What benefits does social protection make and to whom are they entitled?

Many people in Russia constantly need state assistance, because for various reasons they cannot provide for themselves. They are representatives of various vulnerable categories of the population. These include retirees, large or low-income families, people with disabilities or orphans. All of them must contact the social welfare offices in order to receive this or that help. They can find out what social security payments are and what other support measures are provided. Various transfers and benefits are made out only on a declarative basis, as well as when providing the necessary package of documents.

The concept of social benefits

Payments through social protection can be assigned to different citizens, depending on their status and financial situation. Such benefits are represented by social support for Russian citizens. With their help, the maintenance of an optimal standard of living is ensured.

Funds are allocated free of charge, so recipients will not have to return them to the state after any period of time. What benefits does social protection make? The following large transfers can be distinguished:

  • partial or full compensation for lost income, for example, maternity allowance or as a result of disability;
  • providing financial support during rising family expenses, for example, assistance after the birth of a baby or payments for burial.

Social benefits are an important form of state support for citizens. Therefore, their transfer is regulated by federal law, although local authorities may increase the number of transfers assigned to one or another person.

child welfare benefits

Benefit Features

Social security benefits must be paid subject to certain requirements and conditions specified in law. The main characteristics of such transfers include:

  • money is paid directly to the beneficiary;
  • when calculating benefits, the status, financial situation, health status and other characteristics of the recipient are taken into account;
  • transfers are made from the federal or regional budget;
  • payments can be periodic or one-time;
  • represented by targeted transfers;
  • assigned exclusively to persons in need of material support, therefore, if the financial condition of the recipient changes, then the payment of funds ceases.

When assigning such payments, various factors are taken into account. The research institute includes the recipient's state of health, his place of residence, social status and financial situation.

Federal and regional benefits

Many people earn too little income or cannot afford it for various reasons. For example, if they are injured or have a small child. Therefore, they think about what kind of payments are due from social security. To obtain accurate information about the possibility of obtaining such state support, you should directly contact the employees of this institution.

Payments may be federal or regional. The federal legislation spells out the basic conditions under which you can count on receiving funds from the federal budget. In each region, different normative acts may additionally be applied, on the basis of which one or another person is entitled to receive support. In this case, funds are transferred from the local budget.

Federal payments are assigned to the following persons:

  • citizens with significant services to the country, for example, heroes of the Russian Federation and honorary donors;
  • people who have received a status due to which they are assigned to a vulnerable category of the population, for example, veterans, people with disabilities, the unemployed, large families and the poor.

Money is allocated only for specific purposes that meet the requirements of the law.

Regional authorities usually provide assistance to people who need support. Usually, this includes retirees, large families, or people with more seniority.

what payments does social protection make to pensioners

Who can count on benefits?

Beneficiaries can be different persons who are beneficiaries under federal or regional legislation. They should need help from the state, and they will also have to find out on their own what social security payments are made, since benefits for different recipients differ in the size and frequency of transfers.

The main recipients of material state support include:

  • retirees living alone and receiving too little pension;
  • large families in which more than two children are brought up whose age does not exceed 18 years;
  • disabled people;
  • children living with disabled parents or retirees;
  • orphans or toddlers raised by one parent;
  • people with different state insignia, which can be represented not only by various awards, but also by honorary titles;
  • full-time students with children;
  • Persons caring for people with disabilities or older persons over 80;
  • pregnant women;
  • mothers on maternity leave;
  • people who have been reduced to the main place of work.

All persons mentioned above can count on help from the state. It can be represented by certain payments or other types of support. In each region, the administration may increase the number of different measures offered to these individuals.

The main types of payments

The payment of social security benefits is based on legal requirements. Therefore, people who rely on government assistance should first examine the relevant regulations to ensure that they are eligible to receive benefits.

What benefits does social protection make? The most common types of benefits include:

  • child benefits are awarded to women who are not officially employed;
  • payments to adoptive parents;
  • Unemployment benefits are transferred to citizens who are registered at the employment center and cannot find a new job after leaving the previous place of employment;
  • benefits for orphans;
  • assistance to persons who raise children alone;
  • funeral allowance may be received by the relatives of the deceased person, and it is presented by compensation for the costs of the funeral;
  • disability payments, which are transferred monthly and depend on the disability group;
  • support for poor or large families is offered only at the regional level, and often it is represented by monthly payments;
  • in different regions, certain transfers are additionally assigned to pensioners, if they live alone and receive a small pension.

Often, one person can claim several social benefits at once for various reasons.

social security payments at birth

Payments after giving birth

Social security payments at the birth of a baby are assigned only if the mother is not an officially employed woman. She may be unemployed or a student. Relatively recently, students had to apply to the dean of the educational institution to receive payment, but now the application with other documentation is transferred to the social protection department.

A woman who has given birth to a baby can count on the following types of material support from the state:

  • maternity allowance, which is assigned to full-time students at the university, or to women who were dismissed from the company due to the liquidation or bankruptcy of the organization;
  • lump-sum payment, assigned in case the girl was registered in the antenatal clinic at an early date, namely before 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • one-time payment assigned after the birth of the baby;
  • social protection payments for child care, assigned until the child is 1.5 years old;
  • childcare allowance for children under 18 years old.

The size of payments may vary significantly in different regions. This is due to the fact that they are calculated on the basis of the cost of living regulated by the local authorities of each region. From social protection, payments for a child are considered quite low, so they can in no way be compared with the money that working mothers receive.

Compensation of housing services

Registered in social protection are families that are poor. In such families, each person has an amount not exceeding the subsistence minimum. They can formalize the status of the poor, after which they have the right to rely on various types of assistance.

Compensation for utility bills is considered quite demanded. It is assigned to the following persons:

  • Poor families. Initially, they will have to obtain the appropriate status, for which income statements are prepared. Citizens must inform social service workers about all sources of income, represented not only by wages, but also by pensions, allowances, scholarships or other income. If the total income of such a family spends on utilities more than 22%, then citizens can count on compensation for utilities.
  • Senior citizens. Often people are interested in what kind of payments social protection makes for non-working pensioners. These include reimbursement of utility bills. If pensioners and people with disabilities live in one apartment, then they can get a 50% discount on utility bills. It is provided in the form of compensation, so initially you will have to fully pay for the services, and after that you will need to come with a receipt to the social protection department.

Additionally, reimbursement of expenses associated with the purchase of solid fuel is prescribed if the family lives in real estate not connected to central heating. Such social security payments to the poor allow citizens to reduce their costs to ensure comfortable living conditions.

But for registration of such compensation one important condition must be met. It lies in the fact that the family should not have debts for utilities.

what benefits does social protection make for non-working pensioners

Payments to large families

In social protection, payments for a child or several children may be prescribed by federal or regional legislation. In many cities, large families can receive various types of assistance from the state. Usually it is represented by various payments, compensations, benefits, or even the issuance of food and clothing.

Most often, such families can rely on the following types of assistance:

  • subsidy necessary to pay for utilities;
  • compensation for the purchase of a school and sports uniform for children;
  • various benefits are required annually to bring the kids to school.

The parents themselves can find out exactly what social security payments of child benefits are offered, for which they should contact the department of this state institution. To receive various support measures, you will have to have the official status of a large family. At least three minor children should be raised in a family. As soon as one child becomes an adult, the family completely loses the right to use different measures of assistance from the state.

Senior Care Payment

Each person can take care of a pensioner, receiving a certain allowance for this. It is equal to only 1.2 thousand rubles. per month. To receive such assistance, the following conditions must be met:

  • a pensioner must be over 80 years old;
  • look after an elderly person should a citizen who does not have official work;
  • it is allowed to look after several pensioners at once, receiving several payments.

Such a payment from social security to pensioners is assigned only for one year, after which it will be necessary to draw up a statement again. The funds are issued directly to the elderly person, who then transfers them to the recipient.

social security payments to pensioners

What payments does social protection make to pensioners?

Different types of assistance are offered to pensioners at the regional level. They depend on the age and health status of the citizen. What payments does social protection make to pensioners? The following types of assistance are offered as standard in different regions:

  • compensation for housing services;
  • privileges for travel and getting permits to different sanatoriums;
  • social supplement to the pension, which is assigned if the amount of this payment does not exceed the subsistence level.

All types of assistance are offered exclusively on a declarative basis. Therefore, citizens must independently come to the social protection department with the necessary documents to draw up an official statement.

Help for the wives of the military

There are many types of benefits that are assigned to different persons of social protection. Child benefits are paid only to women who are not officially employed. If they are the wives of the military, then they can count on additional cash. This is due to the fact that the state has deprived the family of the opportunity to receive material support from a working husband.

A woman can count on a monthly allowance of 11 thousand rubles. If she had a child at the time of her husband’s call, then the amount of payment increases to 25 thousand rubles. You can apply for these funds only after 26 weeks of gestation.

If a girl receives these funds, then she can still count on other social benefits from the state. To do this, she must independently find out what support measures she is entitled to at the federal and regional levels, for which you can turn to social security workers. At what numbers are payments paid to citizens? The exact date of the transfer of funds depends on the day when the submitted application with other documents was considered.

social security benefits

Help for the disabled

Additionally, social security benefits are offered to people with disabilities. These citizens cannot take care of their financial well-being on their own, therefore they are in dire need of state support. To receive assistance, an ITU opinion is required on the basis of which a specific level of disability is established. With the help of such a certificate, you can count on different types of assistance from the state. All of them are issued in social protection.

The main support measures provided to people with disabilities include:

  • reduction of the tax burden by exemption from payment of various types of taxes, for example, people with disabilities may not pay the transport tax for cars specially designed for people with disabilities, but it must be obtained through social protection;
  • compensation for utility bills;
  • retirement benefits;
  • employment assistance;
  • provision of labor benefits at the place of work;
  • discount on public transport fare;
  • targeted assistance provided by payments necessary to repair an apartment or purchase the necessary equipment, but usually the amount issued does not exceed 15 thousand rubles.

Cash and benefits are provided free of charge. But at the same time, people with disabilities must themselves make a statement. If they cannot visit the social security office in person, they can draw up an application in electronic form, and there is also the opportunity to take the help of an official representative, for which a power of attorney, notarized, is previously drawn up.

Payments to single mothers

If a woman independently raises a child without receiving alimony from the father of the baby, then she can receive help from the state. For this, it is important that the girl has an official single status, therefore, no man should be indicated in the birth certificate of the baby.

In this case, a woman can count on increased child allowance. Cash is paid until the child is 18 years old. Additionally, single parents can rely on other support measures. These include an increase in labor guarantees, so the parent has the pre-emptive right to remain with the company during the reduction. The mother may request the employer to transfer part-time until the child is 14 years old.

When enrolling the baby in the garden, places are provided out of turn. The school offers free meals, as well as compensation for the purchase of school uniforms, school supplies and sports uniforms.

what benefits does social protection make

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4913/

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