Cats What determines and what is the life span of animals?

Many people bring pets and stick to them with all their heart. And it’s not so important which of the pets settled in your house: a parrot, a decorative rabbit, a cat or a dog, or someone else - that’s not the point. The main thing is that your favorite is the most intelligent, quick-witted and unique.

Indeed, having listened to dog breeders or “cat lovers”, one wonders how diverse the characters, habits, and cute pranks of their animals are. And how the eyes of people telling funny stories about their favorites light up! Animals have something to love. They are forgiven for unfortunate misconduct, especially when it comes to graceful beauties and beauties - cats and cats. They also have a lot to learn! Everything your favorite cat does is very beautiful. You can always admire him when he eats, sleeps, frolics or just watches the birds sitting on the windowsill. Dignity, self-sufficiency, grace ...

Have you ever thought about the question of who is the most important in your family? That's right, cat! Even a child can be explained why they didn’t buy anything today, and he will understand and wait, but only a pet can’t wait. As they say, we are responsible for those who have tamed. That is why the animal must receive everything necessary in the first place.

The life expectancy of animals directly depends on genetic heredity, however, nutrition and care also significantly affect the quality of life.

It is believed that cats living in a closed room are more likely to live to a very old age, but at the same time, special conditions must be created for them:

  • free access to fresh air;
  • enough space for jogging and exercise;
  • balanced diet;
  • vitamins.

And, of course, unlimited love. The life expectancy of animals, most likely, depends on this important factor. A beloved, caressed animal in its own way is happy. And why start a pet at home if you do not love him? Many owners talk with their pets and are sure that they understand them.

The successful development of veterinary medicine is another reason for the increase in the average living age of domestic cats. Timely vaccination combined with caring care, nutritious good food allows the cat to live at least 15 years. But this is not the limit. The life span of animals, in this case cats, varies up to twenty years or more. Cases are described when cats survived to 34 years.

Breed characteristics of cats obtained by breeding, in turn, affect the length of life of pets. Some of them are predisposed to certain diseases, for example, Persians are prone to urolithiasis and, knowing this, you need to try not to provoke the occurrence of this ailment. The cat should be regularly shown to the veterinarian, who will give recommendations on caring for the animal, which in turn will positively affect the health of your pet.

Overfeeding negatively affects the life span of animals. Many people like cats to gain impressive weight and size. But before you feed the animal, as for slaughter, think about whether it is worth it to be overweight? With so much as heart and liver diseases, arthritis, diabetes, shortness of breath? It is much more pleasant to see a healthy, active, nimble cat, but not overfed, which, in addition to everything, will also have to be put on a diet, and this is additional troubles, and the animal is under stress. It’s better to adhere to the norm and not overfeed, so that in the future you do not have to regret it.

The average life expectancy of cats, depending on the breed

The life span of a particular breed of cats can approximately last:

  • Siamese - 20 years;
  • Burmese - 15 years;
  • Manx - 20 years;
  • Maine Coons - 14-16 years old.

The life expectancy of British cats with proper care, nutrition and good animal health can also range from 15 to 20 years. This is provided that the cats live in excellent conditions, otherwise, these magnificent animals living in a street environment are allocated only 4-5 years of life. Care with love for your furry (or not so) favorites, and they will give you a lot of positive emotions and save you from loneliness.


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