What is efficiency in World of Tanks? How to find out the player’s efficiency in World of Tanks?

The popular “tank shooter”, attracting millions of players around the world for several years, provides an opportunity for each of the users to prove themselves on the fields of virtual battles. Someone shows outstanding game results, for someone they are significantly more modest, but the principle of the game itself inevitably compels participants to compare statistics with each other.

What is efficiency in World of Tanks?

Let's face it, in relation to the “World of Tanks”, the player’s efficiency is a summary indicator of “usefulness” in each particular battle. This is a set of characteristics that clearly reflects how effectively the user damages or destroys enemy equipment, scouts the enemy’s positions, captures someone else’s (or defends his own) base.

what is efficiency in world of tanks

Efficiency Assessment Systems

In the past few months, developers have introduced a personal rating system, which they are trying to reorient the gaming community to use. I must say that this innovation does not cause much interest among players due to the opacity and ambiguity of the counting system (game developers traditionally hide such nuances from users).

The rating system, necessary as air, was long ago introduced by fans of the game on third-party Internet resources. Also, periodically, all new indicator accounting systems appear. At the moment, the most popular resources are: WN5, WN6, WN7, Bronesite, wot-noobs.

world of tanks player efficiency

Separately, it is worth mentioning the wot-news portal. This site is the most "promoted", appeared one of the very first and is a recognized leader in the evaluation of players, where you can check the efficiency of "World of Tanks". Suffice it to say that the "Performance Rating" provided by this resource is used as the same efficiency in all, without exception, modifications of the game client that affect aspects of the statistics of each specific player (programs called "Olenemer").

Who needs it, your efficiency?

The question "what is the efficiency in" World of Tanks "" once asked each of the participants in the game, and the answer to it, in essence, is simple:

1) Efficiency is needed in order to be able to amuse your player’s pride - it’s so nice to realize that your trunk is longer and more caliber than your neighbor / classmate / boss. You can see what to strive for, what game goals to set for yourself.

2) Clan leadership needs efficiency to evaluate the potential of a potential recruit. Naturally, this is not the only criterion by which they form an opinion about the candidate for joining the ranks of the collective, but it is largely a priority. Suffice it to say that clan recruitment announcements must indicate the lower limit of this indicator.

Pros and cons of settlement systems

Each of the above systems has both its pros and cons.

check the efficiency of world of tanks

The positive aspects, without a doubt, include the fact that all players are compared according to the same criteria, which allows us to talk about some kind of objectivity. Also on any of the portals the formulas are thoroughly signed, according to which the assessment is made, and you can find out the efficiency of “World of Tanks”, so that each of those who enter can easily understand all the nuances of the game.

Negative moments, in turn, may be the formulas themselves. More precisely, the balanced weight of certain indicators used in these calculations. Like it or not, the degree of their influence on the final result is evaluated by the compilers independently and is a subjective opinion. It can also be noted that players have long learned to “wind up” their indicators to a certain value in a particular system (by emphasizing in battles an action that has a high “balanced weight in the formula”), often to the detriment of others.

Evaluate the efficiency yourself

Having abandoned all the proposed calculation options, you can personally try to answer the question of what efficiency is in "World of Tanks" and make an impression of the player’s usefulness in battles on their own - believe me, this is no less interesting!

For such a procedure, we need statistical information generated inside the game itself and available on the page of each player.

efficiency of world of tanks view

The first indicator that we pay attention to is the number of fights held. If the account has less than 4.5–5 thousand battles, then giving some estimates is premature: by this time the player had not even really understood the in-game mechanics, had not studied the battle maps, had not learned how to use these or those types of tanks in the proper way. And he had very few tanks - only in the fifth thousand battles will he reach the crown of one of the development branches, having received the first tank of the top level. True, this does not apply to the second accounts, which are set up by experienced players to raise statistics.

The second important indicator is the percentage of victories. Empirically, it was found that the average avid player is about 49%. Accordingly, if our “experimental” is the proud owner of the 44% figure, then we can safely conclude about his (possibly temporary) professional unsuitability. It is important to note here: if a person has 20-30 thousand fights and the rate is 43%, then this is already hopeless. In the event that the figure is above 50%, this is an occasion to take a closer look at the player, according to the principle "the larger the figure, the more thoroughly we analyze."

The following figures, important for understanding, must be considered in conjunction. The standard game window of the participant’s statistics allows you to identify his preferences in tactics, and we use this, drawing conclusions. For example, the character in question conducts a large number of battles on heavy tanks of levels 8-10 from the Soviet and German development lines. According to the realities of the game, these tanks are heavily armored, well-armed, but not very mobile monsters, which inevitably affects their use in battle. These are breakthrough tanks, equipment engaged in "pushing through" enemy defenses, tanks of the first line. If a player using this technique has a large amount of damage done (on average, it should be more than strength points on the tank itself, one and a half times), as well as a considerable number of “profile” game medals (such as “Steel Wall”, “Spartan” ”,“ Armor-piercer ”,“ Warrior ”and some others), then we can make an unambiguous conclusion that a person is using his tank correctly. At the same time, if the average damage done to such a tank is low, but a huge amount of destroyed equipment is observed, this means that in battle it ignores its direct duties and is engaged in the shooting of "shortcomings."

learn efficiency of world of tanks

In a situation with a light tank, everything is different: the task of this technique is reconnaissance. Here, information on the number of discovered equipment will help us for analysis, as well as the average experience on the tank (since its calculation uses such an indicator as “intelligence damage”) and medals of the “Scout”, “Sentinel” type, etc. You can watch the World of Tanks, but expecting great damage from this type of technique is pointless, since the caliber and damage of the guns do not provide for such a way of playing.

An important indicator is the accuracy of the shooting, but here it is also necessary to take into account the nuances. For example, a professional gunner will never reach high values, since the dispersion of guns and the constant dynamics of the movement of tanks in battle do not contribute to direct hits. For artillery, average damage is important. At the same time, if a player prefers to use medium tanks from the German development branch, then this indicator simply must be high, due to the good accuracy and rate of fire of the guns. Well and, accordingly, medals “Sniper”, “Strelok”, “Sniper-tanker” and others - to help you.


There can be a ton of ways to analyze a player’s “utility”, and it’s almost impossible to mention all of them. None of them are ideal, but at the same time, each allows you to make a particular impression about the player and what efficiency is in “World of Tanks”. There are no universal recipes, and everyone who is interested in this aspect of the analysis can choose something that is most suitable for themselves. As well as coming up with some kind of own rating system that suits him personally.

Go for it! Good luck on the battlefield.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E6952/

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