Papier-mâché - what is it? Papier-mâché technique

An interesting word “papier-mâché” came to the Russian language from French. What it is? Translated, it means "chewed paper." In fact, this material is created on the basis of paper or cardboard with adhesive masses. Often the craft itself is called papier-mâché. Photos of the wonderful things made in this technique delight many fans of needlework.

paper mache what is it

Types of paper mache

There are several options for this material, depending on the technology by which it is made.

1. Layering paper pieces on a template is called papier-mâché. Almost everyone knows what it is, because acquaintance with this technique is included in the school curriculum for manual labor.

2. A viscous pasty mass made on the basis of paper, chalk and glue, from which various things are made by molding or molded molding, is also called papier-mâché. What is this, not very many already know, since this technology is more complicated in execution and is designed for a long time of manufacturing the mass itself.

3. Items of geometric shape are made of several layers of cardboard, which is glued in layers and dried under a press - also papier-mâché.

What is layering?

This is such a way in which you can quickly enough make the simplest original thing. In order to make papier-mâché crafts with his own hands, the master will need: a model-template for pasting, the glue itself and pieces of paper.

paper mache instruction

In order for the model to remain unspoiled, the first layer of paper is moistened with plain water and applied in two layers to the surface of the template. Then, the following layers are glued using fasteners. For this purpose, you can use any stationery glue, but for the sake of economy, it is worth cooking a paste from starch or ordinary flour.

Usually it is required to apply up to 100 layers so that papier-mâché handicrafts made by oneself are strong enough. Often, to increase the tensile strength between the layers of paper, a fabric is laid, that is, the product is reinforced. But if we are talking about papier-mache for beginners, then reinforcement will be unnecessary.

How to weld a paste

In addition to the usual store glue, craftsmen often use home-made fastening substance to save money, making papier-mâché. Instructions for the preparation of a paste - a composition based on flour or starch - are quite simple. In short, this is the principle of cooking jelly.

papier mache technique

1. Pour water (2 liters) into the pan and set it to boil.

2. At this time, in a small container, for example in a glass, 3 tablespoons of starch or ordinary flour are stirred in 100 grams of cold water (flour with additives, such as pancake or pancake, is not suitable).

3. A suspension of flour and water is poured into boiling water with a thin stream with active stirring and brought to a boil. Usually, after this moment, the paste becomes dull white with some transparency.

4. The paste must be cooled, and you can start making papier-mâché from newspapers.

How to prepare a template

You can use ready-made toys, masks, jewelry boxes. After gluing them with paper, the workpiece is usually cut with a sharp knife or sawed in half with a saw, the halves are opened and a toy toy is taken out. Then the halves must be glued together along the seam.

DIY paper mache do it yourself

But sometimes there is no suitable template for papier-mâché handicrafts at hand. Instructions for making an object that the master will use for pasting are also not very complicated. Most often, it is constructed from improvised materials, fastening cardboard mid-cylinders from under rolls of toilet paper or paper towels, empty matchboxes or cardboard bags from juices and milk.

paper mache for beginners

There is also such an option for the preparation of the template as fashioning it from plasticine, clay and even the use of balloons.

Paper pulp molding

If you need to make dolls from papier-mâché, then here you can turn to the first and second options. Both methods require a template. If there is none, then you need to do it yourself, as mentioned above.

papier mache dolls

There is such an option when papier-mâché dolls are made by smearing a template with a paper-based mass. After drying, it is also recommended to cut the top layer without touching the template, separate the halves from each other, remove the layout. Then the papier-mâché halves are folded and glued together.

You can sculpt a sculpture from paper pulp “from scratch”, relying only on a sketch, photograph or picture. However, this method is only suitable for those people who have a certain talent.

Many things from papier-mâché in a short time - it is possible!

The papier-mâché technique, which consists in molding paper-glue pulp, is more suitable for making a batch of identical items. Therefore, silicone sealant should be used for the mold. You can also make it from plaster. In both cases, the form should consist of two halves.

paper mache from newspapers

The sealant is applied to the greased template, as evenly as possible. Plasticine model can not be covered with oil. Then the workpiece should dry well. After removing the form from the layout, it must be fixed in a box with salt or sand upside down. Then in the voids impose a dense layer, without air gaps, mass and again left to dry.

After removing the preforms from the semi-molds, they are glued, coated with a primer and painted. In the end, it is recommended to apply a layer of varnish.

Gypsum molds are made in a box, where gypsum is laid in advance with a rather thick consistency. The template is also greased with fat or glycerin and dipped halfway into the substance. After the first half-mold has dried, the layout is removed. The algorithm for creating a half-form is repeated, but the second half of the template is dipped in plaster.

Making pulp for crafts and sculptures

If the master chose the papier-mâché technique based on softened paper, dry additives and glue, then he needs to know how to make a mass for sculpting or casting figures.

There are several formulations of such a mass.

  1. Tear toilet paper and soak in hot water for a day.
  2. Then you should knead well and scroll the mass. Connoisseurs advise doing this with a drill with nozzles from a coffee grinder.
  3. By adding dry gypsum, the master removes excess fluid and achieves the density of the mass. You can fill the flour in paper pulp, but then there is a possibility that the unused substance can deteriorate on time. Many add chalky flour, but then the product turns out to be more fragile than it does with gypsum papier-mâché.
  4. Again, a well-mixed mass is diluted with wood glue prepared according to the recipe for its manufacture. You can use other adhesives. However, carpentry will not allow gypsum to quickly set, which is important. The mass at the exit should resemble low-fat plasticine, keep the shape well, but not stick to your hands.
  5. The resulting mixture is not used immediately, but is given to lie down in the refrigerator for 24 hours. To do this, the mass is divided into parts per kilogram (a maximum of one and a half kilograms) and packaged in plastic bags.

Some masters suggest adding a few spoons of vegetable oil to the mass.

The second method differs from the first in that it does not add a dry component (flour, chalk or gypsum). But after soaking, the paper is squeezed through cheesecloth, removing excess fluid, but not achieving its complete dryness.

The preparatory stage for the creation of the sculptural masterpiece

Of course, it all starts with the author’s ideas. When the artist makes a sketch of the future do-it-yourself papier-mâché crafts, his imagination is already taking on real contours. Some, however, take as a basis ready-made drawings or photographs, which they begin to work on.

Further, the master of wire and improvised means makes a sculpture frame. After all these preparatory operations, the master proceeds to the modeling process itself. And after some time a real work of art looms in place of a clumsy skeleton.

Paper sculptures

Fantasy can not help every person imagine what true artists can do from papier-mâché. Photos of the most true masterpieces of sculptural art fascinate and make one admire the skills of masters of this matter.

paper mache photo

After the product is fashioned and dried, the second most important stage of work begins. Now the master smoothes the surface of the sculpture, applying another thin layer of papier-mâché. Usually, liquid (water and glue) are added to the composition for modeling papier-mache crafts with their own hands so that the paper pulp becomes more tender, so that it is possible to perform sufficiently thin work.

After one more drying, the master picks up a sharp knife and carefully cuts off all the excess. Then, with the help of a fine emery cloth, all irregularities are cleaned.

Priming and painting the product is the last, final stage of work. You can coat the finished product with varnish.

Papier-mâché dyeing

Even the simplest product, such as a casket or wall plate, decorative dishes and trays, a real artist can turn into a beautiful creation. Turning to the classics, the masters create magnificent works. Palekh, Khokhloma and Gzhel, Fedoskino and Eastern miniatures - all these directions are today reflected in papier-mâché products.

paper mache products

Briefly about the main thing ...

No matter what technique of making papier-mâché products a master chooses, no matter what his creative idea is, it is important that the artist realizes his potential through his work, expresses itself, trying to convey to those around him what excites him. That is why, probably, after viewing photos with the masterpieces of real masters, it becomes light and joyful in my soul. Create and create, create, and may beauty triumph in the world!


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