Molebsky Triangle (Molebsky Anomalous Zone): description, anomalies and interesting facts

Once the place where the village of Molebka is located today was a holy place for the local Mansi peoples. In its vicinity was a prayer stone, which was used for sacrifices. Later it was from him that the name of this village came. Our article provides a description of such an interesting object as the Molebsky Triangle (Russia), which is located here. It should be noted that the village itself, by whose name it is named, is located in the Perm Territory, near the border with the Sverdlovsk Region, on the banks of the Sylva River (Kishertsky District).

The noise around the "Zone M"

prayer triangle

Many more probably remember how in August-September 1989 a big noise began in our country around “Zone M”, or the Moleb anomalous zone (otherwise, by analogy with the Bermuda triangle, it is called the Moleb triangle).

Let's see how it all began. In a Riga newspaper entitled "Soviet Youth" a series of publications by P. Mukhortov was published, which became a real sensation. It was dedicated to space aliens, allegedly based near the village of Molebki. Many then read his description of the Permian anomalous zone. The prayer triangle began to interest more and more people. P. Mukhortov claimed that space aliens often come into contact with people here.

Many journalists then showed interest in such an object as the Molebsky Triangle (Russia). Mysticism and anomalies, as you know, are the favorite topics of newspapers. Nowadays, many are interested in mysterious phenomena. Therefore, central newspapers began to write about the Molebsky triangle, located across the river, opposite the village. Even foreign companies showed interest in him. They sent their correspondents to this place. Scientists came, and just curious people from all over the world. All of them wanted to join the unknown and to personally see the Moleb triangle. The anomalous zone (Perm Territory) began to be visited more and more often.

Eyewitness statements

Moleb anomalous zone

Numerous eyewitnesses claimed that UFOs ("spheres", classic "plates", "cigars", "dumbbells") often fly in this place. In addition, they allegedly saw huge black figures of some kind of humanoid type of creatures, as well as luminous balls (from red-orange to blue) and other obscure bodies that clearly showed reasonable behavior. These objects were lined up so that they formed the correct geometric shapes. They also watched the members of the expeditions, and when they approached, they disappeared. Some idle journalists and advanced ufologists who visited the Molebsky triangle (Perm Territory) even boasted that they had telepathic contact with representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence. These creatures allegedly told them secrets and secret secrets.

Legends related to the past

prayer triangle Russia

As we have already said, there was once a prayer stone in the Molebka, and this place itself was holy. So, still the ancient idols have been preserved here. According to some reports (for example, Pavel Globa spoke about this ), approximately in this area the prophet Zarathustra was born. He is the creator of Zoroastrianism - the first monotheistic religion.

Unusual track

In the late 1980s, the whole country learned about the Prayer. Emil Bachurin, a Permian geologist, hunting in the winter of 1983, discovered a round footprint among the snows. Its diameter was 62 m. It should be noted that Emil Bachurin had heard about such an object as the Molebsky triangle (Perm anomalous zone). Sometimes experienced hunters wandered for weeks on a patch of "zone", the size of which was 7 by 7 km. They could not get out of it, despite the fact that the area is surrounded by the Sylva River.

Groups led by E. Ermilov

Then the anomalous zone of the Moleb triangle began to be visited by expeditionary groups led by Eduard Ermilov, Ph.D. in technical sciences, who led the Gorky section on anomalous phenomena. Group members interviewed the local population, conducted panoramic photography and observation. They carried out medical experiments, used biolocation in the study of such an object as the Moleb anomalous zone. It all came together: balls called oranges spin, "plates" fly, the local population behaves anxiously. There is either a high temperature, then headaches, then, like Bachurin's, a sudden swelling of the legs. Nevertheless, UFOs were visited by all states, but not the USSR. In this country, they tried to hush up the existence of such an object as the Prayer Triangle, the mysterious place of the world.

Abnormal Zone Recognition

As a result of the research, the first anomalous zone in the Land of Soviets was finally discovered. I must say that, according to some reports, as far back as the 30s of the 19th century, peasants described aircraft that they were able to see over the "zone".

The peak of visits to the Molebka was in 1989-92. Many professional and amateur expeditions from various cities of our country, as well as from abroad, have visited it.

Chronical experiment

The group of A. Goryukhin, who worked at the Ufa Aviation Institute as an assistant professor of the casting department, conducted his own chronical experiment. The mechanical watch was lowered into a thermos, which was placed in the zone. The arrows after the end of the experiment lagged behind exactly 5 hours 41 minutes.

The main places of the zone

prayer triangle russia perm anomalous zone

There are several main places in the zone in which miracles most often occur. One of them is Central Glade.

Central glade

Basically, it is here that camps are set up and research is carried out. This object is really located in the center of the zone. The central clearing in some publications is erroneously called the Cosmodrome. Its large open space was not accidentally chosen by many researchers. From here it is good to carry out night observations, since the review here is 360º. In Central Glade there used to be several wooden houses. However, local residents can no longer say how long they stood here. A reminder that they once lived in these places is the tall and dense thickets of rose hips that grew where the foundations used to be.

Settlements, Snake Hill, and Witch Rings

Another interesting place, which is famous for the Moleb Anomalous Zone, is Vyselki. It is unusual both in its history and in some other signs, including purely subjective sensations. Incredibly tall grass grows in this place, and almost in the center of the meadow there is a twisted tree that is turned in a very unnatural way. One of the most beautiful places here is the Snake Hill. Witches rings are also interesting. They say that when photographing in this area, dark balls of unknown origin often appear in the pictures, in the center of which are white spots. Witch's rings are located on the bank of the Sylva, near a rock about 60 m high.

Anomaly "Wicket"

There are also zones that are less known. One of them is the Wicket anomaly. Mikhail Shishkin wrote about her in 1996 in the journal Ural Pathfinder . He reported that he met here with aliens.


This is a gloomy and unusual place of such a mysterious object as the Prayer Triangle. Previously, Cosmodrome researchers mistakenly called Vyselki, and Central Glade, and other places. In fact, it represents the old channel of the Sylva, which is located below the Snake Hill. This place is surrounded on all sides by a high shore. It forms a small gorge, slightly swampy and overgrown with forest. The cosmodrome is still poorly understood by researchers, since it is difficult to access. In addition, accurate information about where he is located is not available. Strange as it may seem, ufologists have only recently begun using detailed maps. But it’s very difficult to find the Cosmodrome without a map. In this place, presumably, there could have been a military facility (which one is also unknown).

Black River and White Mountain

The Black River is located near the Cosmodrome and is marked by chronic anomalies. In addition, she gained a reputation as a "prodigal place." Unusual phenomena are noted on the White Mountain. Here, at a height of about 1.5 m from the ground, sparks flash. An icy wind can suddenly blow from the side of the forest with absolute calm. Allegedly there were balls. Before the war, there was a camp for political prisoners at this place. The remains of the sawmill and the foundations of buildings have survived to this day. Pieces of rusty barbed wire are scattered in the grass.

Minotaur house

On the farm is the Minotaur House. This is an old forester's house. Today, only a pile of logs remained from him. Eyewitnesses say this is the "heart of the anomalous zone." Amazing things happen at this place. Here they see ghosts, the "spirit of the forester", a woman with an animal head, as well as various creatures similar to gnomes, elves and brownies. Very often, dowsers record in this place an increased energy background. According to eyewitnesses, UFOs landed here several times. There are even photographs with traces left after they landed in a place like the Prayer Triangle. The grass on the site of their planting has turned brown and does not grow.

Druid Grove

Druid Grove is another anomaly located in the Vyselok area. This phrase designates the part of the forest that is significantly different from the rest of the array. Trees grow here, forming regular geometric shapes. The shape of the Druid Grove is rectangular. The trees growing here are also marked by a brighter color of the leaves. And their size is different - they are 5-6 meters lower than the trees surrounding them.

Settlements are notable for very tall herbs. Thick bushes of nettles grow in a meadow located near the forester’s house. Plant height reaches two meters and even more! The house itself is notable for an energetic creature that supposedly often appeared near it until 1994. It lived here until the locals dismantled the house for firewood.

Research carried out in 2000

In 2000, researchers continued to flock to the Moleb triangle. Several expeditions have been here. It should be noted the expedition of the Uranus station. They began in 2005 and were held for several years annually.

In 2003, eyewitnesses observed a spindle-shaped orange UFO. They also saw a strange trace on a tree in a swamp (a linear hole burnt from the inside). Disintegrating objects were observed in the sky, as well as stars that did not fly along “satellite” trajectories at all. In addition, strange thunderstorms flashed everywhere, allegedly, here. They were without thunder and turned a deep night into a sunny day (apparently close flares).

miracles of the prayer triangle

The following year, 2004, researchers discovered artificial hills, patches of dried grass, and crushed anthills in Yuris glade. At Vyselki, a 10-meter semicircle of dried and lodged grass was found. Dowsing revealed a natural residual anomaly at the site of the circle.

Further, in 2005, for unknown reasons, the portable dosimeter stopped working (it started working again on its return), the diodes burned out in the flashlights, the batteries in the watch ran out of power very quickly, and the bio-frames started to behave unevenly. Acute malaise was noted in two people. They had weakness, jumps in blood pressure, and fever. Colleagues from RUFORS, who also came here for research, captured transparent balls on a digital camera with a complex structure resembling a snowflake. Blurred white spots appeared, as well as many other objects, including off-focus ones.

Relatively recently, in 2007, near a glade with "pyramids" a drying tree was discovered. Strange holes were made in his trunk. The through holes that eyewitnesses saw were perfectly round in shape, as if they were drilled with a drill.

Setting a road sign

In September 2010, a road sign with a UFO image was installed on the Perm-Yekaterinburg highway, 70 km from the village of Molebki. Thus, the authorities hope to increase the number of tourists who are interested in mysterious phenomena.

description of the Permian anomalous zone Moleb triangle

To this day, many are attracted by the secrets of the Moleb Triangle. About 450 thousand people visit it annually. However, researchers are convinced that the Moleb Triangle and mass tourism are incompatible things. Not everyone is allowed in by the zone. The miracles of the Prayer Triangle are revealed only to those who are ready to meet with another world. Those who are not ready often simply do not reach. Someone will get lost along the way, someone will lower a wheel ...


In recent years, interest in this place has declined somewhat. Reports have leaked into the Russian press that the Perm anomalous zone has ceased to exist. But it is possible that this is just a tricky move by researchers who seek to discourage random people.

secrets of the prayer triangle

So what is this place - Prayer? Is this really a crossroads of worlds with UFOs, or are the anomalies of this region of an earthly character? And perhaps this is just a game of imagination? There is ample evidence of eyewitnesses convincing that they really saw or heard "something like that." Perhaps something unusual is really happening here. Scientists urge to look at this problem seriously and soberly, with a scientific (analytical, logical) approach. You need to be able to separate the grains from the chaff, and then, perhaps, the truth will be revealed.


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