the reason for the appearance of such guys. He describes what needs to be done in order to achieve the desired and not upset yourself and others. In addition, the book has a good syllable that allows you to develop speech.

Thanks to these works, a person will learn to understand himself and other people. They have no complicated terms, because they are written for ordinary people. They are also bestsellers with many positive reviews.

Reading poetry

Since ancient times, people used this direction in art to develop their oral and written speech. After all, poetry is able to improve the ability to speak and thinking of a person. The reader will learn to communicate well, choose the right words, and increase the speed of his reaction. In addition, reading works of this genre will help develop memory.

Poetry is also useful for people who want to improve their diction. To do this, you need to learn poems by heart. The poetry of Alexander Pushkin, William Shakespeare, Anna Akhmatova, Joseph Brodsky is ideally suited for this purpose.

Philosophy and development of speech

Reading Philosophy for Development

People kept wondering about the meaning of life and the characteristics of the environment. Thanks to philosophy, a person can make many discoveries and learn new views on his existence. It often happens that the worldview of the reader is completely changing. In addition, philosophers are excellent writers. Reading their books develops a person’s thinking, charisma, speech. The best authors of this direction are Kant, Nietzsche, Aristotle, Plato, Schopenhauer.

Special books

You can effectively develop speech with the help of literature that is designed for this. However, a person with such books will not be able to have fun. It will be necessary to apply the acquired knowledge in life, to learn and outline all new material. Particular attention must be paid to practical exercises, otherwise it will not work to develop speech. It should read “I want to speak beautifully. Speech Techniques ”by Natalia Rum and Larry King's book“ How to Talk with Anyone. ”

Speech development in children

Baby speech development

The abilities of almost every child can be improved. There are special books in children that develop speech, and for adults helping to train the child to speak correctly. However, this must be done responsibly and take into account the age of the student. If he is from one to three years old, then you need to use the "New Child" series. They have a large number of pictures and repeating words. Such books should not be underestimated, because they were composed by professionals. The child will like that they read such interesting and simple literature.

If the baby has already learned to speak, then it is necessary to move on to more serious books. Most importantly, they should be very interesting and small in volume. Bookstores sell special literature that does a good job of this. Often these are fairy tales and short stories.


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