60s clothing style: fashion revolution

Each decade of the last century had its own distinctive features in terms of fashion. And if the beginning of the 20th century still gravitated to long chic dresses and expensive accessories, then by the middle of the century, skirts became shorter, hairstyles - easier, and the material - cheaper.

The 1960s became the real revolutionary decade, which accounted for completely diverse events that turned the whole fashion industry upside down. The emergence of a new model standard, achievements in science and technology, the first manned flight into space, the emergence of a new subculture that developed the ideas of free love, peace and pacifism - all this brought new ideas, landmarks and principles to the style of the 60s. And today, designers continue to appeal to the images of that time and replenish their collections with echoes from the past.

60's style of clothing

The main event that became the starting point for the fashion of the 60s was the fact that the capital of the fashion industry was relocated from Paris to London. The elegant French style was supplanted by English minimalism. In place of the fashion for the held ladies comes clothing of the 60s, which is rapidly winning the hearts of European youth. For the first time in the history of fashion, it was asked by young girls and guys.

60's style dress

The appearance on the catwalks of mini-skirts was a real revolution! They were worn by everyone, without exception: both successful ladies and very young girls. However, the emergence of this element of the wardrobe is also associated with youth. Designer Mary Coint from England, which is considered the inventor of a mini skirt, emphasized that it was not fashion designers who dictated fashion in the 60s, it was made by ordinary people. “In fact, it was not I who invented the miniskirts, they were invented by girls on the streets,” Mary said.

The things that were introduced by young people and characterize the style of the 60s in clothes also include huge glasses and massive plastic jewelry.

60s clothing

The appearance of the miniskirt necessitated the emergence of a new model that could adequately present it: old ideals with curvaceous shapes and a thin waist no longer fit. A new style icon was found - the sixteen-year-old model of Leslie Hornby, or Twiggy (from the English “reed”), fit perfectly into the style of the 60s. A new image of a teenage girl, thin and angular, was unusually liked by everyone. It was Twiggy who was able to add popularity to miniskirts and huge jewelry, as well as to introduce false eyelashes and a “boy-like” haircut into fashion.

Another important episode that influenced the style of the 60s in clothes is the first manned flight into space. So the image of the “Moon Girl” (Andre Kurrezh) appears and the space theme is actively developed by designers. Artificial materials come to the fore: nylon, fabrics with lurex, polyester, vinyl, lycra, crimp. The "cosmic" dress in the style of the 60s does not crease, it is simply washed, dries quickly - the youth liked it very much. The most popular was the combination of a miniskirt and high patent leather low-heeled boots.

60s hippie style

The other side of this turbulent time was the development of the hippie subculture, which dictated its own fashion: only natural fabrics, old things of different styles, handmade jewelry, worn jeans, long hair were welcomed. The style of the 60s in the clothes of these people undoubtedly influenced the fashion of the decade as a whole: bright colors were used everywhere.

During these years, the fashion industry did not impose strict rules on anyone, but gave complete freedom of choice. Therefore, she fell in love with young people who could freely experiment, bring something of their own and thus “move” fashion.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E6964/

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