As we celebrate local government day

Since April 21, 2013, Russia has regularly celebrated Local Government Day. The decree was signed by the president at the beginning of 2012. History says that in 1785 Catherine II issued a Certificate, thanks to which the foundation was laid for the development of a law on the independent resolution of regional issues by local authorities. Local Government Day in Russia plays a very important role in the life of the country, since it emphasizes the need for regional organizations and unites city residents.

What events are held on this day?

Local government day is celebrated without exception by all educational institutions. Especially this event is given attention in schools. Patriotic events, meetings with deputies and other representatives of the authorities, communication with veterans are held. This is necessary so that the younger generation is not indifferent to their country, children are taught to correctly understand and comprehend the importance of making independent decisions.

local government day

On the day of local self-government, free visits to official organizations are practiced; at any time, a person can personally communicate with a government representative and ask questions of interest. It is possible to familiarize yourself with regulatory documents.

Action plan

Local Government Day is a significant event for which you need to prepare in advance, draw up a plan and scenario. Each city, municipality organizations prepare an individual plan. It usually includes sports and fitness events (relay races, cross-country races and the like), contests for knowledge of the history of your city / region, exhibitions, performances by creative teams, conducting cycles of lessons devoted to this topic, and so on. The day of local government will be incomplete without summing up, rewarding the winners, a festive concert and a congratulatory program.

local government day


Holding any event is impossible without writing a script. What should be included there? Leading are needed, who will spend most of the time on stage, read poetry about the city, announce the speeches of the participants in the event. Information should be obtained in advance about what numbers have been prepared for this event in order to evenly distribute them throughout the entire performance, thus retaining the attention and interest of the viewer who came on Local Government Day. The script should be as interesting and varied as possible. The speeches of representatives of local governments are not enough. Mandatory presence of dance and vocal numbers, performance of small actors. Finish the event by presenting diplomas, thanks, gifts and a song composition that is loved and familiar to everyone. It is necessary that the celebration be remembered, improve the mood of the audience, filling them with positive and pride in their hometown.

local government day in Russia

Conducting Local Government Day in secondary schools

As mentioned earlier, this holiday is necessary in educational institutions in order to attract young people, to interest them in the life of society, the city. It is necessary to convey to the young generation that patriotism is an important feature of every person. This is love for one’s homeland, readiness at any moment to defend a country, upholding its interests. All these qualities, combined in one concept, bring this holiday to the younger generation.

An obligatory component of any celebration in schools is the classroom hour. It is the responsibility of teachers to organize this event. At the class hour, the teacher tells the story of the holiday, why it is needed and important for society. Often, class leaders invite people with interesting and informative information on this issue to such events. In our case, these may be representatives of local governments or veterans.

Relays and competitions are mandatory, where as a result of healthy rivalry, the best player is subsequently determined to receive a reward.

local government day script

Also in the festive program includes thematic scenes, reading poems. An interesting holiday will surely be remembered by all children, introduce them to something new, previously unknown.

Congratulations on Local Government Day

It is very important to choose the right words for congratulations, which will resonate in the soul of every resident of the city. When making a speech, it is necessary to focus on the following aspects:

  • introduction, which should be different sincerity and set people up in a positive way;
  • note the special importance of self-government in the life of the city;
  • it is necessary to focus on the fact that citizens, their initiative and activity are the main criteria for making decisions regarding the life of the region;
  • to convey to the audience the idea that it is the close interaction of local authorities and residents of the city that will bring positive changes to the life of the area.

After the holiday dedicated to the Day of Local Self-Government, people (especially the younger generation) should develop a sense of community and pride in their prosperous region.


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