Sinelnikov, "Vaccination against stress": the content, the main ideas of the book, a useful manual on self-management and a recognizable style of the author

V. Sinelnikov is one of the most famous Russian psychotherapists, homeopaths, the author of many useful books. From the work “Vaccination against stress,” the reader learns about how to use the internal forces of his unconscious to withstand the stress of stress and successfully understand the problems.

Valery Sinelnikov

The main message: to gain power over your life

Sinelnikov’s work “Vaccination against stress” talks about how to become a real master of your own life, to stop feeling miserable. The psychologist considers several points in his work. Firstly, he offers a model of the "master" of his own life. In other words, everyone creates his own life with his own thoughts, emotions and actions.

It is always easier to blame other people for their own troubles, taking on the role of a victim of circumstances, unscrupulous people, or anything else pleasing. But in reality, a person himself is responsible for events in his own life. Any behavior in relation to others will be reflected in one way or another on himself, and in the work of Sinelnikov, “Vaccination against stress,” it is said that such a reckoning will occur immediately.

get rid of stress

The relationship of external and internal

A wise author writes that a person does not live in isolation from the reality that surrounds him. Everything in the world is closely interconnected by invisible threads. As a cell cannot be considered in isolation from the whole organism, one cannot consider human life in isolation from the environment.

restful life

The main purpose of a person, writes Sinelnikov in “Vaccination against stress,” is to be in harmony with the Universe, to live a healthy and prosperous life. From a consumer, a person must turn into a true creator.

Reality is a continuation of the spiritual world.

The external reality of man always reflects the internal. A common example: if a woman initially has a fear that a man will abandon her, then with all her behavior she will provoke the occurrence of this situation. The author of this wonderful book insists that everything that a person observes, hears and experiences is a continuation of himself. If he himself lives in harmony with his inner world, then harmony will reign in his external reality.

Unusual tricks of the author

All the ideas presented in Sinelnikov’s work “Vaccination against stress” are useful and correct, as they help to create a productive, harmonious and healthy life. To put them into practice, you will have to work a lot on yourself. For this, the author of the book suggests using various exercises. Some of them may seem unusual, but this is precisely where the author’s recognizable style lies. For example, an offender who says an unpleasant word can be mentally presented with ... a pink hippo. Such an approach is not at all stupid or naive: to fight evil, you need to use measures that are fundamentally opposite to it in nature.


The main parts of Valery Sinelnikov’s book “Vaccination against stress” contain the following information:

  • Foreword Letters from readers.
  • Outdated and new way of consciousness. What is stress.
  • The main mistake of an adult is to be either in the psychological state of the victim, constantly expecting pain; or be in the guise of a tyrant, fearing for his own life.
  • Psychoenergetic Aikido. How to solve the above problem. The main tool for the effective transformation of life are human thoughts.
  • What clues the Universe gives to a person on his life path.
  • Cases from life that demonstrate the need for a change in consciousness.
  • How to transform a world description system.
  • Features of constructing feedback in communication.
  • How to learn to say a solid no.
  • How to perceive and process information that comes from the outside world.

Positive signs of the universe

The therapist writes that the person’s subconscious mind warns him in advance of a likely unpleasant event. The point of view in Valery Sinelnikov’s book “Vaccination against stress” can be compared with road signs encountered on the way of the car. They bear such a name: warning, prohibiting, indicative. If a motorist observes traffic rules, then his life and safety on the road will not be threatened.

be in harmony with the universe

On his life's journey, a person often encounters such signs, is written in Sinelnikov’s book “Vaccination against stress”. How he will respond to the signals of the Universe, in many respects determines his further movement. In this case, all the tips can be divided into two large categories. The first includes clues signaling harmony and harmony. They indicate that a person is in the world with himself and with the world around him. This type of hints can include all that brings joy and happiness. An example is even a simple kind word. For example, a man meets a decorated wedding limousine on his way to work, and on this day he is suddenly raised wages.

Hazard warnings

The second category includes signs that indicate danger. They indicate that a person has deviated significantly from his own life path. Sometimes this is manifested in the fact that he begins to suffer from his own negative experiences, character traits. In turn, this leads to bad events in the outside world. They are a signal about the incorrectness of the life trajectory, which seeks to send a person his unconscious part of the psyche. Each problem on the way, Sinelnikov emphasizes in the “Vaccine against stress, or Psychoenergetic Aikido,” indicates a halt in development. It is time to learn new knowledge, learn how to move on.

how to live in harmony

The idea of ​​the futility of disputes

The author also convinces readers of the futility of such a thing as disputes. He does this in a simple and understandable form, giving interesting examples. For example, two people start a debate about how to eat. One will with foam at the mouth prove the need to refrain from food of animal origin and embark on the path of vegetarianism, while the other will insist that the meat contains the necessary trace elements that the human body can not get from other products. Both arguers will make scientific arguments - and, most surprisingly, both will be right. Therefore, it is impossible to answer the question of whose outlook on life is more correct. Each opinion may be useful in a particular situation. And the ability to prevent conflict allows a person to get rid of unnecessary stress.

book reading

Readers' Opinion

Reviews of the “Vaccine against stress” by Sinelnikov are mostly positive. The book in an easy and accessible form teaches simple life truths that help to significantly reduce stress. All readers' opinions fall into several main categories.

  • Those to whom the book helped resolve their difficulties in life. After reading Sinelnikov’s work, many people began to look at the world differently, learned how to cope with negative emotions, which made life generally more enjoyable.
  • The second group of readers believes that the author’s work did not affect their life in any way, but representatives of this category are a minority. To such readers, Sinelnikov’s methods seem childish.
  • The third group of readers notes that the author gives very valuable advice in his book, but it turns out to be difficult to put them into practice. Even such a seemingly simple exercise as mentally presenting a gift to the offender is actually difficult. Therefore, work on oneself in reality is hard, titanic work. But, as representatives of this category note, it is necessary to go through it. This helps not only this publication, but also other works of Sinelnikov. Readers in this category note that his books helped arouse their interest in psychology.


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