Visas to Abkhazia: design features, requirements and recommendations

People need a visa to visit many countries. A person is allowed to stay on the territory of the state for a specific period of time, after which an extension of the document is required. In some countries, a visa-free regime is in effect , and therefore it is sufficient to present a standard set of documents for entry.

Once there was a visa for Russians for Abkhazia. Over time, the requirements have changed, and now this is not so. Many are interested in the question: "If Abkhazia was chosen for vacation, do I need a visa for the Russians?" The document is required to be issued to citizens of other countries.

Visas to Abkhazia

Visas to Abkhazia are not required for Russians. It is enough to have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a document for traveling abroad. Therefore, traveling to the country is easier for them. But residents of the CIS require a passport.

How to get a visa to citizens of the CIS?

To obtain a visa, you must prepare the following list of documents:

  • passport for travel abroad;
  • medical policy;
  • for children - birth certificate and permission of the second parent;
  • if the child has a special passport, then you must provide him;
  • when driving in your own car, you need to take the rights, technical passport, and after entering you need to pay the fee and go through the registration of the car.

Do I need a visa to Abkhazia

If Abkhazia was chosen for vacation, a visa for Belarusians will be issued on the basis of the documents provided. The consular fee is $ 20-30. The processing time is 3-7 business days. Visa validity period is 1 month.

Registration for citizens of other states

Not all states recognize Abkhazia, and therefore, there are not everywhere consulates and embassies. If you want to visit the country, you must write a request for entry. The document is sent to the e-mail of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The following documents are sent to the address:

  • scan of the front page of the passport;
  • application form for a visa to Abkhazia;
  • scan photo 3 * 4.

Abkhazia visa for Belarusians

When the answer is yes, the decision is sent by e-mail or fax. It must be printed out and provided at the checkpoint. Then you need to visit the consulate of Abkhazia, where they will issue a visa.

Travel for Russians

Since Russians do not need a visa to Abkhazia, it is easiest for them to go to the country. It is advisable to get there through Adler. Moreover, any transport can be selected. It is important to pass control through customs, where you must provide a passport.

If Russians do not need visas to Abkhazia, then life insurance is mandatory. The traveler will have to pay more than 30,000 rubles. The amount includes the daily stay of a person in the country. If insurance does not cover the entire duration of the trip, then an extension is needed. For children under 6 years of age, this document is not required. It is not needed by those who live and work in the republic for more than 6 months.

Foreign citizens planning to travel to Abkhazia through Russia must be holders of a double, multiple, or transit Russian visa. The fee is $ 20. You can extend the document in the republic, and you will have to pay $ 5-50 for this.

Visit to Abkhazia

Visas for citizens of Abkhazia to visit the republic are not required. You cannot come here from Georgia, except for tourism purposes. Entrepreneurship requires permission. In the country, Russians can open a business, all issues must be agreed with the government and customs.

Visas for citizens of Abkhazia

Many people want to come to Abkhazia, as there are many wonderful sights in the republic. For every person there is sure to be a suitable entertainment. You can go to the country on your own or as a group.

Visa Application Rules

Georgia used to enter Abkhazia, but now it is not considered a part of the republic. Russians do not need a visa or a passport to enter. This rule applies to cases where the duration of the trip will be no more than 90 days. Is it necessary to take a visa to Abkhazia to citizens of other states?

It is enough to have a general or foreign passport with you. The document must be presented without a cover. Other documents are sometimes required. Visas to Abkhazia are required for Russians only when the trip is longer than 90 days. There are several types of documents:

  • Single entry visa. It is provided for a period of 10 days to 1 year. Its price is determined by the term and is in the range of 10-40 $.
  • Multiple. Issued for 1 month - 1 year. You have to pay $ 30-60 for it.
  • Single working. Its validity period of 6 months is 1 year. For the document you need to pay $ 30-60.
  • Multiple working. It is valid for 6 months and a year. Depending on the term you will have to pay 60 or 120 $.

Do I need a visa for a child in Abkhazia? If issued, it should be provided at the border crossing. In other cases, a birth certificate is suitable. The type of visa is selected based on the purpose of the trip. If you want to come to the republic regularly, then it is advisable to purchase a multiple document. Thanks to this, you will not need to regularly renew your visa. For relaxation, a one-time document is suitable.

What is required to provide

To enter the country, you need to prepare documentation. This will prevent many difficulties associated with crossing the border. The consulate of Abkhazia must provide:

  • profile;
  • copy of passport;
  • invitation from the employer.

Documentation should be sent to The answer is sent by e-mail or by fax indicated in the questionnaire. The application is considered within 7 business days.

After arriving in the republic, you need to visit the Consular Service for 3 days. They will issue a visa. If further extension is required, then this must be done in a specific period. For each day of delay, you need to pay $ 5.

When planning a trip, you must take into account the rules of crossing the border. If the trip is planned in a personal car, then you need to pay 150 rubles for entry. For freight transport, the tax is 300 rubles. You need to pay a resort fee - 30 rubles per person.

Visa to Abkhazia for Russians

If there are unpaid court decisions or fines, entry may be prohibited. Payment must be made a few days before the trip, and it is advisable to bring confirmation of this fact with you, which will avoid many of the difficulties of crossing the border. If a pet is taken with you, you should take his veterinary passport. The document should indicate all vaccinations given to the animal.

customs control

All border crossing rules are regulated by the Customs Code of the Russian Federation. The legislation spells out rules for crossing the border, a list of possible goods for import and export. You can import currency in unlimited quantities, and export no more than $ 10,000. The fee is not charged for:

  • goods whose total price is up to 65,000 rubles;
  • alcoholic beverages - 2 liters;
  • cigars - 50 pcs.

Information about Abkhazia

The republic is located in a cozy place of Transcaucasia, where the Psou and Ingur rivers flow. In the southwest is the Black Sea, in the north - Russia, in the south - Georgia. Abkhazia has an area of ​​8600 square meters. km The capital is the city of Sukhumi. The republic consists of 8 districts, 8 cities, 4 villages, 512 villages.

Does Abkhazia need a visa for Russians

Abkhazia has its own coat of arms, flag and anthem, since the republic is an independent state. The adopted Constitution serves as an important state document. Abkhazian is considered the main language, and Russian is the second, since it is spread everywhere.

The population is quite multinational. Here you can meet Abkhazians, Russians, Greeks, Georgians, Armenians. The main currency is considered to be the Russian ruble, therefore, they are not calculated with foreign money in Abkhazia. Big cities have exchange points. Local currency is considered to be apsaras, which are a means of payment.

Russia or abroad?

Many still ask questions at travel agencies: "Does Abkhazia relate to Russia or to foreign countries?" The republic was recognized as an independent UN state by some countries (Russia, Venezuela, Nauru, etc.).

Some Abkhazia belong to Georgia. It should be borne in mind that the Georgian government does not control the territory of the republic. She has her own power, law and order, security. Therefore, Abkhazia is developing independently, but depends on the government, the currency of Russia.

Although Russians do not need visas to Abkhazia, a passport should be provided at customs, where there should be a stamp on permission to cross the border. There should be no other difficulties, so entry takes about half an hour.

Border with Russia

You can only go to Abkhazia from Russia, since the border is closed from Georgia. If you go through the latter without permission, this can lead to imprisonment.

It is most convenient to cross the border during the “low” holiday season, as there may be a large queue in other periods. This is especially true of popular resorts in the country. For example, the village of Gechrippsh is in demand among Russians.

Abkhazia needs a visa for Russians

You can go to Abkhazia by minibus, private car or by train, but there is no airport. There are direct buses, trains from Russia. Accurate information should be found at local stations. The airport is located near the border with Abkhazia.

You can stay in the territory of the republic in a hotel. It is advisable to reserve a room. There may not be any free places in the summer, as at this time there are many tourists. Travelers to stay usually choose the private sector. Housing is rented through agencies and individuals. Buses and minibuses operate on the territory of the republic. The fare is 20 rubles. There are taxi services, the cost of which is much higher.

Abkhazia is chosen by many for recreation, since there are many interesting places in the republic for this. Compared to other countries, the trip does not require a large number of documents. Compliance with all the rules for crossing the border will protect yourself from the appearance of many difficulties.


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