What you need to know about how to give your cat pills

When an animal appears in your house, it’s better, of course, to think only about the good, but ... But in the life of any creature, there comes a moment when you cannot do without medical treatment. That is, along with the pet, you should have knowledge about medicines and vaccinations, about methods and methods. We by no means force you to go to study as a veterinarian before you bring a kitten home, but you must know how to give your cat pills in emergency and routine cases.

how to give a cat pills

Let's start in order. The first thing you must do is to instill an animal. This will save his life and, of course, save you from troubles. It is desirable to vaccinate the animal in specialized clinics after examination by a veterinarian. Banal physical examination and vaccination should not be ignored. Cats are usually vaccinated once a year. Before any vaccination, the animal must be given an anthelmintic (at least ten days in advance). Here you will need knowledge of how to give a cat pills. It is worth mentioning that anthelmintic drugs must be given at least four times a year, even if your animal never leaves the apartment and you do not plan on vaccinating. Recall that some parasites are very dangerous for humans.

what pills to give the cat
And now about the main thing that needs to be done in order for the cat to eat a pill? First, give her a try. It may happen that she will eat the drug without your intervention. The fact is that some manufacturers specifically mix flavor enhancers that can negate the problem of how to give a cat pills. If the animal refuses to take the medicine on its own, the easiest way is to take the cat by the muzzle from above, first firmly placing it on its paws, and tilt its head deep behind (only without fanaticism, of course). In this case, the cat’s mouth should open wide (if not, then it is necessary to put pressure on the corners of the mouth, thus opening it), you just have to put the drug deep in the throat. Next, you need to slightly loosen the grip, but do not let the cat go so that she does not have the opportunity to spit out the pill. Stroke her throat to swallow. Make sure the cat ate the pill. By the way, liquid medicines are also administered on the same principle. It is advisable to do this from a syringe without a needle, slowly pouring liquid into the throat, allowing it to be swallowed in portions and not choke.

cat ate a pill
If you don’t know how to give the cat pills, or are afraid that you will not be able to handle this procedure, all you have to do is grind the preparation into small crumbs and mix it into your favorite treat or drinking water (make sure that the animal has taken the pill). In extreme cases, you can resort to the help of more experienced friends or veterinarians.

And now about what pills to give the cat. For example, from worms Milbemax and Drontal preparations have proven themselves well. The laxative for cats is most often used human - Dufalac. Human preparations are also suitable for temperature, but they must be given very carefully, clearly understanding that you can harm the animal by inexperience. Therefore, do not ignore the advice of specialists.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4912/

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