"Interskol" (screwdriver): reviews. Interskol - a power tool

In construction work, not only high-quality materials, but also reliable tools play an important role. One of the most popular devices that even a master amateur has in a suitcase is a screwdriver. This tool is not only multifunctional and universal, but also convenient in operation and affordable. Which model to choose and how do they generally differ from each other?

What is a screwdriver?

interskol screwdriver reviews

This electric tool is needed in order to screw and unscrew fasteners (screws, screws, screws). The screwdriver manufactured by Interskol is very popular: reviews suggest that a more reliable and easy-to-operate unit cannot be found. Due to the fact that many work items are not complete without fasteners, for example, assembling or repairing furniture, decorating walls in an apartment or house, a screwdriver is used quite widely. The main functions of this tool include the following:

  • tightening fasteners (screws, screws, bolts, screws);
  • twisting of fasteners;
  • tightening anchors during installation;
  • extraction of anchors, dowels;
  • in some cases, a screwdriver serves as a drill, then it can be used to drill metal, wood or brick.

What is a good screwdriver good for?

This tool has a wide scope. It is advisable to even have the owner of a small cottage, since it can be used to perform many tasks. The screwdriver offered by Interskol companies received positive reviews due to the fact that it is being sold, it is sold at competitive prices. At the same time, with its help, you can perform many housework. The peculiarity of the unit is that it is compact, and therefore it can be used even in hard-to-reach places. The screwdriver can be used, for example, to repair the cabinet, while the operation process itself is quite simple.

How to choose?

The Russian company Interskol offers a variety of power tools. Today it is this brand that is considered the most popular in our country, and during its existence a huge number of tools have been sold. When choosing a screwdriver, one should proceed from several factors.

interskol power tool

Firstly, it is necessary to decide in which area it will be applied and for which work. If the tool will be used a couple of times a month, for example, to assemble a new sofa or screw a picture to the wall, it is better to choose simpler models. So, the screwdriver offered by Interskol is a network model OA-3.6 ideal for everyday use. It is compact, easy to use, has a number of nozzles in the kit, and therefore is universal. The torque is 3.5 Nm, and therefore with the help of this tool you can perform simple housework, and it will cost about a thousand rubles.

If the screwdriver will be used often and needed, for example, for more serious work, you should pay attention to powerful units, for example, the Interskol cordless screwdriver model DA 13 / 18M2. This is a more functional unit, since it combines a drill and a screwdriver, has two batteries in a complete set. It is characterized by increased power, while it is light in weight and compact in size. The presence of a two-speed gearbox makes the drilling process more efficient and faster. The tool handle is comfortable because it has a rubberized handle.

Thus, up to 15 Nm of torque is sufficient for home use, while professional models are more powerful and able to work with very hard surfaces.

Battery or mains?

Today, most people prefer cordless screwdrivers, but network-powered models are also on the market. Still, it is the battery-powered models that are more convenient to use. Firstly, their use does not depend on the state of the network. Secondly, there is more room for maneuverability. For example, the Interskol DA-10/14 drill / driver works on the basis of a battery, of which there are two pieces in the kit. This is a pretty powerful tool showing excellent speed and torque. It is based on a lithium-ion battery, due to which the tool has high performance.

The battery for the Interskol screwdriver can be both nickel-metal hydride and nickel-cadmium. In this case, it is the lithium-ion option - the most environmentally friendly. In addition, it can work even at subzero temperatures and can withstand a huge number of recharges. By the way, some models of screwdrivers are able to support various types of batteries.

interskol network screwdriver

The batteries, which are equipped with a screwdriver manufactured by Interskol (reviews about their long work are quite common), differ in charging time. If the model is simple and cheap, then the charger for it will also be simple, and the charging time will be approximately three to seven hours. In addition, the operating time of the unit depends on the size of the battery capacity: the larger it is, the longer the device will work. The charger for the Interskol screwdriver, considered a professional tool, is more reliable, and the charging time will be a maximum of one hour.

What does it consist of?

The screwdriver has a specific design. Firstly, it has a housing and a removable battery DC source. The housing made of plastic consists of a drive mechanism, a reduction gear assembly and a tool holder. Secondly, the device of the Interskol screwdriver assumes the presence of controls, that is, a power button, a mechanism that changes the direction of rotation of the working body, soft start and the mechanism that regulates critical forces.

The drive mechanism is an electric motor that runs on direct current. Turning on the tool, we close the start contacts, due to which a control signal is sent to the power element. As a result, the voltage on the engine shields begins to increase, and the device works. Soft start is an electronic device in the form of a solid alloy transistor. To regulate the efforts, the device has a regulator - with its help it is possible to gradually adjust the tightening of fasteners. The presence of a three-jaw chuck-type chuck allows you to clamp the hex tool and hold it securely in the desired direction of movement.

Typical configurations

The screwdriver manufactured by Interskol receives positive reviews not only due to its excellent operational properties, but also due to the possibility of choosing different configurations. In the simplest version, you buy a screwdriver, supplemented only with nozzles. However, the choice of universal functional models is more preferable when, in addition to nozzles, additional batteries are supplied in the kit. In addition, professional models of screwdrivers are able to work with a variety of surfaces. For example, the OA-4.8 model is suitable mainly for simple installation work, while the Interskol DA-10/10 screwdriver can handle metal and wood surfaces. At the same time, the coupling can be adjusted in 15 positions, so it is possible to significantly expand the range of work performed.

battery for screwdriver interskol

What to consider when choosing?

Any tool should be chosen not only taking into account its cost or technical capabilities, but also with an emphasis on the convenience of its use. Firstly, its handle can be made in the form of a pistol or located in the center of gravity - the latest models are ergonomic, and therefore are in great demand.

Secondly, the possibility of changing the rotation speed of the working mechanism plays an important role. The speed can be adjusted by pressing the start button, which works in two modes - drilling and tightening screws. The greater the torque the tool shows, the easier it is to work with hard materials.

Thirdly, the number of revolutions, i.e. the speed of rotation, should be taken into account. The drilling speed depends on this parameter. The power tool supplied by Interskol has different indicators; accordingly, you need to choose it depending on your requirements. For example, for screwing or unscrewing screws, a frequency of 400-500 revolutions is sufficient, and for drilling, the frequency should be at least 1200 revolutions per minute.

Battery Type: which one to choose?

As a rule, modern screwdrivers work mainly on the basis of the battery, and you need to choose it correctly if you want stable operation. The battery for the Interskol screwdriver (and any other unit) can be very different. Consider their features in more detail.

  1. Nickel-cadmium battery (NiCd) has a low cost, is resistant to low temperature, can be stored in a discharged form. On the other hand, the battery capacity is not very large, and it discharges quite quickly.
  2. Nickel-metal hydride battery (NiMh) has an increased capacity, you can often charge and recharge it, however, it is better to work with it indoors, since the instrument does not tolerate low temperatures.
  3. A lithium-ion battery (Li-Ion) is considered the best, but also the most expensive. It does not discharge when inoperative, it is equipped with an impressive capacity, it is compact and can be charged and recharged quite often. True, it does not differ in resistance to low temperatures, and the service life is very short, since lithium decomposes after three years.

Interskol cordless screwdriver

The power tool of this brand has established itself as a reliable and durable. However, you should choose cordless tools wisely, paying attention to a number of important details. What should be in a good cordless screwdriver?

spare parts for screwdriver interskol

First, ideally, you should choose an aggregate that can cope with solid materials, such as brick or concrete. Secondly, there must be an adjusting ring in front of the screwdriver chuck, allowing you to set the appropriate level of twisting. Thirdly, convenient tools in which you can adjust the speed. Fourth, the reverse function allows you to twist the screws. For example, a cordless drill / driver "Interskol" -13 / 14,4 is equipped with this function. Fifth, for carrying out heavy work, you should choose tools in which the gear case is made of metal. Sixthly, it is important that, in the absence of a voltage supply, the motor locks automatically. It is also important that the unit runs on battery power, since in this case the range of work performed will become wider, and it will be more convenient to use it.

What is a good network model?

The need to constantly maintain the battery in working condition can push many away from this model. In this case, you can choose other devices from the company Interskol. A network screwdriver, for example, connects to a network. Of course, it does not give such scope for activity as the battery version, but it does not need to be charged, it is able to work as much as the user needs, and, as a rule, is less weight. You can choose both domestic and professional modifications - it all depends on the needs of each user.

It is clear that professional units must not only work hard, but also withstand heavy loads. Accordingly, they need a more powerful battery. For example, the Interskol model - an 18 Volt screwdriver - is considered professional, and for the household level, units designed for an average voltage of 9 to 15 Volts are quite enough.

What are the difficulties in operation?

battery interskol screwdriver

In favor of the choice of professional tools for working with fasteners says their high quality. But in amateur products, especially those that are quite inexpensive, quite often breakdowns occur during operation. For example, when working with a drill or screwdriver, it is important to consider not only the power reserve, but also the means of dosing it. Otherwise, all interchangeable nozzles will become unusable, respectively, you will have to look for spare parts for a screwdriver. Interskol offers only high-quality models, therefore, such problems with proper operation will simply not arise. For example, experts recommend that you take into account not only the torque, but also the maximum drilling diameter. If you want the screwdriver to last longer, choose models with a metal body. Even if the tool falls, the body will remain intact (unlike a plastic surface).

How to recognize a malfunction?

If extraneous sounds appeared during the use of the tool, or the screwdriver began to vibrate strongly, or it just got stuck, then there are certain problems in its mechanical component. The cause of noise can be a failure of the bushings or the armature of the armature. Accordingly, you need to disassemble the engine and check the integrity of these parts. Most often, a gearbox suffers in a screwdriver. It may:

  • bend the shaft;
  • wear the working surface of the gear;
  • bearing and shaft support sleeve may wear out;
  • break the pin to which the satellite is attached.

In the event of such breakdowns, the device must be disassembled and the defective gearbox parts replaced.

The main problems associated with the state of the electric motor include the following: the tool simply does not turn on, overheats, does not switch the reverse mode, or does not allow you to adjust the number of revolutions. If any of the above is observed, the engine must be disassembled, check all the connections in it, and then carefully assemble. If disassembling the tool does not lead to anything, you will have to contact a service center.

How much is?

drill screwdriver interskol

The cost of screwdrivers depends on what purpose they will be used. For example, household models, characterized by simplified characteristics and showing low speed and torque, will cost less. A professional, obviously, will have a higher cost. So, we are interested in the Interskol cordless screwdriver. The price for it varies from 1100 rubles to 4900 rubles.

The simplest and cheapest option is the OA-3.6 model tool. It costs 1100 rubles, while it shows a torque of 3.5 Nm at a speed of 200 rpm. To solve everyday problems, it fits perfectly. Models of the middle price category - 2000-3000 rubles - combine the functions of a drill and a screwdriver, are able to work with a metal or wooden surface, show a torque of an average of 10-15 Nm and 600 revolutions per minute. But more expensive models (over 4000 rubles) are distinguished by a two-stage torque (can reach up to 25 Nm) and a two-stage speed, which reaches 1400 revolutions per minute. Such tools work not only on wood and metal, but also on steel, concrete, and brick. Thus, the company offers a wide selection of screwdrivers for both amateurs and professionals.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E6948/

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