"Smart home": control controller. "Smart home": constituent elements, purpose, principle of operation

The concept of arranging a “smart home” has long passed from the category of fantastic to the status of being implemented. To one degree or another, this idea is embodied in many private cottages and apartments, facilitating the operation of the equipment by users. However, at this stage, the mass dissemination of this ideology can be talked about with great reservations, since a full-fledged integrated device of multifunctional control systems is not cheap and it seems very complicated by many. Actually, the heart of such systems is the "smart home" controller, the presence of which distinguishes the principles of this idea from the usual electronic automation.

smart home controller

What is a control controller?

Any controller is a means of controlling certain processes and is in conjunction with automated equipment. The arrangement of a “smart home” implies the presence of exploitable components that can be controlled by an intelligent system. Just it is represented by a small device in which the means of processing incoming signals from engineering and household equipment are concentrated. Based on the incoming information, the controller will make decisions. A “smart home” may have different contents with operating devices. In particular, it can be security alarm systems, lighting equipment, multimedia, engineering utilities infrastructure, etc. Depending on the number of objects subject to intelligent control, the controller’s program of work is also determined.

It is important to note the multicomponent functionality of such controls. Their main task is focused on the management of the aforementioned user equipment. However, to maintain the function of the controller itself, a part of its resources is also allocated, not to mention auxiliary modules. In addition, special attention in the development of such systems is given to communication methods. For example, GSM-controllers for the “smart home” are equipped with special modems that transmit data on the status of serviced components directly to the user via cellular communication. If we are talking about the management of security complexes or engineering systems, then in the event of an alarm or accident, the controller can be programmed to inform special services. Moreover, the GSM system is not the only one due to which remote communication with the owner of the house is realized.

Controller Parts

smart home controllers

The basic set of functional components includes a central control cabinet, an additional control panel, server computer, switches and modems. In the event of a power outage, an uninterruptible power supply is also provided, but most often it is designed for a short-term shutdown, so you should not rely on it in a continuous mode of operation. The central cabinet, in turn, contains an energy meter, an opening circuit breaker, an operator panel, power contactors and a programmable controller unit. Sometimes power line switches, I / O modules, electromagnetic relays, the mentioned GSM modem, etc. are also used. In this case, the set may also have a reduced number of components, depending on what tasks the controller performs.

A “smart house” based on a small cottage, for example, may not have I / O modules if the optimal program of work is initially included in the control unit. Also, the reduction in the number of functional units may be due to the desire to optimize the resources required to maintain the complex. And this is not to mention the simplification of the system in order to ensure user ergonomics during operation.

Now it is worth considering the composition of the additional cabinet. As a rule, it includes either redundant backup systems that are already present in the main cabinet, or auxiliary communication tools, as well as security systems. That is, its integration into the system increases the reliability of the functions that the main smart home controller implements. Equipment in this segment, for example, can be represented by means of network local communication, amplifiers, and the same uninterrupted power supply unit.

What tasks does the controller perform?

vera smart home controller

The range of tasks that the controller can perform is very wide and is determined only by the desire of the user who arranges his home. Of course, this primarily relates to the management of electrical engineering and engineering components. The very idea of ​​“smart homes” was once popular due to the desire of the consumer to use lighting systems with maximum convenience . Modern controllers allow you to remotely and automatically control home and street lighting, as well as the power supply in general. Already in the basic configurations, the controllers for the “smart home” system are guided by the regulation of power supply for gas equipment, refrigerators, boilers, ventilation systems, etc.

In this case, independent control channels can be programmed in a separate order. This applies to the most critical facilities. For example, to control the "warm floor" often provide a line of complex four-zone control in several rooms. The same can be said about the security infrastructure, which is usually served by GSM-controllers for the “smart home” with the ability to send SMS messages to the user and to the security service desks. Moreover, the notification can be carried out simultaneously through the channels of wireless communication modules based on the Internet connection.

The principle of operation of the device

The general concept of intelligent control systems is based on the creation of automated control. That is, the complex is initially configured to independently control the target components of the “smart home”. It is important to note here what exactly is meant by such management. This can be setting the temperature of the boiler, “warm floor”, turning lights on or off, adjusting the operation parameters of audio and video equipment, etc. At the same time, the smart home controllers can work, that is, make decisions based on a pre-set program , and based on feedback from the same equipment. In the first case, the user enters certain functioning parameters with the indication of logical chains. A classic example is the installation of street lighting at work at certain hours at night and a complete shutdown during the day.

In the case of processing feedback signals, the controller also operates according to the original program, but decisions are made on the basis of data that may vary depending on the current state of the equipment being serviced. For example, a boiler must store water at a certain pressure in the water supply system. A signal with one or another indication comes from a pressure gauge installed on the water supply line, and on their basis the system gives an inverse command to the boiler electronics. Another question is how useful for the user will be the command that the controller gave. "Smart home" is an intellectual system, but it may not live up to expectations if the owner incorrectly calculated the mode of functioning in certain situations.

Controller Aries

gsm smart home controllers

As a basic solution, the company offers a PLC100 modification controller, the features of which include the use of the Modbus protocol for organizing communication channels. The system is designed to service private residential buildings with two floors, street lighting, floor heating, alarm, etc. The main element of the complex is a logical controller connected to the operator panel and input-output devices via RS-485 interface. That is, the "smart home" on the controller "Aries" of this version can be programmed by the owner himself if he wants. I / O systems are represented by the MBA8 analog module and switching devices from the manufacturer INSYTE.

The main menu of the operator has 6 control units, each of which takes on one of the subordinate segments. In particular, this is power supply, floor heating system, lighting equipment, temperature control in different parts of the house, dispatching and event log. It is important to note that this is the same GSM-controller for controlling the “smart home”, through which SMS can be sent. The notification in this case will be carried out in case of an accident in the power supply line of street lighting, in case of malfunctions in the power supply circuit, etc.

Vera controller

Today, a huge number of different controllers are available on the market, but experts recommend turning to manufacturers' products with extensive experience in this segment. And in this regard, Vera family models have a huge margin of trust, since the company has been on the market for many years. One of the latest solutions is the VeraEdge complex. The hallmarks of this system include compactness, high performance and ergonomics. Moreover, the development stands out even against the background of other representatives of the Vera line. The controller of the "smart home" in this design is attractive and technological filling. The creators used the high-performance SoC platform, whose frequency is 600 MHz. At the same time, the amount of operating memory was increased to 128 MB.

controllers for smart home systems

The main innovation implemented in VeraEdge is the Z-Wave Plus system chip. This is the fifth generation of the chip, while most of its competitive counterparts still work on third-generation platforms. What does this mean in practical use? The user can use communication protocols with maximum load while serving more than 200 devices. In addition, the unit is equipped with a Wi-Fi module, which eliminates the difficulties of organizing wired local communication lines. This is also a new solution that smart home controllers from other manufacturers cannot yet boast of. True, there were some system flaws. Unfortunately, it lacks an integrated uninterruptible power supply.

Arduino controller

The Arduino system offers a rather unusual, but quite logical solution for managing a “smart home”. It is rightly called a complex, which is being implemented on its own, since user participation in the organization of the controlling infrastructure in this case is fundamental. So what is offered in the Arduino bundle? The basis of the set is directly a small logic controller, and the remaining components are represented by sensors, sensors and all kinds of indicators. When it was said that the number of components could be limited, it was a little about other principles of reducing elements, but the Arduino “smart home” controller brought the optimization concept to almost perfection. Firstly, all of its sensors operate wirelessly, which eliminates the need to lay numerous networks. Secondly, for direct control of the controller, not traditional blocks with operator panels are used, but a convenient and modern web page, which is also available as a mobile application. As for the sensors themselves, they are represented by devices that capture energy consumption data, humidity and temperature parameters, opening doors, etc.

smart home on aries controller

Siemens controllers

German controllers are mostly associated with process automation in industry. However, a very interesting LOGO line has recently appeared, which presents systems for the “smart home”. When developing these complexes, the company adhered to the traditional direction, having proposed a two-component model at the output. The primary module forms the information input-output infrastructure, includes a keyboard and a display. The second module allows you to work with the controller through a wired interface, that is, download programs using a computer. For independent development of operating modes, the manufacturer offers a special program - Soft Comfort. If the system is used as the central controller of the “smart home”, then it is quite possible for it to independently create control algorithms and work circuits. In terms of performance and functionality, the models of this family are flexible. The fact is that each version of the LOGO controller can be modified by introducing new subsystems and modules that will improve the operational qualities of the equipment.

Pros and cons of smart home controllers

An indisputable advantage of this type of controller is the effective solution to the problems of managing engineering, multimedia, and other household appliances. Indeed, the intellectual abilities of even simple sets give a lot of advantages to ordinary homeowners, saving them from routine actions. An example is a typical Ethernet controller. The “smart home” under its control using network interfaces is reduced to a single information panel through which the owner can track all the necessary performance indicators and data on the components used. Of course, there are drawbacks to this kind of controller. These include the complexity of technical implementation with connection and putting into use, often difficult maintenance and, of course, significant cost.

smart home central controller


Although many potential users of smart home control systems are worried about their multi-component and cumbersome nature, they have long been familiar with their individual elements. For example, electronics in modern boilers, refrigerators, acoustic sets and lighting devices often operate on the same principles. Moreover, many unknowingly make the same controller for a “smart home” with their own hands when they install a security system on sensors and a GSM module. Only if in the case of security complexes the center is a panel that connects, for example, motion sensors and smoke detectors, then the controllers in question serve the whole range of household devices, which, in principle, can be automatically controlled. Another thing is that the second option is more demanding in terms of energy supply, more difficult to implement and operate.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E6972/

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