Howling wolf ... Is it worth it to be afraid?

Howling Wolf ... What is it? An ordinary picture from an art book, part of a landscape or a fragment of a nightmare? As practice shows , this may well be the first, second, and third. Let's try to talk about this, of course, a unique and very interesting animal.

General description of the predator

howling wolf

According to scientists, the gray wolves familiar to us are one of the largest, elusive, strong animals of the Canidae family. Each representative is characterized by excellent vision, amazing hearing and a rare-in-quality sense of smell. In addition, do not forget about the amazing stamina of the animals described.

An adult gray wolf can be up to 160 cm long and shoulder height up to 85 cm. Impressive, isn't it? That is why the howling wolf is able to scare even the most daring and brave traveler.

It should be noted that the weight of the animal differs depending on its place of residence. We can name only average indicators: from 25 to 39 kg. Although in recent years individuals weighing up to 100 kg have been increasingly found. Females usually weigh 5-10 kg less than males.

In winter, wolves are covered with fluffy and large wool with undercoat, thanks to which they withstand temperatures up to - 40 Β° C.

Wolf packs consist of a wolf, a she-wolf and their cubs. Surprisingly, these mammals can be combined into one huge flock for protection. The wolf is monogame, so the pair persists until the death of one of the partners.

These animals are able to breed from two years. Females give birth once a year. Pregnancy lasts about two months, and the average litter is 5-6 cubs. At birth, wolf puppies weigh about 500 grams, but due to the fact that they grow very quickly, by autumn the weight of the wolf cubs increases by 30 times.

These predators are considered territorial animals. Therefore, if a wolf howls at the moon not far from your house or homestead, then this is one and the same animal, each time appearing after dark. Strangers will not pass.

Wolves feed mainly on cloven-hoofed animals, but during a shortage of food they can eat all living things and even carrion. In severe winter, flocks often attack wounded or weak individuals of their kind and eat the bodies of dead relatives.

Surprisingly, these predators can hear sounds at a great distance, can swim and run very fast.

To communicate and maintain relationships in a pack, wolves use many distinctive mimic movements.

Interesting Facts

wolf howls at the moon

A wolf cannot, like a snake or a scorpion, kill a victim instantly, so the pack attacks a living creature and tears off a piece of flesh.

Predators began to eat human meat in the Middle Ages, when plague progressed in Europe, and people were not buried. Their corpses were eaten by wolves. Most likely, since then the howling wolf began to inspire such a strong fear, because it was this animal that began to be associated with illness and death.

It should be noted that, contrary to a fairly widespread misconception, although the wolf and a distant relative of the dog, he perceives it only as food.

Is a wolf dangerous to humans?

why wolves howl

People treat these predators differently, but always with admiration. Pictures of wolves howling at the moon now and then appear on clothing or interior items.

Wolves are carriers of various diseases. When an animal becomes infected with rabies, it, unlike other animals that become disoriented and lethargic, becomes aggressive, and it can attack people.

Of course, the wolf is very dangerous, as it can fill up not only an adult, but also a horse. On hunting, the animal always acts with lightning speed and silently.

However, it must be understood that these predators will never attack a person without reason. A wolf kills only for two reasons: in order to feed itself and, according to the instinct of self-preservation, in order to protect itself.

Some people even consider wolves not at all dangerous. There is also a legend about the wolf who raised the child. The boy growled like a wolf cub, jumping on his arms and legs.

Why do wolves howl at the moon

pictures of wolves howling at the moon

Scientists have proved that the predator howls at all not at night. Howl is the most important form of communication between these animals in nature. With it, the wolf maintains the cohesion of the flock, coordinates its actions, defends its territory, transfers important information and finds relatives in unfamiliar territory. A wolf howl lasts no more than 5 seconds, but because of the echo it seems that it sounds for a very long time.

The opinion that the wolf howls precisely at the moon has spread due to the fact that when this happens, the animal always raises its face upward, and on a quiet moonlit night in calm weather, sounds are heard very far.

What is the dream of the wolf

The howling wolf in a dream means anger, deceit and treachery, a strong and dangerous enemy, a quarrel. If you dream of a wolf pack, it’s to loss and damage, the beast caught - to ridicule and disgrace, the killed - to victory over enemies. If in a dream one observes the observation of a wolf with evil eyes, then in reality this means that a person has many ill-wishers, and some experts say that if a wolf howl is heard in a dream, this, among other things, can promise need and loneliness.


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