A beautiful tree is almonds. How does it grow and multiply?

Wild almonds are found on the mountain slopes of the Tien Shan, Kopetdag, Himalayas. It is cultivated in many countries located in the subtropical climate zone. Recently, almond varieties have been developed that are successfully grown in temperate climatic zones. So, what is almond, how does this plant grow and how to care for it? This tree has been grown for several millennia to produce healthy and tasty nuts. And the plant itself is very beautiful and decorative. Almond plant is a tree with a maximum height of 6 meters. Many varieties of almonds are branched shrubs. This species belongs to the Rosaceae family.

Blooming plants look wonderful, completely covered with fragrant pink flowers. Seeing almond blossoms as it grows on the lifeless, stony slopes of the mountains is an unforgettable sight, like a hymn to a resurgent nature. The plant blooms very early. In some areas, flowering begins in late February. Only after flowering leaves begin to bloom on the tree.

The fruit of the tree is a drupe nut, which is up to 6 cm in length. Its shape is oblong-ovate, pointed in its apical part. Walnut has a rather deep longitudinal groove. The surface of the fetus is brownish-gray or greenish, has a velvety pubescence. It is interesting to observe how the almonds ripen, how its fruit grows. The fruit ripening period is June-July.

There are several varieties of almonds. There are plants with very bitter fruits, the bitterness of which is due to the content of a large number of glycosides. In the culture, mainly sweet varieties of almonds are grown. Their nuts are widespread in the food industry, medicine and cosmetology. They contain substances such as protein, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, iron, manganese, vitamins of group E, B.

Almond kernels are used as anti-inflammatory, restorative, wound healing and anti-venom drugs. They are recommended in the same way as a mild laxative. Almonds are able to inhibit the secretion of gastric juice, so they are a promising drug in the treatment of peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract. For a long time, almonds have been used to cleanse the liver, kidneys and spleen. There is evidence that he is able to crush kidney stones. Almond oil is obtained from nuts , which also has beneficial properties. The kernel of the nut weighs 3-6 g, the oil content is up to 70%.

How does almonds breed, how does it grow, and what are the rules for caring for it? The plant has a weakly branched root system, consisting of 3-5 skeletal roots and a small number of fibrous formations. The strong roots of almonds penetrate to a great depth, so the tree is not afraid of drought. This plant can grow on the most infertile soils.

Almonds belong to monoecious plants. It is perfectly pollinated, but you need to grow several trees at once for pollination. Trees bear fruit already in the third year, but full fruiting begins in the eighth year. An adult tree can produce up to 20 kg of nuts. Almonds, the cultivation of which is not difficult, nevertheless has some requirements for heat and light. It can freeze at temperatures below -30 ° C. The plant is very photophilous.

Almonds propagated by seed. Pre-soaked seeds are sown on prepared beds in spring or autumn. Annual seedlings are oculized in July-August. The scheme of planting seedlings: 5x6 m, although it may be more for large varieties. Almonds are planted in late autumn or early spring. Almonds are unpretentious to the soil, but can not stand the proximity of groundwater.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E6984/

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